铁壳战舰 Nemesis III






The intense 强烈的,极度的 anxiety 焦虑 which took possession 所有物 of every one's mind at Canton, on the evening of the expected attack upon our vessels 容器 by the Chinese, as described at the close of the last chapter 章节, has not by any means been exaggerated 夸大. The very uncertainty 不确定 of the plans of the Chinese served to increase the interest felt, and the extreme darkness 黑暗 of the night gave the greatest cause for apprehension 顾虑 of treachery.

During the early part of the evening complete stillness prevailed 战胜; nothing whatever betokened an immediate attack. It was about eleven 十一 o' clock when the alarm 警告 was given. One of the sentries of the Modeste, which was a little in advance of the other vessels,[44] first discovered several large, dark-looking masses dropping down with the stream. Being hailed 冰雹 by the sentry, the Chinese who had charge of them immediately set fire to the combustible materials which they contained. The flames 火焰, bursting 爆裂 forth suddenly, spread the alarm 警告, and pointed out the danger to the other vessels, while it was still remote 远程. There was a general beat to quarters; steam 蒸汽 was rapidly got up on board the Nemesis, the fires having been lighted early in the evening; the anchor was weighed 称重, and, in the short space of NINE MINUTES from the time the alarm was given, the Nemesis was under weigh 称重, and under command of the helm.

The pre‧mature 过早 discovery 发现 of the design, before it was actually commenced 开始, disconcerted 搅乱 the plans of the Chinese, and caused them to set fire to the rafts sooner than had been intended. The derangement of a grand 宏大的 scheme 方案 at its outset 开始 embarrasses 阻碍 all the subsequent 随后的,接着的 details, and is apt 易于 to discourage 不鼓励 all those who are employed to carry them into execution 执行. The moment they cease 停止 to act in concert 音乐会, the failure of every part of the scheme 方案 is certain. Thus, on the present occasion, in consequence 后果 of some of the fire-rafts being ignited 点燃 too soon, the greater part of the rest were not ignited 点燃 at all; so that, out of the immense 极大的 number, about a hundred, which had been prepared, not above ten or a dozen were set on fire or sent send down against our vessels at Canton. Some, however, were sent adrift against the Alligator, at anchor near Howqua's Fort.

These fire-rafts were ingeniously 巧妙 constructed 构造 to effect their object, being composed of boats chained together in twos and threes, so that, drifting 漂移 down with the stream, they might hang across the bows of a ship, so as not to be easily got clear. They were filled with all kinds of combustible materials. Numerous 很多的 junks 破烂 and smaller boats were barely 光秃秃的 seen in the distance higher up the river, said to have a large body of troops 部队 on board, for the purpose of trying to board our ships during the confusion 混乱 which it was expected would take place. But the moment they found that they were likely to meet with a warm reception 招待会, they did their best to get away again as fast as they could.

The Nemesis ran up at full speed towards the fire-rafts, in order to assist 帮助;协助;援助 the boats of the squadron in towing them away.[45] Many of them, however, drifted 漂移 fairly on shore, and set fire to the suburbs 市郊 of the town, causing much greater alarm 警告 to the Chinese than they did to those whom they were designed to annihilate. It was a grand 宏大的 spectacle 场面;眼镜, in the sullen darkness 黑暗 of the night, to see these floating 漂浮 masses of fire drifting 漂移 about the river, and she‧wing 她‧翅膀, by their own reflected light, the panic 恐慌-stricken parties of Chinese who had charge of them, trying to escape towards the shore, which few of them were destined 注定 to reach. Some threw throw themselves over‧board 落水, were carried down the stream, and their struggles were soon ended; others were shot shoot at random 随机 by our musketry, the moment they were discovered by our men, betrayed 背叛 by the light of the fires they had themselves kindled.

So far the Chinese scheme 方案 proved a total failure. Nor was the attempt more successful 成功 upon the Alligator, off Howqua's Fort. The attack was to have been simultaneously 同时 made upon all our ships in different parts of the river, both at Whampoa and at the Bogue; but, owing 欠…债 to some error 错误, or more probably, the pre‧mature 过早 explosion 爆炸 of their plan at Canton, the attack on the Wellesley, at the Bogue, did not take place until nearly mid‧night 午夜 of the 24th, three days after‧ward 之后. It was, however, well concerted 音乐会, and very formidable 强大, as it comprised 包括 a flotilla of little less than twenty 二十 vessels, chained in twos and threes; many of these had gun‧powder 枪‧粉 as well as other combustibles on board. It was not without great exertion of Commander Fletcher and the few officers and men remaining on board (most of them being absent 缺席的 on service under Capt. Maitland, with the advanced squadron) that they were towed clear of the ship, by the only three boats she had left. In no instance was any damage 损害 done to our ships.

But the plan of the Chinese was not limited to their exploits 利用 with fire-rafts. The new batteries 电池 before spoken speak of, as having been erected 直立 by Yih-shan, just above Canton, towards the river side, opened a heavy fire upon our ships, just when it was imagined they would have been embarrassed 阻碍 by the fire-vessels. The artillery 炮兵 now began to roar 咆哮 on both sides, although, owing to the mid‧night 午夜 darkness 黑暗, it was solely 独自 directed by the flashing 使闪光 of each others guns.

The Nemesis had now run so close in shore, that she was able clearly to distinguish, by the light of the batteries 电池 and the reflection 反映 of the fire in the suburbs 市郊, the different Tartar officers rallying 团结 and encouraging their men to fight the guns. The two small vessels which lay lie off the Factories (the Louisa and Aurora) were at one time in imminent 即将来临 danger, as the Chinese had actually brought down to the river side a very large gun, and planted it within good range, to blow them out of the water. They could not be moved until the tide 潮汐 turned; but, by alternately 备用 veering 德维尔 out cable 电线 and shortening 缩短 it in again, so as to alter 改变 the range and balk the Chinese gunners during the darkness 黑暗, they managed to escape with trifling 琐事 damage 损害. In the morning they were moved out of danger with the turn of tide. At intervals 间隔, the firing was kept up until day‧light 日光.

At length, the sun rose rise brightly upon the scene of mid‧night 午夜 encounter 遭遇; and now, the wrecks 破坏;使遇难 of the still burning fire-vessels, the crumbling 崩溃 batteries 电池 on shore, the suburbs 市郊 of the town in flames, the deserted 沙漠;抛弃 river, and some trifling 琐事 damages 损害 on board one or two of our own vessels, bore bear witness to what had happened.

The attack upon the Shameen battery 电池 was now renewed 更新, and it was soon silenced by the fire of the vessels. A few shot and shell were thrown throw into the adjoining suburbs 市郊, where the fire had broken break out; but some of the Chinese soldiers, who had already abandoned 放弃 their guns, when they found that our men did not land immediately to take possession 所有物 of the works, actually returned and fired another round or two from the Shameen battery 电池. They were soon, however, driven drive out, and eight fine large brass 黄铜 guns were captured 捕获.

It was during these operations at Canton, that Capt. Elliot and Capt. Herbert narrowly escaped a very dangerous 危险 accident 意外事件, which might have proved fatal 致命 to many, had it not been fortunately 侥幸的 averted 避免 by the personal 个人 coolness and resolution 解析度 of the captain of the Nemesis. A Congreve rocket 火箭, which had been placed in the proper tube from which it is fired, and had been already ignited 点燃, accidentally 偶然 hung within it, instead of being projected 项目, as intended. In another second it would have burst 爆裂 in the tube itself 本身, and must have killed or wounded 创伤 all those who were standing near it upon the bridge between the paddle-boxes. With instant coolness and presence of mind, Capt. Hall put his arm into the tube and forcibly 强制 pushed it out from behind, although the rush of fire which came out of it burnt burn his hand severely and caused intense 强烈的,极度的 pain. Indeed, it was not done without great personal 个人 risk. It is difficult to calculate 计算 what disastrous 惨重 results might not have followed, had the rocket 火箭 burst 爆裂 in the tube, on board ship.

Just when all opposition 反对 at the Shameen battery 电池 had been over‧come 战胜, an unlooked-for opportunity occurred 发生 of rendering 给予 signal service, by the discovery 发现 of the principal 主要 rendezvous of all the fire-rafts and men-of-war junks 破烂, whose 谁的 place of retreat 撤退 had hitherto 迄今 been concealed 隐藏. Every fresh report had confirmed 确认 the previous 以前 information that preparations 制备 of an extensive 广阔的 kind had been made by the Chinese higher up the river, but it was supposed to be at some place much more distant 遥远的 than was now found to be the case. The first thing which led to the discovery was the suspicious 可疑的 appearance of a large war-junk 破烂, which suddenly came out from behind a point of land some way above the fort. Having fired one or two distant shots, she again withdrew out of sight.

The Nemesis instantly proceeded 继续 in search of the expected prize 奖赏, under the orders of Captain Herbert, who was on board. The junk 破烂 again stole out from her hiding-place, but, the moment she observed the steamer 蒸汽 coming towards her, she made off in all haste 匆忙 up a large creek, which turned round to the north‧ward 北方. About a mile or less within this passage, the whole Chinese fleet 舰队 of war-junks 破烂, fire-rafts, boats, & 功放;c., was suddenly descried, to the number, probably, of more than a hundred.

This was an exciting moment. The Chinese were thrown into the utmost consternation by the sudden approach of the steamer; and the more numerous 很多的 were the junks 破烂 and craft 手艺 of all kinds, the greater was the confusion 混乱 into which they were thrown. Every shot now told upon the confused 使困窘 mass. The Chinese ran most of their boats ashore 岸上, in order to make their own escape; others tried to make their way up the creek, each one striving 努力 to pass the other. Suddenly a small masked 面具 battery 电池 opened fire upon the steamer; but a few round shot, followed by grape 葡萄, drove drive the Chinese from their guns, and served to disperse 分散 a small body of troops 部队, who were drawn draw up in the rear. The water soon became too shallow 浅的 for the steamer to proceed 继续 further, and she, therefore, came to anchor.

Some boats from the Calliope and Herald and other vessels now joined, and, together with the boats of the Nemesis, continued the pursuit 追求, and destroyed or run ashore 岸上 an immense 极大的 number of junks 破烂, fire-rafts, and fishing-boats of every kind.

About fifty 五十 boats were found filled with combustibles, and were joined eight or nine together, having been destined 注定 to drift 漂移 down with the tide 潮汐 upon our vessels. Many of the junks 破烂 had troops 部队 on board, from distant 遥远的 parts of the empire 帝国, intended for the relief of the city.

The scene was extremely animating 活跃; numbers of the Chinese were scrambling 争夺 ashore 岸上, or clinging 依偎 to fragments 分段 of their boats or spars, as they floated 漂浮 about in the water. Some of the junks 破烂 were burnt, and others blown blow up, but the pre‧caution 预防 was taken to examine carefully 小心 every one of them before it was set on fire, in order to rescue 营救 any of the panic 恐慌-stricken Chinese who might be trying to find concealment in it. But, in spite 恶意 of this pre‧caution 预防, the structure 结构体 of the junks 破烂 afforded so many little hiding places for the terrified 惊吓 Chinese, that, as the fires gradually 逐步地 burnt more briskly 轻快, and took more certain effect upon the vessels, several poor fellows were observed to rush up from below, and then, unable 无法 to support the heat upon deck 甲板, to jump desperately 拼命 over‧board 落水. Some of these swam swim easily on shore; others, who could not swim, remained clinging 依偎 to the outside of the junk 破烂, or to the rudder, until the heat became insupportable, or the vessel 容器 itself 本身 blew blow up. In this way, some few necessarily perished, for it was not possible to save them all, owing to the small number of boats employed on our side, and the large number of those destroyed on theirs; besides which, the heat and danger were often too great to be able to approach near enough to render 给予 timely assistance 帮助.

Thus, in the short space of three hours, forty 四十-three war-junks 破烂 were blown up, and thirty 三十-two fire-rafts destroyed, besides smaller boats. Some which had been run ashore 岸上 were left untouched 不变.

This important encounter 遭遇 produced one very valuable 贵重的 result, as it led to the discovery of the most desirable 合意 landing-place for our troops 部队, in the projected 项目 attack on the heights of Canton. This spot was distinctly 历历 seen and remarked upon by the different officers on board the Nemesis, and was particularly noticed by Captain Herbert, in his report of this affair to Sir 先生 Le Fleming Senhouse, written on the very same day. This is not a matter of slight moment, because all allusion 典故 to this circumstance 环境 was omitted 省略 in the public despatch of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse. In Captain Herbert's report, dated on the 22nd of May, on board the Nemesis, that officer, after having described the destruction 破坏 of the numerous boats and fire-rafts, distinctly 历历 said:—"Their wrecks are lining both banks of the river nearly close up to Tsingpoo, the landing-place, from which a good approach appears to lead direct to the north gate of the city wall, not more than four miles distant 3, with dry footing the whole way." He also intimated 亲密 that artillery 炮兵 might probably be brought there. Moreover, while Captain Hall was lying in bed with pain and fever 发热 from his disabled 禁用 hand, the general himself and other officers subsequently 随后的,接着的 came down into his cabin, purposely to make inquiry 调查 concerning the landing-place and the country about it, such as it had been seen from the Nemesis.

On the following day, the 23rd, the Sulphur, under Captain Belcher, having with him the Druid's launch 发射, and several other boats, proceeded 继续 into the same creek in which Captain Herbert had found the landing-place the day before, and destroyed one or two junks 破烂 and rafts which had been left the previous 以前 day, and some others which had returned after their first escape. Five junks 破烂 and thirteen 十三 small boats were destroyed. The practicable landing-place at Tsingpoo was also reported on by that officer, and he added that he got himself hoisted 提升 up to the mast 桅杆-head of a junk 破烂, sextant in hand, to get a look at the country, and observed the enemy encamped on the verge 边缘 of a hill, but that he "had not the slightest doubt that they would have fled, had he advanced towards the hill." As it was, however, he was content with landing at the temple at Tsingpoo, and, throwing into the river the five guns of the little masked 面具 battery 电池 which had opened on the Nemesis the day before, and had been silenced by her fire, but which Captain Herbert had not thought it worth his while to destroy, as the war-junks 破烂 and fire-rafts claimed his more immediate attention.

Captain Belcher hastened 加速 down to the Blenheim the same evening, and reported what he had done to Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, "who," he says, (see Voyage 旅行 of the Sulphur, p. 184 to 187,) "had been sitting up for him, and seemed delighted beyond measure at what he heard."

To return to the Nemesis, as she came back towards the Factories, from the scene of her exploits 利用 at Tsingpoo on the previous 以前 day. The remarks of a gentle‧man 先生 who was at Canton at the time are curious enough. Speaking of what occurred 发生, he says:—"From time to time loud 响亮的 explosions 爆炸 were heard in that direction [Tsingpoo]; dense 稠密 volumes of smoke rose up continually 不断, both black and white, and announced 宣布 some terrible work of destruction 破坏. After some time a general cheer 欢呼 burst forth from all those who were near me, as the Nemesis came in sight, just rounding the corner on her return, towing several boats after her towards the Macao passage. It was an interesting and even ludicrous 滑稽的 sight, as she approached, to observe the boats, as well as the vessel 容器 itself 本身, decked 甲板 out with Chinese flags 旗;石地板, the men exhibiting 展示 their trophies with evident 明显 pride 自尊, some rigged 操纵 out in every variety of Chinese dress, from mandarins down‧ward 向下; some with Chinese caps, and others with Chinese tails, with which a whole boat's crew 全体工作人员;全体船员 were decorated 装饰. It appears that, when they took prisoners 犯人,囚犯, they merely cut off their tails, (a mark of deep disgrace 耻辱 to a Chinaman,) and let them go again about their business."

But the day was by no means ended yet; and, indeed, the business had commenced 开始 so early, (at dawn 黎明,) that even at this time it was little more than eight o' clock. And now comes a scene of a very different kind. I have before stated, that the guard of marines 海洋 had been withdrawn from the Factory 工厂, and the flag 旗;石地板 struck strike on the previous 以前 day. A vast 广大 quantity of property had already been removed 去掉, but much still remained, of consider‧able 大量 value, and much more was supposed to be left behind of still greater importance. All this became an object of longing to the mob 暴民, to say nothing of any natural 自然 feeling of hostility 敌意, which was ready to vent 发泄 itself 本身 upon something or other. Pillage now became the order of the day. It is said even that a party of Chinese soldiers were first sent down expressly to search for arms. Of these they found none; but there were still enough of other things to tempt 引诱 their avarice. They had certainly the first choice of the booty, although the general mob 暴民 speedily 迅速 joined in the general ransack. Several of the officers, or low mandarins, were seen to be quite as busy as the rest of the people, some even carrying away plunder 掠夺 upon their horses, and others who had none sending for them on purpose.

Readers who can picture to themselves the long, gloomy 阴沉 labyrinths of passages, and alleys 胡同, and stair‧case 楼梯, which are comprised 包括 within the piles of buildings called the Factories, can well imagine the terrible scene of riot 暴动, destruction, and pill‧age 丸‧年龄, which was going on; yet, probably, not worse than would have been committed 承诺 by an English mob 暴民 under similar 类似 circumstances 环境; as Bristol, Birmingham, and other places can testify 作证. There was a reckless 鲁莽 destruction of property which could not be removed 去掉, even after every article of furniture 家具 as well as merchandise 商品 had been carried away. Doors and windows were soon disposed 部署 of, and the very stair‧case 楼梯 and stone floorings were broken up and destroyed.

In the Old Company's or British Factory 工厂, the confusion was most terrible, because in it there remained a greater number of valuable 贵重的 objects to destroy. The beautiful 美丽 chandeliers and fine looking-glasses were soon annihilated and carried off piece‧meal 块‧餐; and the noble 高尚的 large marble 大理石 statue 雕像 which stood in the great hall served as an object of especial vengeance 复仇, as if it contained within itself 本身 the very germs 病菌 or symbols 标志,象征 of all the barbarian nations of the earth, and could communicate 通信 to them a portion 一部分;一份 of the insults 侮辱 now heaped upon it as it lay prostrate in the hall.

During the whole day, the same mad 疯狂的 scene of destruction was continued; and whatever still defied 违抗 the hands of the infuriate 激怒 mob 暴民 was at length made to yield to the consuming 消耗 power of fire. Not all the thirteen 十三 Hongs, however, were visited with this terrible pill‧age 丸‧年龄; many of them escaped altogether 全部地, which is some‧what 有些 remark‧able 非凡的;奇异的;引人注目的; but all those situated 位于 between the limits of Hog Lane and a small creek which runs into the river at the other end, were entirely destroyed, except the bare 光秃秃的 walls. Within this space were included the British, together with the Dutch and the Creek Factories, a very fine and extensive 广阔的 range of hand‧some 英俊 buildings.

Towards the close of the day, when the work of destruction was nearly completed, down came, at length, the prefect of the city in person, attended by a large party of police. He now succeeded in driving away the main body of the mob 暴民, and then gave charge of the Factories to the Hong merchants 商人, to whom all the buildings belonged, and who took possession 所有物 of the little that remained, with the assistance 帮助 of a number of their own hired 聘用 labourers, armed for the occasion.

The account given of this day's proceedings 继续 by a highly respect‧able 可敬 American merchant 商人, who imprudently remained behind the night before, is extremely valuable. Without going into minute details, it will suffice 满足 to mention, that Mr. Coolidge was taken prisoner 犯人,囚犯, after being in great danger of being cut down, and was, with many insults, carried into the heart of the city. As he was marched 行军;三月 along, he passed several bodies of soldiers and coolies, or day-labourers, hurrying down towards the Factories, and dragging 拖拽 guns along with them. As soon as he came near the head-quarters of the Tartar general, the crowd and movement 运动 increased; officers of every grade 年级, grooms 马夫 and messengers 信使 on horse‧back 马背, hurrying to and fro 来来往往, executioners and city-guards, together with strange troops 部队 from distant provinces, in every variety of costume 服装—these were all huddled 乱堆 together, and jostled in the greatest bustle 忙碌 and confusion.

After some delay 延迟, he was carried, with every possible insult 侮辱, before the criminal 罪犯 judge, and there, to his horror 恐怖, he discovered several of his countrymen, who had been wounded and captured 捕获 as they were trying to escape in a boat down the river. The sufferings and indignities they now underwent were extreme; nor did their assertion 断言, that they were Americans, prove of much service to them, for they were told that, in that case, they "ought to speak a different language, and wear a different dress."

It is very certain, however, that the Chinese generally at Canton know perfectly well the difference between an American and an Englishman, politically. But, on the other hand, when an Englishman gets into trouble there, he most commonly declares himself to be an American; and how could the Chinese prove that he is not so? But the national 国民 distinction 区别 is perfectly well defined 确定, even in their own language, as is commonly known; the Americans being called the "people of the flowery flag 旗;石地板," from the number of stars on it, while the English were known as the "red people," or "red-haired people," an appellation originally 本来 applied to the Dutch traders 商人.

The American prisoners remained in the condition I have described, exposed 暴露 to every possible suffering in the common prison, for nearly two days, when they were at length turned out, and carried in chairs to the ruined 破坏 Factories, where they were planted among the ruins 破坏, just as if they had been portions 一部分;一份 of the marble 大理石 statue 雕像 which had been destroyed.

It was just at this time that our troops 部队 landed—namely, the Cameronians, under Major Pratt, (as will be presently seen,)—and, of course, every attention was paid to the unhappy 不快乐 sufferers 患者; and, as Mr. Coolidge observes, "I cannot tell you with what feelings of good-will we looked upon every one of those redcoats."

Soon after mid-day, while the work of destruction was going on at the Factories, Captain Elliot and Captain Herbert proceeded 继续 with all speed down to Whampoa, in order to make arrangements 安排 for the hasty advance of the whole force, which was nearly all there assembled 集合, not far from Whampoa. Captain Elliot, however, could not forego 放弃 the pleasure of giving a parting proclamation to the Chinese, even then. He told the people of Canton, "that their city had twice 两次 been spared 节省;多余的;备用件, but that his agreement 协议 with the three commissioners 专员 had now been violated 违反 by them, by the arming of their forts, and by their secret preparations 制备 to attack the English, who were the real protectors 保护者 of the city." He called upon them "to remember the hour of battle, and to consider whether the troops 部队 of the other provinces now among them were not the real scourges of the inhabitants 居民;" and, after a little more in the same compassionate 富于同情心的 strain 压力, he wound 创伤 up by calling upon them "to turn out the commissioners 专员 and their troops 部队 from the city within twelve 十二 hours, otherwise that the English would be obliged 责成 to with‧draw 撤回 their protection from the city, and take military 军事 possession 3 of it, confiscating 没收 all the property to the Queen 女王 of England."

This must have sounded highly gratifying 取悦 to the Chinese; quite in the Oriental style 样式; and it was exceedingly 非常 probable that the mob 暴民 of Canton would have the power, even had they the will, to turn out about twenty 二十 thou‧sand troops 部队, together with the high authorities 权威, all in the twinkling 眨眼 of an eye, by a sort of talismanic "Open sesame!"

The storm 暴风雨 was now gathering thicker and thicker every hour; our forces were all by this time concentrated 集中 within a few short miles of the city; delay 延迟 was no longer possible; and the moment appeared inevitably 必将 come, though long delayed 延迟, when the Chinese authorities 权威 must yield to force, where "reason" and negotiation 谈判 had been tried in vain 徒劳的, and written instruments had failed.


[44] Namely, the Pylades, Algerine, Nemesis, and Louisa cutter.

[45] Boats of the Calliope, Herald, Modeste, Pylades, and Algerine.


vessels 13
destruction 7
distant 5
possession 4
alarm 4
discovery 4
confusion 4
shot 4
tube 4
steamer 4
sent 3
numerous 3
owing 3
tide 3
thrown 3


A few remarks upon the city and neighbourhood of Canton, before which our troops 部队 are now for the first time about to appear, (the previous 以前 operations of the 18th March 行军;三月 having been entirely limited to the naval forces,) will contribute 有助于 to the interest of the subsequent 随后的,接着的 narrative 叙述. The city of Canton, or Kwantung, is situated 位于 upon the northern 北方的 bank of the river usually known by the same name, though sometimes called by Europeans the Pearl 珍珠 river, from its Chinese name, Choo-keang. Its distance from the Bogue is about forty 四十 miles.

The scenery 风景 around the city is extremely diversified 多样化. On the northern and north-eastern 东方的 sides it is commanded by hills, the possession of which by an enemy must, of necessity 必须, place the city at his mercy 宽容. In other directions it presents the aspect 方面 of a low and abundantly 丰富-watered plain, cut up by canals 运河 and little rivers, which serve both for irrigation 灌溉 and for communication 通讯 with the interior 室内. So numerous are they, that in some parts nearly a third part of the whole surface is occupied 占据 by water. The appearance of the country is rich, and at most seasons beautifully 精美 green, being divided into rice-fields and little gardens, with here and there a clump of trees or a small village, or the country residences 住宅 of some of the wealthier 富裕 inhabitants 居民 of the city, to diversify 多样化 the prospect 展望.

About three or four miles to the west‧ward 向西 of the city, and curving round at the foot of the hills which command it, runs the creek or river in which the war-junks 破烂 and fire-rafts had been destroyed by the Nemesis and boats. The excellent landing-place at Tsingpoo, which had been discovered on that occasion, was very conveniently 方便的 situated 位于 for the debarkation of troops 部队 destined 注定 to attack the heights above the city, which are in fact the key to its occupation 占用.

The city and its suburbs 市郊 occupy 占据 the whole space between the hills and the river; the suburbs 市郊, however, being little less extensive than the city itself 本身. The latter is surrounded by a high wall, which has twelve 十二 entrances 入口, and it may be about six or seven miles in circumference. On the south, or river side, a portion 一部分;一份 of the suburbs 市郊 extends down to the water-side; and in the western corner of these are situated 位于 the foreign factories 工厂, and the principal 主要 packhouses of the Hong merchants, which are partly built on piles on the river's bank. On the northern side, the wall rests directly upon the brow 眉头 of the hills; and, indeed, there is a hill of mode‧rate 有节制的 elevation 海拔 actually within the walls, the possession of which would, in fact, give the command of the entire city, and which could have been held by a small force against any troops 部队 the Chinese could bring against it. Another wall divides the city into two unequal 不等 parts, running from east to west, and called the Old and the New City, the latter being much more modern than the former, but differing 不同 from it very little in appearance. The residences 住宅 of all the high officers, the Viceroy, Lieutenant-Governor, Tartar General, and others, together with a public arsenal 兵工厂, are situated 位于 in the Old City; but the moment we got possession of the two forts, called the Dutch and French Follies, we could command the whole of these places, without in any degree end‧anger 危害 the Factories, which are at a consider‧able 大量 distance to the west‧ward 向西, in the suburbs 市郊.

The heights above the city were crowned 王冠 with four strong forts, built principally 原则上 of brick at the upper part, but of stone below. They mounted 增加 altogether 全部地 forty 四十-two guns of various calibre, together with a great number of ginjals and wall-pieces. Between them and the city walls, the distance of which varied 变化 from one hundred and fifty 五十 to two hundred and fifty 五十 paces 步伐,速度, there was an irregular 不规则, and in some parts deep and broken ravine. The hill before described as within the circuit 电路 of the walls was also within range of the heights; and so important was this position after‧ward 之后 considered by Sir Hugh Gough, that he distinctly 历历 declared that, with "this in his possession, he would have been responsible that the city should have been spared, and that not a soldier should have entered the town farther than this fortified 强化 height."

With these few preliminary 初步 observations 意见, we may now return to the point at which our combined naval and military 军事 forces were all concentrated 集中, below Whampoa, on the 22nd and 23rd of March 行军;三月, having sailed 航行;帆 from Hong-Kong on the 18th and 19th of that month.

An important general order was now issued by Sir Hugh Gough, preparatory 预备 to the advance of our troops 部队 upon Canton. It betokened the true feeling which animated 活跃 the expedition 远征; and, while it goes far to refute 反驳 the belief that wanton cruelty 残酷 was inflicted 造成 upon the Chinese, it does honour to the expedition 远征, as primâ facie evidence 证据 of the forbearance with which our power was exercised. After first alluding 暗示 to the novelty 新奇 of the Chinese system of war‧fare to the British soldier, as one making up in cunning 狡猾 and artifice what it lacks in discipline 训练, and, after recommending extreme caution 小心 against surprise and stratagem, and, above all, the observance of the strictest 严格的 discipline, Sir Hugh Gough proceeds 继续 to remind his soldiers that "Great Britain had gained as much fame by her clemency and forbearance as by the gallantry of her troops 部队. An enemy in arms is always a legitimate 合法 foe 敌人; but the unarmed, or the supplicant for mercy 宽容, of whatever country or whatever colour, a true British soldier will always spare 节省;多余的;备用件." Such was in reality 现实 the feeling which animated 活跃 the whole expedition 远征, although the desultory attacks of the Chinese, and the refusal 拒绝 of many of them to surrender 投降 when all further resistance 抵抗 was use‧less 无用, sometimes occasioned a loss of life which was to be deplored 痛惜, but which could not be prevented.

The channel 渠道 through which our forces were now about to advance upon Canton was one which had been not long before examined for the first time, one may even say discovered, by Mr. Browne, the master of the Calliope; Lieut. Kellett, of the Starling; Mr. Johnson, the master of the Conway, and other officers. It came to be called Browne's Passage, although Mr. Browne himself called it the "main branch of the Canton river." It runs to the south‧ward 南方‧病房 of French Island, towards the Macao passage, and is a much more important branch of the river than that which runs along the northern side of that island, which was first explored in the Nemesis by Captain Herbert and Captain Elliot, and along which our vessels had proceeded 继续 to the attack of the Macao Fort, as before described.[46]

In Captain Herbert's report to Sir Gordon Bremer, in the middle of March, referring to some of these passages, he stated that "boats from the Calliope, Herald, Hyacinth, Sulphur, and Starling, had, on several occasions, explored the channels 渠道 in the south branch of the river, from Danes' Island upwards 向上, and that they had found a safe and deep passage for vessels drawing six‧teen 十六 feet water up to the city of Canton, except two bars, which it required high water to pass." Mr. Browne and Lieut. Kellett, with the boats, had proceeded 继续 along the channel 渠道 between Danes' and French Islands, and then entered the passage, which runs along the southern 南部的 side of the latter.

The Chinese had commenced 开始 preparations 制备 for the defence of these channels 渠道 at several points; there was a battery 电池 of ten guns, another of four‧teen 十四, and one of four guns, in the passage between the two islands, or French River, which was too small for ships to pass through it. Other batteries 电池 were also found in the so-called Browne's Passage, one of which was calculated 计算 to mount 增加 thirty 三十-seven guns. Indeed, in all the branches of the river, batteries 电池 were found, some partially 部分, some completely, finished. At one of these, a little above the last mentioned, there were not less than forty 四十 guns ready for mounting 增加, newly 最近,新近 cast, and with quite new carriages 运输. But the Chinese offered no resistance 抵抗; and, on one occasion, Lieutenant Kellett invited the mandarin in charge of one of these forts to come and break‧fast 早餐 with him, presuming 假设 that he had more appetite 食欲 for food than for fighting.

Mr. Browne and Mr. Johnson made a good rough survey 调查 of the whole of this important channel 渠道, in which there was found to be depth of water sufficient 足够 for our largest transports 运输, to the distance of about ten miles. Even a line-of-battle ship, the Blenheim, was carried up nearly as far as the transports 运输; and hence 因此 the beginning of the passage along the southern 南部的 bank of Danes' Island obtained 获得 the name of the Blenheim Reach. It is here that our largest merchant 商人 ships have since usually anchored.

The 23rd of May was occupied 占据 in completing the necessary preparations 制备 for the conveyance of our troops 部队, marines 海洋, small-arm men, and camp-followers 信徒, up to the city of Canton; but it was not until noon 正午 of the 24th that our forces could commence 开始 their advance. In the mean‧time 其时, Captain Belcher had been directed to collect as many Chinese boats as possible higher up the river, and to send them down with the tide 3. Gradually 逐步地 they had been dropping down from the direction of the city, until, at length, there were enough collected for the conveyance of two thou‧sand men, besides camp-followers 信徒, stores, and mat 席子ériel of all kinds. At the same time, with a view to embarrass 阻碍 the Chinese as much as possible, orders had been given that all the native 本土的 trading-boats should be detained 扣留, and that all the salt-junks 破烂 should be stopped. In the course of a few days, no less than one hundred and forty 四十-one trading-junks 破烂, of every description, were brought-to, and detained 扣留 in the neighbourhood of Napier's Fort, and at the Naval Arsenal below the city; they comprised 包括 little less than ten thou‧sand tons of shipping, manned by about one thou‧sand one hundred Chinese sailors 水手. The sudden stop‧page 停止‧页 of this consider‧able 大量 trade could not fail to make a deep impression 印象 upon the whole people of Canton. No injury, however, was done to any of the trading-vessels, which were all suffered to depart 离开 without further mole‧station 痣‧站, the moment the authorities 权威 of the city had agreed to Captain Elliot's terms.

Before our troops 部队 finally advanced upon Canton, Sir Hugh Gough and Sir Le Fleming Senhouse went up in person, to make a careful 小心 reconnoissance, and particularly with a view to assure 向…保证;肯定地说 themselves of the practicability of the landing-place at Tsingpoo.

At length, soon after noon 正午 on the 24th, every preparation 制备 for the advance was completed.

The troops 部队 were all embarked 从事 in two columns, of which the right was destined 注定 to hold the Factories, and was taken up in the Atalanta steamer. It merely consisted 组成 of the 26th Cameronians, less than three hundred strong, together with an officer and twenty 二十 men of the Madras Artillery, with one six-pounder gun, and one five and a half-inch mortar 砂浆. Thirty sappers, with an officer of engineers, were also attached 连接 to it; it was under the command of Major Pratt, of the 26th regiment. The left column comprised 包括 the main body of the force, which was destined 注定 to carry the heights above the city, being divided into four brigades. An account of these will be given in its proper place.

To the Nemesis was entrusted 委托 the charge and the honour of carrying or towing up the whole of this column, together with the camp-followers 信徒 and attend‧ant 服务员 of every description, (in this instance reduced to the smallest possible number,) which always accompany our troops 部队 in the East. The enormous 巨大 flotilla of boats, including, of course, those belonging to the men-of-war, necessarily retarded 减速 the progress of the steamer very much, particularly in the more intricate 错综复杂 parts of the river. As she advanced, numerous boats from our ships were picked up, until their number could not have been less than from seventy 七十 to eighty 八十; hanging on behind each other, and following in the wake of the long, low steamer. It was altogether 全部地 a very animating 活跃 scene. The numerous flags, the motley appearance of the boats, the glitter 闪光 of the arms and accoutrements, and the various uniforms 制服 of the men, produced a very exciting spectacle 场面;眼镜.

On board the Nemesis were the 49th regiment; together with Major-General Sir Hugh Gough and his staff, Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, and Captain Elliot, accompanied by Mr. Morrison. Captain Bourchier, who was to command the naval brigade, and several other officers, were also on board. The decks 甲板 of the steamer were crowded. Slowly and steadily she advanced, dragging after her the long tail of boats, a more numerous flotilla than any steamer had yet towed.

The Chinese must have been perfectly well informed of the approach of the force; and, had they not been already panic 恐慌-struck by the lessons 教训 they had so recently received, they might have occasioned great annoyance 恼怒, and perhaps loss, to our troops 部队, exposed 暴露 as they were in boats, by firing on them from the banks of the river, in places were they would have been themselves under cover. No opposition 反对 of any kind, however, was offered.

In the mean‧time 其时, the Atalanta reached her destination 目的地 at the factories more expeditiously, and the right column was landed before five o' clock, without opposition; when Major Pratt immediately set about strengthening 加强 his post, and making the necessary dispositions 性格, either for defensive 防御性 or offensive 进攻 operations, as circumstances 环境 might require.

It was now that the unfortunate 不幸的 Americans were discovered, in the wretched 不幸的人 plight 困境 before described, in the midst 中间 of the ruins of the factories, in which they had been turned loose, as it were, like beasts 野兽, after the indignities they had suffered.

It was just dusk 黄昏 when the left column, towed by the Nemesis, reached the destined 注定 point of debarkation at Tsingpoo, where the Sulphur was already at anchor. By this time it was too late in the day to do more than land the 49th regiment. This was easily effected, as they could walk on shore directly out of the steamer, without the necessity 必须 of using boats, or causing any delay whatever. Here, again, as in so many other instances, the advantage of this description of steamer was clearly shewn.

During the rest of the evening of the 24th, and in the night, the guns, ammunition 弹药, and stores were also landed, but the remainder of the force did not disembark until the following morning. As soon as the 49th were landed, they took possession of a large temple, or so called joss-house, near the landing-place. The general lost no time in making an extended reconnoissance as soon as he had landed, under an escort 护送 of the 49th.

From a rising ground grind at no great distance, a general view of the enemy's positions could be gained. It was now evident 明显 that they had already taken the alarm 4, and they threw up some of their small harm‧less 无害 rockets 火箭 by way of signal, to shew that they were on the alert 警报, but made no movement 运动 in advance. Sir Hugh Gough was in reality 现实 at this time perfectly unacquainted with the nature of the country he would have to pass over on the following day, as well as of the difficulties he might have to encounter 遭遇; but, with the utmost confidence 信心 in the steadiness and perfect discipline of the little force under his command, he felt assured 向…保证;肯定地说 that no difficulties could check them. Neither could the amount of the enemy's force be at all ascertained 探明, respecting which there were various conjectures 推测, probably in most instances exaggerated 夸大.

The Chinese system of war‧fare had not yet been experienced and it was, in fact, the first time that European troops 部队 were about to under‧take 承担 operations in China, beyond the cover of our ships. The Chinese had been known to declare that, if they could get us away from our ships, they had full confidence 信心 that they would be able to beat us in fair fight ashore 岸上. They were now soon to have an opportunity of putting their prowess 实力 to the test. This was the first occasion on which a British general officer had commanded in China; and it was the first opportunity which that general had ever had of witnessing the gallantry of British seamen and marines 海洋 in service on shore, and of bearing testimony 见证 to their steadiness and discipline, and to the value of their co-operation. He after‧ward 之后 expressed himself in general orders, in reference to the naval brigade under Captain Bourchier, to the effect "that it would always be a matter of proud recollection 回忆 to him that he had had them under his orders."

While our troops 部队 had thus advanced upon Canton on the 24th, Captain Herbert, who was stationed at Whampoa with the Calliope, Conway, Herald, and Alligator, was directed to push up the river with the flood 洪水-tide, with such vessels as could proceed 继续, or with the boats of the ships, by the direct, or Whampoa passage, and endeavour to secure 安全 the naval arsenal 兵工厂 opposite the city. It was left to his own judgment 判断 to attack the French fort below the city, or not, according to circumstances 环境.

At the same time, another part of our force, consisting 组成 of the Hyacinth, Modeste, Cruiser, and Columbine, had taken up a position near the factories, under Captain Warren, who had been directed to secure 安全 the Dutch fort, and to use his own judgment 判断 as to an attack upon any other of the defences which were known to have been recently constructed 构造. The possession of the Dutch and French forts would give us complete command of the river front of the city, and of the palaces of the high authorities 权威.

Captain Herbert lost no time in pushing up the river, with the boats and marines 海洋 of the ships before mentioned; while Captain Warren, having ordered the Nimrod and Pylades to attack the Shameen Fort, (which had been re-armed by the Chinese) proceeded 继续 to place the Hyacinth, under his own command, abreast of the factories, in order to cover the landing of the 26th regiment from the Atalanta.

In the mean‧time 其时, the Modeste, Cruiser, and Columbine, took up a position to attack the Dutch Folly if necessary; but it was found to be unarmed.

As soon as the 26th regiment had landed at the factory, the Atalanta and Algerine (which had now joined the squadron) were ordered to move down the river as far as possible. The Atalanta unfortunately 不幸 took the ground, where she remained for several days, and was got off with difficulty. The Algerine, drawing but little water, was able to go over the reef, which is abreast of the Dutch fort, with a strong ebb 落潮-tide. She then took up her berth 泊位 between the Dutch and French Follies, and only one hundred and fifty 五十 yards distant from a heavy sand battery 电池, which she engaged 从事 single-handed, none of the other vessels being able to come up to her support. The battery 电池 mounted eleven 十一 very heavy guns, and the Algerine was frequently hit. The pinnaces of the Hyacinth and Modeste were sent to help to shift 转移 her berth 泊位, but this was impossible, owing to the strength of the tide. Lieutenant Mason, who commanded the brig, with instant determination 决心 now pushed off in his gig 演出, and, accompanied by the two pinnaces, dashed 短跑 ashore 岸上 and carried the battery 电池 with great gallantry, but not without meeting with strong resistance, in which Mr. Fitzgerald, of the Modeste, fell fall mortally 凡人 wounded, together with one seaman 水手 killed, and four‧teen 十四 seamen and marines 海洋 wounded. Some of the Chinese guns were ten and a half inch.

Captain Herbert and Captain Bethune endeavoured to push up from Howqua's Folly at sunset 日落, but were stopped by a shot from the French Folly, which went through Captain Herbert's boat, and the heaviness of the fire compelled 迫使 the boats to take shelter under a point of land for some hours, so that they were not able to reach the brig until two o'clock 3, A.M. During the night several fire-rafts were sent adrift, but were towed clear without doing any mischief 恶作剧. Thus ended the 24th of May, and our forces, both naval and military 军事, might already be said to hold Canton at their mercy 宽容.

A few words more will suffice 满足 to complete the description of all the naval operations before Canton, before we turn to the military 军事 part of them.

No time was lost on the following morning in securing 安全 the arsenal 兵工厂, in which were found nearly a dozen large war-junks 破烂 upon the stocks, and a great many row boats. There were also twelve 十二 large war-junks 破烂 just finished, lying at anchor off the arsenal 兵工厂.

Having, made a reconnoissance of the French fort, and the other defences on that side, Captain Herbert resolved 解决 to carry it without loss of time. The Modeste was the only vessel 容器 except the Algerine which could be got across the bar at the Dutch Folly, and that not without great difficulty, having been warped over the reef at high water. The Atalanta was still aground; and the guns of the Algerine not being sufficiently 充分地 heavy, Captain Herbert ordered shell-guns to be fitted in three of the captured 捕获 war-junks 破烂, to assist 帮助;协助;援助 in the attack upon the French Folly.

The gun-junks 破烂 were placed under the direction of Lieutenants Haskell and Hay 干草, and, together with the Modeste and Algerine, opened upon the French fort and the long line of works connected 连接 with it on the morning of the 26th. The Chinese soon began to give way, and Captain Bethune immediately landed with the storming 暴风雨 party, and gallantly carried the works. There were altogether 3 sixty 六十-four guns, some of large calibre, four being ten and a half inch. Thus the whole of the river defences of Canton were at length in our possession, at the same time that the heights above the city had been carried by our troops 部队 under Sir Hugh Gough, as will be next described.[47]


[46] See the accompanying map 地图 of the Canton river.

[47] The following concise 简洁 description is taken from the personal 个人 remarks of several who were present, and from public documents 文件.


sir 10
possession 7
factories 7
steamer 7
vessels 5
northern 4
numerous 4
discipline 4
tide 4
march 3
mercy 3
altogether 3
resistance 3
meantime 3
necessity 2


It will be remembered that the twenty 二十-sixth regiment, together with a few of the Madras artillery 炮兵, and sappers and miners 矿工 were posted at the Factories, and, therefore, took no part in the engagements 订婚 on the heights on the 25th, although they joined the head-quarters after‧ward 之后. The whole force actually engaged 从事 on that day, under Sir Hugh Gough, including the marines 海洋 and the naval brigade, amounted to very nearly two thou‧sand four hundred men. But the actual number of bayonets in the field was only about one thou‧sand five hundred. The artillery 炮兵 comprised 包括 a body of four hundred men, with four 12-pounder howitzers, four 9-pounder field-guns, and two 6-pounder guns; also three five and a half inch mortars 砂浆, and one hundred and fifty 五十-two 32-pounder rockets 火箭.

The naval brigade, commanded by Captain Bourchier, comprised 包括 four hundred and three small-arm men; so that, when added to the marines 海洋, it is evident 明显 that full one-third of the force employed on the heights was supplied by the different ships of the squadron—viz., eight hundred and eleven 十一 men. In proportion 比例 as these were withdrawn from their respective 各自 ships, the duty to be performed by those who remained on board became the more severe.

Sir Le Fleming Senhouse entrusted 委托 the command of the naval brigade to Captain Bourchier, as it was the express wish of Sir Hugh Gough that the senior 前辈 naval officer should join his staff, and remain at his side through‧out 始终 the day, instead of leading the brigade in person. It was divided into two battalions, one led by Captain Maitland of the Wellesley, and the other by Commander Barlow of the Nimrod. The whole force was divided into four brigades, and was directed to move left in front. The details given below will render 给予 further comment 评论 unnecessary 不必要.[48]

At day‧light 日光, on the morning of the 25th, the whole of the troops 部队 were landed. The Nemesis, Sulphur, and Starling, remained at anchor close to Tsingpoo; and small detachments 分离 of the 18th and 49th regiments, and of the 37th M.N.I., amounting altogether to between seventy 七十 and eighty 八十 men, were left posted at the temple before described, in order to secure 安全 the landing, and prevent any attempt at surprise on the part of the Chinese. This pre‧caution 预防 after‧ward 之后 proved to have been very judicious.

From a hill a little above the landing-place, a good view of the enemy's positions could be obtained 获得; and, a little beyond that, a line of hills led directly up towards the rear of the forts above the city, at the distance of between three and four miles. The ground was irregular 不规则, and much broken by hollows 空的, partially 部分 cultivated 耕作 and laid out in rice-grounds. The labour of dragging the guns was, therefore, very great; and, indeed, two of the twelve 十二-pounder howitzers, and two of the nine-pounder guns, were not got into position upon the heights until the following day. The other two, however, and also the six-pounders, together with the rocket 火箭-battery 电池, were brought up with the troops 部队.

Of the four forts, two were situated 位于 not far from each other, near the north-western angle of the city walls, on which side is the hill which is enclosed 围起来 within the walls, and which, in the event of the capture 捕获 of the city itself 本身, it was the intention of Sir Hugh Gough to occupy 占据 strongly, as being the key to the possession of the whole city. The other two forts, which might be called theeastern 东方的 forts, were situated 位于 upon the heights, at some distance to the east‧ward 东方的 of the other forts, nearly facing the centre of the city wall. One of these was some way in advance of the other.

The weather was extremely sultry during the whole of the 25th, which much fatigued 疲劳 the men before the close of the day, and laid the foundation 基础 for sickness 疾病, to which many after‧ward 之后 fell victims 受害者. The troops 部队 were directed to advance along the brow 眉头 of the hills in echelon of columns; and, as soon as the artillery 炮兵 could be got up, the guns opened upon the two western forts which were nearest, and from which the Chinese had already commenced 开始 a spirited fire. They also threatened an attack upon the right, by large columns, which appeared to debouch from the western suburbs 市郊.

Our attack upon the two western forts was entrusted 委托 entirely to the naval brigade, under cover of the guns and rockets 火箭; and, at the same time, the left brigade, under Lieutenant-Colonel Morris, was to advance and carry the nearest of the twoeastern 东方的 forts (which was also the rear‧most 后‧最 in relation to the town); while the first brigade, under Major-General Burrell, having carried a hill in their front, upon which a body of Chinese were posted, and which flanked 侧翼 the advance of the left brigade, was to push on and carry the principal 主要 eastern 3 fort, cutting off the communication 通讯 between the two, at the same moment when the 49th made their attack upon the nearest fort.

As the two brigades advanced together, there was some little rivalry 竞争 (the strictest discipline being preserved) between the 49th and 18th regiments, as to which should have the honour of commencing 开始 the attack upon the two forts. The 49th, having the advantage of a shorter and perhaps rather better road, got the lead, which they maintained 保持, so that the left brigade carried BOTH the eastern forts before the 18th came up, and with little loss.

The two western forts were at the same time gallantly carried by the brigade of seamen, who were exposed 暴露 to a heavy fire of ginjals, wall-pieces, and matchlocks, from the city walls, by which they suffered some loss.

Thus, in the space of little more than half an hour from the time the advance was sounded, the heights which over‧look 俯瞰 the city were in our possession, and the British flag 旗;石地板 waved in triumph 胜利 upon all the forts which commanded the city. The Chinese seemed little inclined 倾斜 to come to close quarters as our troops 部队 advanced, and they were soon driven out of the forts, making the best of their way down the hills in confusion.

While our troops 部队 were thus engaged 从事 upon the heights, the Chinese threatened an attack upon the landing-place at Tsingpoo. Their object might have been either to endeavour to cut off the retreat 撤退 of our troops 部队 from the heights, or else to get possession of the stores, & 功放;c., which had been left behind. A consider‧able 大量 body of the Chinese sallied out of the western gate of the city, from which a narrow, irregular 不规则 cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法, led down to the landing-place at Tsingpoo.

This movement 运动 being immediately observed from the heights, orders were sent down by Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, at the suggestion 建议 of Sir Hugh Gough, for some of the officers of the vessels at anchor there to land with their men, and assist 帮助;协助;援助 in the defence of the place. These orders were delivered to Captain Hall by an officer of the Blenheim, sent on purpose. Preparations had already been made on board with this object, and Captain Hall lost no time in landing with half his crew 全体工作人员;全体船员, the other half remaining at quarters on board, under Lieutenant Pedder. There were twenty 二十-eight men and two officers (besides Captain Hall) from the Nemesis; about four‧teen 十四 men and two officers from the Sulphur; and eighteen 十八 men and two officers from the Blonde; altogether sixty 六十 men and seven officers.[49]

Having landed and formed, they immediately joined the small body of troops 部队 which had been stationed at the joss-house to protect the guns, stores, & 功放;c., which had been left behind. They were commanded by Lieutenant Grant 发放, of the 49th, and consisted 组成 of thirty 三十 men of that regiment, thirty 三十 of the 18th, under Lieutenant Cockburn, and four‧teen 十四 of the 37th M.N.I., under Ensign Anquitelle. Lieutenant Grant 发放 had got his men under arms the moment the alarm 5 was given, and, perceiving 认为 a body of about two hundred and fifty 五十 Chinese skirmishers advancing in extended order, he moved out to meet them; when within about fifty 五十 yards, he poured 淋;倒 in a smart 聪明 fire, by which many of them were killed, and drove them back upon their main body, who were drawn up in close column, about four hundred strong, (regular troops 部队,) behind a bridge some distance off, upon which they had planted three field-pieces. The blue jackets 衣服 having joined, Captain Hall instantly led the way, at the head of his own men, directly down the cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法, towards the bridge; and, under cover of an excellent fire from the Nemesis and Starling, the whole column attacked the Chinese in front, and were received with an ill 生病-directed fire of grape 葡萄 and curious rocket 火箭 arrows 箭头;矢, by which two men were slightly hit.

The Chinese were driven from their guns, and endeavoured to rally 团结 behind some houses in their rear, but they soon made a hasty retreat 撤退 towards the town, closely pursued 追求, for some distance, by our men. But it was not thought prudent 谨慎 to follow them within range of the ginjals upon the city walls, as no good purpose could be effected by it, and some loss might have been suffered. About thirty 三十 of the enemy were supposed to have been killed and wounded. The three field-pieces were spiked: and the houses near the bridge, in which a quantity of military 军事 stores were found, were set on fire.

It is worthy 值得 of notice that this little spirited affair, although officially reported to Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, was never specially mentioned in any of the public despatches—an omission 省略 which at that time created some surprise.

To return to our movements 运动 upon the heights. During the greater part of the day, a spirited fire was kept up from the city walls by guns, ginjals, and matchlocks; which made it necessary to keep the men under cover as much as possible.

In the rear, and a little to the east‧ward 东方的 of the forts occupied 占据 by the 18th and 49th, was a high hill which, in fact, was the key to the whole position, but it was not fortified 强化. There was, however, a large joss-house upon the top of it, which was occupied 占据 by a detachment 分离 of the 49th regiment. Upon the low ground to the east‧ward 东方的 of this hill, and between it and a large entrenched 巩固 camp, situated 位于 upon rising ground close to the suburbs 市郊, was a village occupied 占据 by Chinese troops 部队. Frequent communications 通讯 were passing between it and the entrenched 巩固 camp, in which there appeared to be not less than three or four thou‧sand men. The enemy were soon dislodged from the village by the 49th, and dispositions 性格 were made by Sir Hugh Gough to carry the entrenched 巩固 camp by assault 突击. Several high officers had been observed to pass out of the city on their way to this camp, and it was evident 明显 that some fresh attack was projected 项目. The 18th were therefore ordered down from the heights to rein‧force 加强 the detachment 分离 of the 49th, together with a few marines 海洋, and Major-General Burrell was directed to carry the encampment, the only approach to which was along a narrow cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法. A heavy fire was opened upon them from guns and ginjals upon the north-eastern face of the city walls, to which the men were unavoidably 不免 exposed 暴露 as they advanced. The Chinese seemed to have got the precise 精确 range of the cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法, and some loss was suffered in consequence 后果. But the enemy were soon driven gallantly out of the camp, and fled in disorder 混乱 across the country. The buildings were then destroyed, together with several magazines 杂志, and the force then returned to the heights.

The day was now far advanced, and the men were much fatigued 疲劳 with the oppressive 压抑 heat. The steep 陡峭的 and broken nature of the approach to the heights had made it impossible to get up the heavy guns and ammunition 弹药 until the following day. The assault 突击 of the city was therefore deferred 延缓; but Sir Hugh Gough, having made a careful 小心 reconnoissance of the walls and gates, determined to carry them on the following day, while the panic 恐慌 of the Chinese was still at its height.

On the morning of the 26th, all was apparently 据…所知;看来;据说;听说 quiet within the city, except that numbers of people were issuing out of the gates, which were removed 去掉 from the scene of action, hastening 加速 to carry away with them all the valuable property which could be easily transported 运输. Our troops 部队 were early under arms, but no further operations against the city could be undertaken until the ammunition 弹药 and the heavy guns could be brought up.

The weather in the morning did not look auspicious, and before the day was half over, rain began to fall in torrents 激流. Few Chinese appeared upon the walls of the city; and at length, soon after ten o'clock, a flag 3 of truce 休战 was displayed 显示 from the walls. It is remark‧able 非凡的;奇异的;引人注目的 how perfectly well the value of the white flag was remembered (as before noticed by Capt. Elliot) when‧ever 随时 the Chinese wished to negotiate 谈判, or to induce 促使 us to suspend 暂停 our operations; although they thought proper to slight it whenever it suited 套房 their purpose. Shortly after‧ward 之后 the general deputed Mr. Thom, who was attached 连接 to him as interpreter 翻译,弄清含义, to advance and ascertain 探明 what the Chinese desired. A mandarin, distinguished by a red button 按钮, now stated that they wished to propose terms of peace, with a view to spare 节省;多余的;备用件 the city, and that in the mean‧time 其时 there should be a suspension 悬挂 of hostilities 敌意. It was replied, that the general could treat with no other officer than the Chinese commander 命令-in-chief, his equal in rank 排列; that the British forces had come before Canton much against the wishes of the English nation, but were compelled 迫使 to do so owing to the insults offered to the British subjects, and the bad faith of the Chinese high officers; that they might, therefore, address their requests to Capt. Elliot, who was with the advanced squadron in the river before the city; and that two or three hours would be allowed for them to communicate 通信 with that officer, and also to arrange an interview 访问 between the English and the Tartar general; but that if within that period no satisfactory communication 通讯 should be received, the white flag would be struck.

These overtures, on the part of the Chinese, led to no immediate result. Sir Hugh Gough waited more than four hours before the white flag was struck, and even then the Chinese did not lower theirs.

During the remainder of the day, and in the course of the night, by the unwearied exertions of the Royal 王国的 and Madras Artillery, assisted 帮助;协助;援助 by the Sappers and Miners, all the guns and ammunition 弹药 were got up, except one 12-pounder howitzer, the carriage 运输 of which had been disabled 禁用. During the whole of this time, the rain fell heavily 很大,沉重地, which much increased the necessary labour, and added to the privations of the men, who either bivouacked or were partially 部分 sheltered, as best they could.

The truce 休战, if it could be so called, was of some use to us, as it gave time for the completion of all the preparations 制备 for the assault 突击, which was to have taken place at eight o'clock on the following morning. Our batteries 电池 were to have opened at seven o'clock, and it was expected that the parapet of the walls, which was high, would have been reduced by the concentrated 集中 fire of our guns. The walls were not less than twenty 二十-eight to thirty 三十 feet high, and were separated from the heights, from which they were in some parts less than two hundred paces distant, by an intervening 干预 glen.

The broken nature of the ground was peculiarly 奇怪的 favourable for the several attacks which were designed; and as soon as a lodgment had been made upon the walls, the different columns of attack were to unite, and make a rush at the fortified 强化 hill, which, as before described, was situated 位于 within the walls, and commanded the interior 室内 of the city. The attack was to have been made in four columns, of which the right, consisting 组成 of the royal 王国的 marines 海洋, under Capt. Ellis, was to blow open the north gate with powder bags; but if that attempt failed, they were to escalade a circular 圆形的 work thrown up as a defence to that gate. The second column, composed of the blue jackets, under Capt. Bourchier, were to escalade the wall a little beyond the circular work, where its height was not so great, under cover of musketry. At the same time, the 18th Royal Irish, under Lieut.-Colonel Adams, were to escalade the wall close to the seven-storied pagoda, under cover of our batteries 电池 on the heights above. The assault 突击 was also to be covered by the Bengal volunteers 志愿者, and part of the Madras 87th N.I. Further to the left, the 49th, under Lieut.-Col. Morris, were directed to carry a sort of bastion in front, and within range of the largest and nearest of the forts upon the heights, of which we had got possession the day before. Sir Hugh Gough's principal 主要 object would then have been to occupy 占据 the fortified 强化 hill within the walls, upon which a heavy fire of shells and rockets 火箭 was to have been kept up during the assault 突击 of the walls.

Every arrangement 安排 was thus made which could ensure 确保 the certain and speedy 迅速 capture 捕获 of the city, with little loss on our side. What then must have been the chagrin and disappointment 失望 of the general and all his officers, when, soon after six o'clock, just as the final 最后 orders were given, and the batteries 电池 were about to open, a letter from Capt. Elliot was put into the general's hands, which announced 宣布 to him that a truce 休战 had been agreed to, and that further operations must therefore be suspended 暂停. It barely arrived in time to stop the assault 突击 of the city, which was on the point of being commenced 开始. Under these circumstances 环境, as Sir Hugh Gough observed, "whatever might be my sentiments 情绪 or feelings, it was my duty to acquiesce, and therefore the attack was countermanded, and the feelings of the Chinese were spared." To this he added that he had no means of judging of the policy of the measure.

If any further doubt upon the subject remained, it was finally set at rest by the arrival 到达 of Capt. Elliot in person at the camp, about noon 正午. From that moment all idea of further hostile 敌对 operations against the city was abandoned 放弃.

Shortly before Capt. Elliot's arrival 到达, Sir Hugh Gough had held a short conference 会议, accompanied by Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, with the Tartar General in person, outside the walls, in a tent 帐篷 pitched 沥青 for the purpose. The result was of little importance, as it was already known that terms had been negotiated 谈判 by Capt. Elliot.

It could not be doubted that both Sir Hugh Gough and Sir Le Fleming Senhouse were exceedingly 非常 averse to granting 发放 any terms to the Chinese until our troops 部队 should have got possession of the city, and established 建立 themselves upon the fortified 强化 hill within the walls, which would have secured 安全 our troops 部队 against any possible surprise or treachery, and would have exercised a salutary moral effect upon the government, without causing any wanton damage to the town or annoyance 恼怒 to the people. In fact, it could not have failed to humble 谦逊的 the pride 自尊 of the Chinese, when they knew that a large garrison 驻军 of foreign soldiers had made themselves masters of one of the principal 主要 cities in the empire 帝国, supposed to contain nearly a million of inhabitants 居民.

Various stories were current concerning the mode 方式 in which the ransom 赎金 of the city was first proposed. One of the most credited 信用 accounts was that the Hong merchants were ordered by the authorities 权威 to go and make terms for the ransom 赎金 of the town, in some way or other, under pain of severe displeasure or punishment 惩罚. It was said that they were authorized 授权 to go as far as ten millions of dollars, if a less sum would not suffice 满足; but on no account to return without effecting the object. They must have known that they would themselves have to pay the greater part of the amount, and naturally 自然地 wished to make the best bar‧gain 讨价还价;交易 they could.

It is said that in the first instance they pulled along side one of our men-of-war, and offered three millions for the ransom 赎金 of the city. As they evidently 明显地 appeared to be in a hurry to make a bargain of some sort or other, they were told that a much larger sum would be required. Four millions were then proposed, and then five millions; and at length, in great trepidation, and with many protestations of poverty 贫穷, they raised the offer to six millions. In the first instance they were scarcely 缺乏的 thought to be in earnest 热心的, but as the thing now really looked serious, they were directed to go and confer 授予 with Capt. Elliot. It was not difficult to persuade 说服 him to grant 发放 a truce 休战 until twelve 十二 o'clock the following day, the 27th; and, in the intervening 干预 time, terms were definitively 明确 agreed upon.

The twenty 二十-four hours' truce 休战, in the first instance, was quite unknown 未知 to Sir Hugh Gough, to whom an officer of the navy 海军 had been sent in the afternoon to convey 传达 the information; but having missed his way, and wandered 漫步 all night, he only reached the head quarters, as before stated, within half an hour of the time the batteries 电池 were to open. The fact of the truce 休战 having been granted 发放 was now sufficient 足够 to account for the Chinese having continued to display 显示 the white flag from the walls the preceding 优于 day, after it had been lowered by Sir Hugh Gough upon the heights.

As it had been stipulated 规定 that the Tartar troops 部队 should leave the city and retire to a distance of sixty 六十 miles from it, a conference 会议 was held on the 28th between Sir Hugh Gough and the prefect of the city, in order to make arrangements 安排 for the evacuation 疏散 of Canton. It was now ascertained 探明 that the force amounted to no less than forty 四十-five thou‧sand men from distant provinces, besides those troops 部队 which belonged to the province itself 本身.

The Tartar soldiers were allowed to march out with their arms and baggage 行李, but without displaying 显示 their banners 旗帜, and without music.

So far then the authorities 权威 appeared to have perfect control over the people of the city, and over the troops 部队 belonging to other provinces which formed the garrison 驻军. But beyond the city it was not so easy for them to exercise the same degree of authority 权威, particularly as regarded the armed peasants. For some time the peasantry of the province, particularly in the neighbourhood of the city, had been encouraged to form themselves into societies, or patriotic 爱国的 bands, as they were called, for mutual 相互 defence against the foreigners 外国人. They constituted 构成,组成,被视作 a sort of rude 粗鲁的 military 军事; but having inexperienced 缺乏经验 leaders 领导 and no discipline, they were calculated, if once their passions 激情,热情;强烈情感 were roused 唤醒, to become much more trouble‧some 麻烦 to the province itself 本身 than they were formidable 强大 to the enemy. They were imperfectly 不完善 armed, every man according to his own taste, with spears, swords, a few matchlocks, and shields. With perfect ignorance 无知 of military 军事 affairs, and without any knowledge of the resources 资源 of the enemy they were to encounter 遭遇, they believed that, by mere force of numbers, and a show of courage 勇气 at a distance, they could effect that which even their regular Tartars had been totally unable 无法 to accomplish 完成;实现;达到;做到. Yet they were held up to the nation at large by the government as models of patriotism 爱国主义 and self 自己-devotion 忠诚; and so impressed 给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩 were they with the high value of their proffered services, that they really believed the high officers had betrayed 背叛 their trust in acceding to Captain Elliot's terms for the ransom 赎金 of the city; and that the anxiety 焦虑 of the inhabitants 居民 to save their own property had induced 促使 them to make unreasonable 不合理 concessions 让步, at the very moment when they (the patriots 爱国者) were advancing to exterminate their enemies by falling upon their rear.

It is, therefore, not surprising that, two days after the city had been ransomed 赎金—namely, on the 29th, a consider‧able 大量 body of these men began to collect upon the heights, about three or four miles in the rear of our positions. Their numbers continued to increase through‧out 始终 the day, and Sir Hugh Gough, being fully 充分 prepared to expect some act of treachery or bad faith under cover of a flag of truce 休战, directed Major-General Burrell to take charge of our positions, and to hold every man in readiness 准备就绪 to repel 击退 any attack from the city, while he himself advanced in person to meet and disperse 分散 the enemy, who now shewed themselves.

The 26th regiment, under Major Pratt, which had occupied 占据 the factories until the 27th, had been brought up to Tsingpoo by the Nemesis on that day, and had joined Sir Hugh Gough upon the heights. The force which the general now took with him comprised 包括 that regiment, the 49th, except one company left at the joss-house on the heights, the 37th, M.N.I., and the company of Bengal Volunteers, supported by the Royal Marines. These two latter were to be held in reserve, so as to be in readiness 准备就绪 to return towards the heights, and act upon the flank 侧翼, should any attack be made from the town during the absence 缺席 of so large a portion 一部分;一份 of our force.

The Chinese had descended 下来 from the heights in the rear upon which they had first appeared, and had taken up rather a strong position behind an embankment along the bed of a stream; they appeared to number about four thou‧sand men. The 26th regiment, which had not yet been engaged 从事, supported by the 37th M.N.I., were ordered to advance and drive them from this position, which they effected without any loss. Like most irregular 不规则 troops 部队, the Chinese patriots 爱国者 could not act together in a body, but took to flight 飞行, throwing away their spears as soon as a well directed fire was opened upon them. They attempted to rally 团结 for a moment at a sort of military 军事 post in their rear, but they did not make a stand. The buildings were immediately destroyed, together with a magazine 杂志, which was unexpectedly 不料 found in the adjoining village. The Chinese retreated 撤退 to the heights upon which they had first appeared.

Sir Hugh Gough, having then directed the 49th and Bengal Volunteers to fall back upon our original 原版的 position upon the heights, remained to watch in person the movements 运动 of the Chinese, with the 26th and the 37th M.N.I., amounting together to between five hundred and six hundred men.

The heat of the sun this day was excessive 过度的; it was so sultry that both officers and men suffered great exhaustion 衰竭, and Major Beecher, the deputy quarter‧master 四分之一‧主人;硕士-general, whose 谁的 exertions had been unremitting through‧out 始终 the previous 以前 days, fell down and almost immediately expired 到期; several other officers also fell sick. Within two or three hours after the first repulse of the Chinese, they again collected upon the heights in greater numbers than before, fresh bodies of them having now come up with banners 旗帜, & 功放;c., amounting to from seven thou‧sand to eight thou‧sand men.

Captain Knowles of the artillery 炮兵, who had been ordered to bring up some rockets 火箭, now threw them with great precision 精确 among the Chinese, but without being able to disperse 分散 them; indeed, they appeared determined to shew a bold 胆大的;醒目的 front; and the general, therefore, directed Major Pratt, with the 26th, to attack a large body of them who had descended from the heights to some rice-fields on his left. Captain Duff, with the 37th M.N.I., supported by the Bengal Volunteers, was also directed to advance and disperse 分散 a large body in his front, who had attempted to reoccupy the military 军事 post which had been already burnt; they were then to push forward towards the hills, and clear them of the enemy.

These manœuvres were executed 执行 with complete success, the Chinese being dispersed 分散 at all points. The 37th M.N.I., however, pushed on rather further than had been intended, and got separated from the Bengal Volunteers. Captain Duff had, however, detached 分离 a company to open his communication 通讯 with the 26th, who were at some distance on his left. But the day was now far advanced, and the thunder 雷声- storm 暴风雨, the approach of which had been surely indicated 表明 by the extreme sultriness and oppressive 压抑 heat of the morning, now burst upon them with inconceivable fury 愤怒. The rain also descended in such torrents 激流 that the firelocks got wet and scarcely a single musket would go off. The 26th were, in consequence 后果, frequently compelled 迫使 to charge with the bayonet, for the Chinese, who hovered 徘徊 about them, seeing that they could not use their firelocks, came boldly 胆大的;醒目的 up to attack them with their long spears, which are formidable 强大 from their length. After several repulses, the Chinese at length withdrew, and our troops 部队 were directed to return to their positions.

It was on this occasion, and in the midst 中间 of this terrific 了不起 storm, in the dusk 黄昏 of evening, that the gallant conduct 进行 and steadiness of the company of the 37th M.N.I., which, as before stated, had been detached 分离 to open a communication 通讯 with the 26th, on their left, saved them from total destruction, and won win for them the praise 赞扬 of all military 军事 men. The story has been so often told, and with so little variation 变异 in its details, that it is scarcely necessary to repeat it; a few words will do justice to their gallantry. The detached 分离 company having missed the road during the storm, did not succeed in joining the 26th, who, in the meantime 4, had, in fact, retired. Their muskets were found completely use‧less 无用, owing to the wet, which emboldened the Chinese to attack their rear with their long spears, as they had done the 26th. They were soon surrounded; and one or two of the men were pulled over with a long crooked 弯曲 spear, something in the shape of a small reaping 收割-hook, fixed upon a long pole. The musket of one of the men who had fallen fall was picked up by the Chinese, the powder being so damp 微湿的 in the pan 平底锅 that it would not go off with the flint and steel. The Chinese soldier, however, deliberately 故意 placed the musket to his shoulder, and, taking steady aim at one of the officers, Mr. Berkeley, applied his match to the damp powder, which ignited 点燃, and the musket went off, and unfortunately 不幸 wounded Mr. Berkeley in the arm.

The gallant little company of Sepoys were now moved to some rising ground, where they could better defend themselves. For a moment, the rain ceased 停止; and then with the utmost difficulty they were enabled 启用 to get a few muskets off, with unerring effect upon the dense 稠密 mass of Chinese who surrounded them. But for‧tune 命运 was determined to pro‧long 延长 their trial still. The rain again descended in torrents 激流, just as they had begun their retreat 撤退; and the Chinese, taking fresh courage 勇气, resumed 恢复 their attacks. Nothing now remained but to form a square, and stand true to each other, until the morning dawned 黎明, and enabled 启用 them to fight their way through the enemy.

The absence 缺席 of this company, when all the rest of the force was concentrated 集中, caused great anxiety concerning their fate 命运. It was rightly attributed 特性;特质;属性 to the severity 严重 of the storm, but it was feared that they might possibly have been cut off by the Chinese.

Without loss of time, Sir Hugh Gough ordered up two companies of marines 海洋, who were comparatively 比较 fresh, and armed with percussion muskets, to return with Captain Duff in search of the missing company. As they advanced they fired an occasional 偶然 shot, as a signal to their comrades 同志 of their approach, and to animate 活跃 their spirits. At length, an occasional 偶然 shot was heard ahead of them, and they soon after‧ward 之后 came up with the missing company, drawn up in a square, surrounded by thou‧sand of Chinese. A couple of volleys 齐射 sent into the midst 中间 of the confused crowd, by the unerring percussion-muskets[50] of the marines 海洋, accompanied by a loud 响亮的 "hurra," dispersed 分散 them with great loss, and they fled in confusion.

The generals own words will best do justice to this little incident 事件:—"The Sepoys," says he, "in this critical 危急 situation, nobly 高尚的 upheld the high character of the native 本土的 army, by unshrinking discipline, and cheerful 快乐 obedience 遵守, and I feel that the expression of my best thanks is due to Lieutenants Hadfield and Devereux, and Ensign Berkeley, who zealously supported them during this trying scene."

They did not, however, escape without some loss, as one private was killed, and one officer and four‧teen 十四 men were severely wounded.

This open hostility 敌意 of the Chinese, during the operation of a truce 休战, could not be permitted to continue; and, moreover, it was evident 明显 that no good purpose could be attained 达到 by merely dispersing 分散 these irregular 不规则 bodies of the Chinese. Accordingly, on the following morning, the 31st, the general sent to inform the Kwang-chow-foo, or prefect, that if these hostile 敌对 demonstrations 展示 were continued, he should be under the necessity of at once hauling 运输 down the flag of truce 休战, and of recommencing hostilities 敌意 against the city. In the course of the day, before any further arrangements 安排 had been made with the prefect, who promised to come and meet the general and Captain Elliot under the walls, the Chinese again collected upon the hills, displaying 显示 their banners 旗帜, & 功放;c., and firing off their guns. Detached parties were also thrown in advance, as if they had some design of communicating 通信 with the Tartar troops 部队, who, to the number of 7000, had already marched out of the city, and were still moving.

In the afternoon, the number of Chinese had still further increased, upon the same hills upon which they had appeared the day before. At length, the prefect arrived, and assured the general that the movements 运动 of these peasants were quite without the knowledge or sanction 制裁 of the authorities 权威, and that he would immediately send off an officer of rank 排列 to order them to disperse 分散 to their homes. It was agreed that one of our own officers should also accompany him, to endeavour to effect this object by their joint efforts; and Captain Moore, of the 34th Bengal N.I., volunteered 志愿者 to under‧take 承担 this hazardous 危险 and responsible duty. Some treachery might possibly have been intended, although, as there was reason to believe, without the sanction 制裁 of the prefect, who was personally 亲自, at that time, completely in our power. These irregular 不规则 bodies were at length induced 促使 to disperse 分散, and no further collision 碰撞 took place.[51]

During all the operations upon the heights, the greater part of the wounded were brought down and put on board the Nemesis, where they received every attention from the surgeon 外科医生 of the vessel 3, and particularly from Mr. Peter Young, who was then on board merely as a volunteer 志愿者. The Nemesis was employed to convey 传达 them daily to their respective 各自 ships and transports 运输. The total number of casualties 受害者 amounted to fifteen 十五 killed, and one hundred and twelve 十二 wounded; among the latter were no less than fifteen 十五 officers.[52] The Chinese must have suffered very severely, as almost every shot told upon their heavy masses.

Upon the heights of Canton forty 四十-nine guns were captured 捕获, besides a great number of ginjals. But if we reckon 估计 all the guns taken and destroyed in the Canton river and its numerous branches, from Chuenpee to Canton, they will be found to amount to not less than twelve 十二 hundred pieces, besides ginjals, & 功放;c.

The resources 资源 of the Chinese seemed end‧less 无穷, and the rapidity with which they erected 直立 batteries 电池 and field-works was not a little remark‧able 非凡的;奇异的;引人注目的. It cannot be said that they yielded without first making the most strenuous 费劲 efforts to defend all the approaches to Canton; and they were rather wanting in skill, and the knowledge of the best mode of applying their abundant 丰富 resources 资源, than in courage or determination 决心 to resist 抵抗. The Chinese are cap‧able of becoming a formidable 强大 enemy, and we cannot forget that, like the Russians, who were once so easily conquered 征服, they may soon learn the art of war from their conquerors, and become formidable 强大 from the experience which their first disasters 灾难,大祸 taught teach them.

On the 31st of May, nearly 18,000 Tartars had marched out of Canton, according to the terms agreed on. Five million dollars had also been paid, and security 安全 given for the other million which was still to be paid. Preparations were therefore made, at the request of Captain Elliot, for the re-embarkation of our forces, and their withdrawal 退出 from before Canton. With the assistance 帮助 of eight hundred Chinese labourers, who were furnished for the purpose by the prefect, the guns, ammunition 弹药, and stores were brought down to Tsingpoo on the morning of the 1st of June, under a strong escort 护送; and the British flag having been lowered in the forts upon the heights, the whole of our force was re-embarked 从事 in the afternoon, under the superintendence of Captain Bourchier and Captain Maitland.

Sir Hugh Gough particularly noticed the absence of excess 超过 of every kind which distinguished the men during the eight days they were on shore. Although placed in situations where temptation 诱惑 was abundant 丰富, only two instances of drunkenness occurred 发生 during the whole period.

The treaty 条约, or perhaps rather the truce 休战, which had been made, by no means implied 意味着 the conclusion 结论 of peace between the two nations; it had reference solely 独自 to the city and river of Canton, the whole of the forts and defences of which were to be restored 修复;使复位;使复职 to the Chinese as soon as the ransom 赎金 had been paid; it was, however, stipulated 规定 that they were not to be re-armed "until affairs between the two countries should be finally settled." Accordingly, as soon as our forces, both military 军事 and naval, had been again concentrated 集中 at Hong-Kong, preparations 制备 were immediately recommenced for the resumption 恢复 of the projected 项目 expedition 远征 against Amoy.



25TH OF MAY, 1841.




All other




ranks 排列.

Left Brigade, under Lieutenant-Colonel Morris.

H.M. 49th Regiment, commanded by Major Stephens




37th Madras Native Infantry, Captain Duff

{European 11}




{Native 4}

Company of Bengal Volunteers, Captain Mee

{European 2}




{Native 2}










Third, or Artillery Brigade, under Captain Knowles, R.A.

Royal Artillery, commanded by Lieutenant Spencer




Madras Artillery, commanded by Captain Anstruther




Sappers and Miners, commanded by Captain Cotton













Second, or Naval Brigade, under Captain Bourchier.

1st Battalion, Captain Maitland



172}   403

2nd Battalion, Commander Barlow













First (right) Brigade, under Major-General Burrell.

18th Royal Irish, Lieut.-Colonel Adams




Royal Marines, Captain Ellis

















Total, Officers



——, Other ranks




Grand total



N.B.—It is to be remarked that the company of Bengal Volunteers, comprising 包括 one hundred and twelve 十二 men, had only two European officers.

[49] Names of officers:—Captain Hall, Mr. Whitehurst, and Mr. Gaunt, Nemesis; Mr. Goss and Mr. Hooper, H.M.S. Sulphur; Mr. Holland and Mr. Lambert, H.M.S. Blonde.

[50] Only two of the percussion-muskets of the marines 海洋 missed fire, although they had been loaded two or three days before, without having been discharged 卸货 since. The men belonged principally 原则上 to the Blenheim, under Lieutenant Whiting.

[51] It is impossible for us to know exactly what communication 通讯 was made by the Chinese officer, to the heads of these patriotic 爱国的 bands, but it was thought that the people did not with‧draw 撤回 altogether owing to the conviction 定罪 that their efforts would be use‧less 无用 against us, but because they were bound 必定;跳 to obey 服从 the orders of the prefect. At the same time, they really believed that they had been betrayed 背叛 by their own authorities 权威, and were ready to unite again whenever occasion offered with some confidence of success.

[52] Lieut. C. Fox, R.N., and Mr. Kendall had each a leg shot off; the former died.


sir 24
flag 9
royal 7
ground 5
possession 5
eastern 5
sent 5
wounded 5
clock 5
fell 4
descended 4
storm 4
shot 4
native 4
altogether 3


In the first week in June, all our ships of war and transports 运输 had left the Canton River, and were again assembled 集合 at Hong-Kong. All the forts from Chuenpee upwards 向上 had been restored to the Chinese, without any other stipulation except that all those below Whampoa should be suffered to remain in statu quo.

The emperor 皇帝 seems to have been much displeased with the latter part of this agreement 协议; and, in reply to the memorial 纪念馆 of Yih-shan upon the subject, his majesty 威严 directed that "secret means of defence should be prepared as soon as the foreign ships had withdrawn from the river, and that they were then to build new and strong forts, and repair 修理 the old ones." On our side, however, nothing of this kind was permitted below Whampoa; so that, until the ratifications 批准 of the treaty 条约 of peace had been actually exchanged, the whole of the defences of the Bogue remained in the same dilapidated state in which they were left when our squadron quitted 放弃 the river in June, 1841.

Sickness had already begun to prevail 战胜 among our troops 部队 before they had reached Hong-Kong. The eight days' exposure 经受 which they had endured 忍受 upon the heights of Canton sowed the seeds of ague and dysentery, which proved far more formidable 强大 energies 能源 to us than any troops 部队 the Chinese could bring against us. After the lapse 失误 of a few days, and when the excitement 激动 of active operations on shore, and the cheering 欢呼 influence of hope and novelty 新奇 had sub‧side 塌陷, the sickness 疾病 spread among the men with alarming 警告 rapidity, so that, at length, out of our small force, no less than eleven 十一 hundred men were upon the sick-list at Hong-Kong. Part of this alarming state of things must be attributed certainly to the pernicious influence of the atmosphere 大气层 of Hong-Kong itself 本身 at that season of the year. But every allowance 津贴;补贴 must be made for the exposure 经受 which the men had undergone at Canton, and for the susceptibility 感受性 of constitution 宪法 produced by long confinement 坐月子 on board ship. The germs 病菌 of disease were planted in their bodies before the men returned to the harbour of Hong-Kong; and, therefore, an undue 过度的 stress 强调 was laid at the time upon the unhealthiness of Hong-Kong itself 本身. It is worth while here to mention, that the three imperial 帝国 commissioners 专员 laid particular stress 强调 upon the known unhealthiness of the neighbourhood of Canton at that season, as a ground for the impossibility 不可能的事 of keeping any large body of troops 部队 long together; and it happened, remark‧able 非凡的;奇异的;引人注目的 enough, that two of the high officers died as nearly as possible at the same time—one on the part of the Chinese, and one on our side. Lung-Wan, one of the imperial 帝国 commissioners 专员, died of fever 发热 at Canton about the middle of June; and Sir Le Fleming Senhouse, the senior 前辈 naval officer, also died of fever at Hong-Kong on the 13th of that month.

Sir Le Fleming Senhouse had partaken of all the privations of the troops 部队 on shore, and exposed 暴露 himself on every occasion in which his zeal 热情 and example could serve the cause. He was, moreover, undoubtedly 无疑 chagrined at the unlooked-for termination 终止 of his labours by a truce 休战, the provisions 规定 of which, right or wrong, scarcely accorded with his own views of the exigencies of the moment. All these causes combined, acting upon a not over-strong constitution 宪法, sufficed 满足 to hurry him by sickness 疾病 to his grave 坟墓;严重的. On the 17th, his remains were removed 去掉 to Macao, according to a wish which he had expressed before his death, as if he retained 保留 a lurking 匿伏 doubt whether Hong-Kong would not some day or other be restored to the Chinese. The Nemesis was employed upon this melancholy 愁绪 occasion, to carry over his remains. At Macao, the body of the gallant veteran 老将 was buried 埋葬, with all the honours due to his rank, in the English burial 葬礼-ground.

The loss of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse and other officers, as well as a good many men, and the prevailing 战胜 sickness 疾病 on board all the vessels of war and transports 运输, at length threw a gloom 愁云 over the whole expedition 远征, which was hardly to be relieved 解除 until the expected movement 运动 upon Amoy should take place: this was accordingly 于是 looked forward to with great anxiety.

The island of Hong-Kong, which was originally 本来 ceded 放弃 to us by the terms of our treaty 条约 with Keshen, but, in consequence 后果 of the disallowance of that treaty 条约 by the emperor 皇帝, was after‧ward 之后 only held by us by right of occupancy 占用 during the progress of hostilities 敌意, was at length confirmed 确认 as a possession of the crown 王冠 of Great Britain by the ratification 批准 of the treaty 条约 of Nankin. It was pro‧claim 宣布 as a part of the British empire 帝国, and, together with its dependencies 依赖, erected 直立 into a separate colony, on the 26th of June, 1843, under the designation 指定 of the "Colony of Hong-Kong."

It is difficult to ascertain 探明 what are the actual dependencies 依赖 of Hong-Kong. They, probably, include all the small islands immediately adjacent to it, particularly on its southern 南部的 side; but whether Lamma Island is comprised 包括 in them or not, we have little means of judging. In the proclamation, dated at its capital town, Victoria, and published 发布 by the authority 权威 of Sir Henry Pottinger, the colony is said to be situated 位于 between twenty 二十-two degrees, nine minutes, and twenty 二十-two degrees, twenty 二十-one minutes, north latitude 纬度, which would give it an extent of twelve 十二 miles from north to south; so that Lamma Island, as well as the smaller adjacent islands, would appear to be included in the dependencies 依赖. The extent of the colony from east to west is not distinctly 历历 laid down, as only one meridian of longitude is given-namely, 114° 18' east longitude from Greenwich.

The position assigned 分配 to the island of Hong-Kong in the maps 地图 is, probably, incorrect 不正确, as it does not coincide 重合 with that laid down by Sir Henry Pottinger in the proclamation. The greatest length of the island itself 本身 is from east to west—namely, eight miles; but the breadth 宽度 is extremely irregular 不规则, varying 变化 from six miles to about two miles only.[53]

The present capital, Victoria, extends for a consider‧able 大量 distance along its northern shore, and, from the nature of the ground, has of necessity been, built in a very extended, straggling manner. The distance across to the main‧land 大陆 of China, if it can be so called, (for part of the opposite coast is probably an island,) varies 变化 consider‧able 相当. The breadth 宽度 of the Lyemoon Passage to the east‧ward 东方的 is little more than a quarter of a mile, but from the town to the nearest point opposite to it is about a mile and a quarter, while the greatest breadth is upwards 向上 of four miles.

The roads of Hong-Kong and the Bay of Victoria form an excellent anchor‧age 锚‧年龄, having deep water very near the shore, and only one small shoal having six‧teen 十六 feet water upon it. There are, however, two disadvantages 坏处 under which it labours: it is exposed 暴露 to the full fury 愤怒 of the typhoons whenever they occur 发生; and the high mountains of Hong-Kong intercept 截距 the genial breezes 微风 of the south-west monsoon during the hot season, when a movement 运动 in the atmosphere 大气层 is most necessary, not only to mode‧rate 有节制的 the sultry summer heat of a tropical 热带 climate 气候, but to dissipate 消散 the unhealthy 不良 vapours which are gene‧rate 生成 after the heavy rains which occur 发生, particularly during the night, at that season.

In other respects, the lake-like appearance of the harbour is beautiful 美丽; it forms a sort of basin, lying between the mountains of Hong-Kong and the mountains of the main‧land 大陆 opposite. For this reason, however, the rains which fall are sometimes excessively 过度的 heavy: the dark, threatening clouds seem banded across from one side to the other, pouring 淋;倒 down their waters in torrents 激流 upon the basin between them. The mountain sides of Hong-Kong, steep 陡峭的 though they are, occasionally 偶尔,间或;有时 appear almost covered with a sheet of moving water, so torrent 激流-like do the streams pour 淋;倒 down their declivities. To this succeeds the burning, tropical 热带 sun of July, with a sort of death-like stillness in the atmosphere 大气层, which, little influenced as it is on that side of the island by the south-west monsoon, cannot fail, if it last long without any change, to produce fever 3 and sickness 疾病.

Almost all tropical 热带 countries are occasionally 偶尔,间或;有时 subject to these visitations; but, as a proof 证明 that Hong-Kong is not always exposed 暴露 to them, I may be permitted to mention that a gentle‧man 先生 who was once at anchor there, in company with a fleet 舰队 of full fifty 五十 sail 航行;帆 of merchant ships during a period of nine months, including the whole summer season, declared that he observed no prevailing 战胜 fever or sickness 疾病 of any kind.

The extremely barren 荒芜 appearance of nearly all the islands at the mouth of the Canton River, the deep and rugged 小块地毯 furrows which seem to plough up their mountain sides, the exposed 暴露, rocky 岩石 surface of their summits 首脑, and the absence of soil, except in sheltered spots or hollows, seem at once to point out that they are situated 位于 within the influence of hurricanes 飓风 and tropical 热带 rains. In this respect, the contrast 对比 between this part of China and the Chusan Islands to the north‧ward 北方, is very remark‧able 非凡的;奇异的;引人注目的. The latter look as rich and inviting, both near and at a distance, as the former appear inhospitable and barren 荒芜. In the one case, there is an industrious and thriving 兴旺 population, who contrive 图谋 to cultivate 耕作 the surface of the mountains, frequently to their very summits 首脑, with the greatest care and nicety; in the other case, there is a hardy 耐寒 and adventurous 爱冒险的 population of fishermen, smugglers 走私者, and pirates 海盗; the unwilling 不甘 soil is only cultivated in scattered 散落 patches 补丁, and the villages are few, and comparatively 比较 of mean appearance.



1 West Point Barracks
2 West Point Battery
3 Chinese Bazaars—and Market
4 Chief Magistrate, and Police Office
5 Harbour Master
6 Governor's Residence
7 Barracks
8 Bazaars
9 Artillery Barracks
10 East Battery
11 Hospital—Military 军事
12 Cemetery
13 Seamen's Hospital
14 Morrison Education Society
15 Tower and Guard
16 }
17 } Military 军事 Stations
18 }

The southern 南部的 side of the island of Hong-Kong was visited by Capt. Hall, in the squadron which conveyed 传达 Lord Amherst's embassy 大使馆 to China in 1816; and it is, therefore, worth while to repeat here the observations 意见 of Dr. Clarke Abel Smith upon that occasion. The bay in which the vessels anchored was near the village of Shekpywan, and was then called Hong-Kong Sound. It was described as "being formed by several small islands, by which it is land-locked on every side, and of which Hong-Kong is the principal 主要." "As seen from the deck 甲板," says Dr. Smith, "this island was chiefly remarkable 4 for its high, conical mountains rising in the centre, and for a beautiful 美丽 cascade 级联, which rolled over a fine blue rock into the sea."

This was in the beginning of July. The rocks on that side of the island were found approaching to basalt in compactness of structure 结构体. In ascending the principal 主要 mountain which was near, he followed the course of a delightful 愉快 stream, which rises near its summit 首脑; and was much struck with the extreme barrenness of the surface of the mountain, and, indeed, of every part of the island which he was able to visit. "Yet, at a distance," says he, "it appears fertile, from the abundance 丰富 of fern 蕨类, which I believe to be the polypodium trichotomum, [of Kæmpfer,] which supplies the place of other plants."

By the side of the stream, however, he found several interesting plants. Among them the Beckia chinensis; myrtus tomentosus in abundance 丰富, and in full flower; melastoma quinquenervia; and several orchideous plants, of which he could not determine the varieties. There were a great number of ferns 蕨类, but not a single moss 苔藓 of any description. He adds that he was unable 无法 to reach the summit 首脑 of the mountain, in consequence 后果 of the excessive 过度的 heat, which, at eight a.m., raised the thermometer to 83° in the shade 遮阳;阴, while the sun's rays 光束, to which he was necessarily exposed 暴露, darted through an unclouded atmosphere 大气层 with an almost intolerable 无法忍受 effect, and raised the mercury to 120°.

On his way down from the mountain, he followed a path which led over a small hill, or rather mound, differing 不同 in structure 结构体 from the rocks in its neighbourhood, being composed of very friable stone, of red‧dish 红色的‧盘 white colour, much resembling 类似 disintegrated 瓦解 felspar. He describes the scenery 风景 of the island as composed of barren 荒芜 rocks, deep ravines, and mountain torrents 激流, with few characters of a picturesque 如画 kind. The only inhabitants 居民 he saw were some poor weather-beaten beat fishermen spreading their nets, and drying the produce of their toils 辛劳, on the rocks which supported their miserable 悲惨的 huts 小屋. Its cultivation 教养 corresponded 对应 with the apparent 清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的 state and number of its population. Patches of rice 3, small plantations 种植园 of yams, and a little buck 降压-wheat 小麦, were all their visible 可以看见的;可视的 means of vegetable 蔬菜 support.

As regards the anchor‧age 锚‧年龄 itself 本身, at what he calls Hong-Kong Sound, naval men described it as affording admirable 令人钦佩 shelter for ships of any burden 负荷,重负.

Such, then, is all the information acquired 获得 at that time concerning a portion 3 of the southern 南部的 side of Hong-Kong. Little was it then thought, that this very island would, in a few years, become a part of the British empire 3.

The description given above of the general aspect 方面 of Hong-Kong, may be considered as tolerably correct, but, by the increase of its population since that period, and more particularly, after it became a place of resort 度假胜地 for our ships, even before the close of the war, the general appearance of the island gradually 逐步地 improved, and the population became augmented 增加. At the time we took possession of the island, there was little to tempt 引诱 us to make a settlement 沉降 there, except the excellent anchor‧age 锚‧年龄 on its northern side, having a passage in and out at either end, its proximity 接近 to the mouth of the Canton river, and the difficulty of finding any more suit‧able 适当 place for our purpose.

At the eastern end of Hong-Kong there are capital stone-quarries 采石场, which are worked with skill and facility 设施 by Chinese labourers, so that building is much facilitated 促进; water is also abundant 丰富 and generally good. A long range of mountains stretches from one end of the island to the other, of which, the highest point, called Victoria Peak, is about two thou‧sand feet above the level of the sea; and, at the foot of the very mountain, part of the town of Victoria (and it would seem also its most unhealthy 不良 part,) is built. Now, as this range of rugged mountains extends from east to west, the harbour, and consequently 所以 the principal 主要 part of the town and places of business lying upon its northern side, it is self 自己-evident 明显 that the influence of the south-west monsoon, which prevails 战胜 during the summer months, and is then most required to dissipate 消散 the vapours gene‧rate 生成 out of the earth by a tropical 热带 sun, can scarcely ever be felt on the northern side of the mountains. It has even been remarked, that in all parts of China, places so situated 位于 as to be sheltered from the influence of the south winds during the summer season, are sure to be unhealthy 不良.

The mere temperature of a place, as shewn by the thermometer, is neither an index 指数 to its unhealthiness or otherwise, nor to the actual sensations 感觉 produced by it upon the human body. For instance, at Singapore, which is situated 位于 only about seventy 七十 miles from the equator, the heat is not felt to be excessive 过度的, nor is sickness 疾病 prevalent 流行 during any season of the year. Yet rain falls constantly 总是;经常地,不断地 during the night, the grass looks beautifully 精美 green even in the hottest season, and when pine‧apple 菠萝 are to be seen growing wild in the hedges 树篱, and coming to perfection 完美. But Singapore is entirely open to the south‧ward 南方‧病房, and its atmosphere 大气层 is agitated 激荡 and its vapours dissipated 消散, by the refreshing 使恢复 sea-breezes 微风 which constantly pass over it.

The mean temperature of the month of July last, (1843,) at Hong-Kong, was 88°, the lowest was 84°, and the highest 92°. Hence 因此 it appears, that the difference of temperature between day and night, is much less than might be expected; in fact, the lowest temperature was only four degrees below the average temperature of the whole month. On one occasion only, it rose to 92° during the middle of the day, and once only, fell to 84° during the night.

But, if the town of Victoria is deprived 剥夺 of the advantage of the south-west breezes 微风 during the hot season, it is fully 充分 exposed 暴露 to the influence of the north-east monsoon during the winter months. The sudden change which takes place sometimes in a few hours, in the months of October and November, is severely felt. In the beginning of December, I have felt the cold breezes 微风 from the north‧ward 北方 far more piercing 刺穿 than the hardest frost in the still atmosphere 大气层 of northern regions 地区, because the change is sudden. Hence 因此, the practice among the Chinese, of putting on a success‧ion 演替 of warm coats, or wadded pelisses, or taking them off one by one, according as the temperature changes, is the only safe course for Europeans to adopt. In fact, all those who visit Hong-Kong, or take up a lengthened 延长 residence 住宅 there, must be provided with clothing adapted 改变;适应于 to the extremes of temperature, and be cautious 小心的 not to defer 延缓 the changes of costume 服装 too long; they should rather err on the side of too much than too little clothing.

Now I am upon the subject of the unhealthiness of Hong-Kong generally, (to which subject, however, I shall again revert 还原,) I cannot omit 省略 to mention that the sickness 疾病 has by no means been limited to those who resided 居住 on shore, but has to a very great extent afflicted 折磨 those also who remained on board ship. Nor did it diminish 减少 so rapidly as had been expected, (during the past year, 1843,) as the season advanced and the temperature diminished 减少. On the contrary 相反, after being in a great measure arrested 逮捕 at the commencement 开始 of November, it seemed to acquire 获得 fresh virulence towards the latter end of that month. A private letter, dated November 3rd, says, "The men-of-war are reducing their sick lists. The Cornwallis has now only one hundred and four; the other day she had one hundred and sixty 六十 under the doctor's hands." Another letter, dated the 28th of the same month, says, "The sickness 疾病 is again as bad as ever. Each ship loses a man daily. Among the troops 部队 on shore how many are lost! Many gentlemen who have been sick, and are now recovering 恢复, are starting off for England, for health's sake 缘故."

Health committees have, however, been established 建立, and it is hoped that some good may result from their investigations 调查. All parts even of the northern side of the island are not equally unhealthy 不良; and it must be remembered that a place may be very unhealthy 不良 one year, and be comparatively 比较 free from sickness 疾病 the following year.[54] It is also remarked that the occurrence 发生 of a typhoon (though in other respects much to be dreaded 恐惧) tends materially to improve the healthiness of an otherwise sickly place, by the violent 猛烈 phenomena, barometrical and electrical 电动, which it produces, and by which all nature is affected 影响.

Hitherto the western and eastern extremities of Victoria Bay seem to have proved most unhealthy 不良 to Europeans, the centre being less so. The left wing 翅膀 of the 55th, quartered at West Point bar‧rack 营房, lost one hundred men between June and the middle of August last; and at length the place was abandoned 放弃, and the rest of the men sent on board ship. At the recommendation 建议 of a health committee, the ground in the neighbourhood was ordered to be levelled and well drained 排水. This essential measure will doubt‧less 毫无疑问, be resorted 度假胜地 to in other situations; indeed, it would be a matter of the highest importance, if possible, to prohibit 禁止 the cultivation 教养 of rice by the Chinese upon any part of the island. Wherever 随地 rice is grown grow, particularly within or verging 边缘 upon the tropics, there must be more or less unhealthiness. If compensation 赔偿金 were thought requisite 必要, to reimburse 补偿 the Chinese proprietors 业主 for the loss of their crops 农作物, the amount would be small in comparison 比较 with the advantage gained. But, in reality 现实, where the rice-grounds (which, after all, are very limited) had been properly drained 排水, they might be adapted to the cultivation 教养 of other productions equally necessary for a population numbering so many Europeans, and less likely to be prejudicial to the health of the community.[55]

At the eastern extremity of Victoria Bay is a consider‧able 大量 valley, shut 关闭 up by mountains on every side, except towards the sea. It is laid out almost entirely in rice-grounds, and the waters of a natural 自然 stream, descending 下来 from the mountains at the end of the valley, had been diverted 转移 from their natural 自然 channel 渠道, and conducted 进行 by innumerable 无数 streamlets to every part of the valley, for the irrigation 灌溉 of the rice-grounds. Several houses have been built upon the declivity of the hills around it, in the expectation 期望 that this would be the ultimate 最终 site of a second town, as soon as the very limited space between the mountains and the harbour, along the front of Victoria Bay, should be completely occupied 占据, which it bids 出价 fair soon to become. The draining 排水 of this valley would essentially 基本的 improve the condition of that important portion of the island.

A good road has already been nearly completed across that valley, and over the mountains to the other side of the island, leading down to Tytam Bay, and the important village of Chek-Chu. Beyond this valley to the east‧ward 东方的, on the other side of Matheson's point, are fine bold 胆大的;醒目的 rocks, running down to the water's edge, being also more open to the draught of air along the Lyemoon passage, this position would probably be a healthy 健康 one.

Having thus spoken so much concerning the northern side of the island in particular, it may be asked what is the state of the southern 南部的 side, as regards its healthiness. Undoubtedly, the southern 南部的 side, being open to the south-west monsoon, is comparatively 比较 healthy 健康, but there is no harbour fit for mercantile purposes on that side, nor was any land appropriated 适当 there for building purposes in the first instance, because the unhealthiness of Victoria Bay was not fully 充分 ascertained 探明, and because, where a man's treasure 金银财宝 or his business is, there will his heart and his occupation 占用 be also. Doubtless, in a very short time many of the Europeans will reside 居住 on the southern 南部的 side of the island, and cross over the mountains daily to trans‧act 反式‧行动;起作用 their business.

The principal 主要 Chinese village, which numbered a population of about two thou‧sand, even when we took possession of the island, is prettily situated 位于 on the southern 南部的 side, in a sheltered bay, well open, however, to the south-west wind. It is called Chek-Chu, and, at the suggestion 建议 of Major Aldrich, cantonments have been formed for a detachment 分离 of troops 部队 there, so as to separate them from the Chinese population. A detachment 分离 of the 98th regiment, which was quartered there during the last season, remained almost entirely healthy 健康; and there is little doubt that in a short time many Europeans will take up their residence 住宅 in that neighbourhood.

It is extremely difficult to form any tolerable estimate 估计 of the Chinese population on the island. It varies 变化 continually 不断, a great part of the people being migratory. When we first took the island there were probably about five thou‧sand Chinese upon it, exclusive 独家 of the boat-people, casual 随便 labourers from the opposite coast, and others of a migratory description. They were distributed 分发 into four‧teen 十四 or fifteen 十五 villages or hamlets 村庄, of which the principal 主要, as before stated, was Chek-chu, on the southern 南部的 side, situated 位于 in a bay partly formed by the long irregular 不规则 head‧land 头;上端‧陆地;着陆 which runs out and takes the name of Tytam Head. This bay, together with Tytam Bay, will doubt‧less 毫无疑问, soon become a favourite spot for the retired residences 住宅 of Europeans.

Since we have held possession of the island, the Chinese have naturally 自然地 been attracted 吸引 to it in great numbers. The tradesmen, mechanics, servants 仆人 to English residents 居民, labourers, boatmen, and market people, are all Chinese. Add to these also, a small body of Chinese police, and we shall find that the population must be consider‧able 大量. In all the ware‧house 仓库 of the merchants a vast 广大 number of porters 搬运工 and attend‧ant 服务员 are employed; all the houses are built by Chinese workmen, and a vast 广大 number are also employed by government upon the public roads and works. The number of migratory, or trading people, who come down from Canton, Macao, and other parts, is also large; so that upon the whole the high estimate 估计 of 30,000 which has been given, may not be much overrated. But this number probably includes the Europeans, the number of whom 3, exclusive 独家 of the military 军事, cannot be large, perhaps a very few hundreds.

The reputed 名气 unhealthiness of the town of Victoria has deterred 阻止 many from coming over from Macao for the present, who otherwise contemplated 沉思 establishing 建立 themselves on the island. The uncertainty 不确定 which has prevailed 战胜 respecting the liberty 自由 to store opium 鸦片, has also tended to give a check to the originally 本来 rapid progress of the settlement 沉降.

In the meantime 5, the Portuguese, becoming fully 充分 sensible 明智 of the deterioration 恶化 of the value of property at Macao, owing to the sudden rise of a rival 对手 European settlement 沉降 in their neighbourhood, began to take into consideration 考虑 the propriety of rendering 给予 Macao a free port 港口, similar 类似 to Hong-Kong, and probably without any restrictions 受限制的,受约束的 as to opium 鸦片. Great efforts have been made to effect this object, and the Portuguese governor had gone up to Canton, attended by his suite 套房, with a view to confer 授予 with the authorities 权威, in the hope of pro‧cure 促成 from the government the recognition 认识 of greater privileges 特权 than they had hitherto 迄今 enjoyed. This circumstance 环境, together with the momentary 短暂的 pause 暂停 at Hong-Kong, had tended to reassure 再保证 the European inhabitants 居民 of Macao, and to raise the value of houses (which had previously 先前 fallen) from ten to fifteen 十五 per cent.

If means should be found (of which strong hopes are entertained) of improving the condition of Hong-Kong, as regards its healthiness, no attempted rivalry 竞争 of Macao could affect 影响 the new settlement 沉降 to any extent. It has neither a harbour for ships to anchor in sufficiently 充分地 near the town, nor ground upon which ware‧house 仓库 could be built, nor can the Portuguese officers ever possess 拥有 more than a very restricted 限制, and perhaps precarious 危险的 authority 权威.

The wonderful 精彩 progress of our settlement 沉降 at Hong-Kong, in the first instance, affords perhaps one of the most striking instances that has ever been recorded of the astonishing 使惊讶 energy 能源 and enterprise 企业 of the British character. Great as were the early strides made even by some of the Australian colonies, situated 位于 too at the opposite end of the globe 地球, their progress, compared with that of Hong-Kong, was slow and difficult. When our forces were assembled 集合 in the harbour of Hong-Kong, on their return from Canton, in June, 1841, there was not a single regularly 经常 built house fit for the habitation of Europeans upon the island; for the Chinese villages can hardly be taken into account. When the expedition 远征 set sail 航行;帆 for Amoy, about two months after‧ward 之后, a few mat-sheds and temporary 临时 huts were all that indicated 表明 the future site of the town of Victoria, or pointed out what was soon to become the centre of British commerce in that part of the world, and the seat of British power upon the threshold of the most populous empire the world ever saw.

The first sale by auction 拍卖 of land, or rather of the annual 全年 quit 放弃-rents 租;租金 only, was held in June. On the 7th of that month, Hong-Kong was declared to be a free port 港口, and on the 22nd, Mr. A. R. Johnston, the deputy-superintendent 所长 of trade, was appointed acting governor of the island.

The portion of land put up for sale, in the first instance, consisted 组成 of only thirty 三十-four lots, each of which was to have a sea-front‧age 前面‧年龄 of about one hundred feet; but the depth of each lot, of course, varied 变化 consider‧able 相当, according to the nature of the ground. The sale of the annual 全年 quit 放弃-rents only, pay‧able 应付 in advance, produced no less a sum than £3165. 10s. yearly, at this first sale. Equally high prices also were obtained 获得 on subsequent 随后的,接着的 occasions. Moreover, one of the conditions of sale was, that each purchaser 购买者 should be required to incur 招致 an outlay upon each lot, within the first six months, either in building or otherwise, of not less than one thou‧sand dollars, or upwards 向上 of two hundred and twenty 二十-two pounds sterling 英镑, and a deposit 留下 of five hundred dollars was to be paid into the hands of the treasurer 金银财宝 within one week, but was to be repay‧able 偿还‧能够的 as soon as an equal amount had been expended 花费.

Accordingly, within six months from the time above named, wonderful 精彩 improvements 起色 had taken place, although much preliminary 初步 work was necessary before any solid building could be erected 直立. In fact, the first regular house built for Europeans was not completed until September or October following; and, as it was constructed 构造 entirely by Chinese mechanics, it assumed 承担 very much the form of a Chinese house.

The government now began to form an excellent road, called the Queens Road, along the front of the harbour, and to encourage improvements 起色 in every possible way. The elements 元件 of a regular establishment 机构 were soon formed, and the nucleus of a powerful 强大 European community was soon planted upon the borders 边;界 of haughty China. Its progress from this moment was wonderful 精彩, and no stronger argument 论据 than this can be adduced to point out the necessity of such an emporium as Hong-Kong, and the impossibility 不可能的事 of continuing the former state of things.

Within one year from the completion of the first house, not only were regular streets and bazaars for the Chinese erected 直立, but numerous large substantial 大量的 ware‧house 仓库 were built mostly of stone, some already finished, and others in progress. Wharfs and jetties were constructed 构造 of the most substantial 大量的 kind; the sound of the stone-mason's hammer 铁锤 was heard in every direction, and a good road was in progress, and an admirable 令人钦佩 market was established 建立 in English style 样式, under covered sheds, and well-regulated 调节 by the police. The Chinese willingly 甘心 resorted to it, and brought abundant 丰富 supplies of every description, readily submitting themselves to all the regulations. Large commissariat stores and other public buildings, including bar‧rack 营房 at either end of the town, were finished. The road, which was carried along the foot of the hills, extended already to a distance of nearly four miles, and a cut was being made through a high sand-hill, in order to continue it further; and at intervals 间隔, along the whole of the distance, substantial 大量的 and even elegant 优雅 buildings were already erected 直立. The numerous conical hills which distinguish this part of the island were nearly all levelled at the top, in readiness 准备就绪 to commence 开始 building new houses; stone bridges were in progress, and the road was being rapidly continued over the hills at the eastern end of Victoria Bay, leading down to Tytam Bay, and the picturesque 如画 village of Chek-chu.

The Chinese inhabitants 居民 seemed to fall readily into our ways and habits 习惯; their labourers and mechanics worked well and willingly 甘心 for mode‧rate 有节制的 pay, and came over in crowds from the opposite coast to seek 寻求 work; tradesmen crowded in to occupy 占据 the little shops in the bazaars; two European hotels and billiard-rooms were completed; and, in short, every necessary, and most luxuries 豪华, could be obtained 获得 with facility 设施 at Hong-Kong, within the first year of its permanent 永久 settlement 沉降. Even the Portuguese missionaries 传教士 came over and built a sort of convent 修道院 and a chapel 教堂; the Morrison Education Society and the Missionary Hospital Society commenced 开始 their buildings; more than one missionary 传教士 society made it their head-quarters, and the Anglo-Chinese College, at Malacca, was about to be removed 去掉 to this more favourable spot. A small Roman-catholic chapel 教堂 was nearly finished, and a neat 整洁的 little American Baptist chapel 教堂 had been opened for divine 神圣 service, being the first Protestant place of public worship 崇拜 ever established 建立 in that part of the world—of course, with the exception of the old company's chapel 教堂, in the factory at Canton. There was, however, no church of England service performed at that time on the island—a deficiency 不足 which happily has since been remedied 治疗法.

Foreign merchants had also commenced 开始 building, and it was a curious sight to see the hundreds of Chinese labourers working upon the construction 施工 of our houses and roads, and flocking from all quarters to furnish us with supplies, and seeking 寻求 their living by serving us in every way, at the very time when we were at war with their government, and carrying on hostile 敌对 operations against their countrymen to the north‧ward 北方. At the same time, also, Chinese tailors 裁缝 and shoemakers were busy in their little shops making clothes for us, and Chinese stewards 管家 superintended our establishments 机构, while Chinese servants (in their native costume 服装, tails and all) were cheerfully 乐意 waiting upon us at table: and all this within little more than one year after the first land-sale at Hong-Kong, and while we were still at war.

There appears to have been some little mistake in the original 原版的 site of the town, the principal 主要 part of which, or, at least, the part most inhabited 居住于 by the Chinese, is situated 位于, in a great measure, upon the declivity of the highest of the mountains which shut 关闭 in the harbour. The space for building is very limited, and, indeed, this is the case along the whole shore. Gradually 逐步地 people have spread themselves east‧ward 东方的 along the front of the harbour, and, probably, at no very distant time, a second town will spring up at the eastern end of the harbour; indeed, the buildings already erected 直立 by Messrs. Jardine and Matheson are so extensive, as to form almost a town of themselves. But the great distance from one end of Hong-Kong, or rather of Victoria to the other, is already a source 资源 of great inconvenience 不方便, particularly in a hot country. In a short time, the establishment 机构 of an exchange in some central 中央 part will probably be undertaken, and will go far to remedy 治疗法 the inconvenience 不方便.

It is unfortunate 不幸的 that the space between the foot of the mountains and the edge of the sea is so very limited. It would have been a great advantage to have been able to form a quay or esplanade along the front of the harbour, with ware‧house 仓库 and dwelling-houses in the rear. But this was not practicable; and, consequently 所以, the back of the ware‧house 仓库 in most instances faces the water, which in some measure detracts 减损 from the appearance of the town, as seen from the harbour. Nevertheless 虽然, it is impossible for the stranger not to be struck with the first view of it as he approaches. He could scarcely be prepared to see so many large, hand‧some 英俊 buildings occupying 占据 a great extent of front‧age 前面‧年龄 in a settlement 沉降 so recently acquired 获得.

There are few things more striking of the kind than the view of the Bay of Victoria and the roads of Hong-Kong, from any one of the hills at its eastern end towards Matheson's Point. The number of European vessels, Chinese junks 破烂, boats of all kinds, and the long line of hand‧some 英俊 buildings skirting 裙子 the bay, and lighted up by a brilliant 出色的 sun piercing 刺穿 a cloud‧less 云‧少 atmosphere 大气层, present a picturesque 如画 and interesting scene, which is scarcely detracted 减损 from even by the barren 荒芜 mountains in the rear.

As regards the defences of Hong-Kong, it is evident 明显 that our main reliance 依赖 must always be placed upon our ships of war. The two small batteries 电池 already erected 直立 could be of little service against an enemy. A plan was submitted by Major Aldrich, the commanding engineer, for forming a large fort somewhere about the centre of the bay. But this plan did not meet the concurrence of Sir Henry Pottinger, although he referred it for the consideration 考虑 of the government at home.

The question of the tenure 保有 of land for the future at Hong-Kong, or rather the terms upon which it can be obtained 获得 from the government is one of the highest importance. It is understood understand that it is not the intention of government to permit any land to be alienated 离间 from the crown 王冠. Future sales of land will probably be effected in the same way as the earlier ones; that is, merely the annual 全年 rental 出租 of the different lots of land will be put up to auction 拍卖. No regulations upon this subject have yet been issued; and, most likely, the new governor, Mr. Davis, will have some discretionary power in fixing the precise 精确 terms upon which the right of occupation 占用 of land will be disposed 部署 of. The system of annual 全年 rentals 出租 to government in a colony circumstanced 环境 as Hong-Kong is,—a free port 港口, a soil mostly barren 荒芜, and an island of very limited extent,—must appear to every one the most judicious plan to adopt. A permanent 永久 annual 全年 fund 基金;专款;资金 will thus be created for the purposes of government, and one which must increase every year rather than diminish 减少.

Hong-Kong will always possess 拥有 the immense 极大的 advantage of abundant 丰富 labour at a reasonable rate. Any number of Chinamen which could possibly be required will always be readily obtained 获得 from the main‧land 大陆.

I must not omit 省略 to mention, among the strong characteristics 特性 of English colonization, the establishment 机构 of a free press at Hong-Kong. A newspaper is usually one of the first under‧take 承担 in an English settlement 沉降. It has been said, in respect to colonization, that the first thing the French under‧take 承担 is to build a fort, the Spaniards a church, and the English a factory or a ware‧house 仓库; but, perhaps, it is more characteristic 特性 still, that one of the first things the English establish 建立 is a press. The Englishman carries with him his birth‧right 出生‧右边;正确;权利 of free discussion; and the power of having a good hearty 爽朗 grumble in print compensates 补偿 him for many early inconveniences 不方便 of a new settlement 沉降. There are four English newspapers published 发布 in China; the Hong-Kong Gazette, the Eastern Globe, the Hong-Kong Register 寄存器, and the Canton Press; of which the last is published 发布 at Macao, and the other three at Hong-Kong. In the first-named, all the government notices are inserted by authority 权威.

According to the latest accounts, the Morrison Institution 机构 had been opened for some time, and the youths who were being educated 教育 were making good progress. The Seaman's Hospital for the merchant service, recently opened, was calculated to afford accommodation 住所 to fifty 五十 men and officers. This institution 机构 is in a measure a self-supporting one, a certain sum being paid daily for the maintenance 保养 of each person admitted.


[53] A glance 一瞥 at the accompanying map 地图 will sufficiently 充分地 indicate 表明 the peculiar 奇怪的 form of the island.

[54] Since the commencement 开始 of the present year, 1844, the sickness 疾病 has nearly disappeared 不见.

[55] The northern‧most 北方的‧最 point in Europe where rice is cultivated, is, I believe, the neighborhood of Milan. But, even there, none is permitted to be grown within a circuit 电路 of several miles of the city, owing to the unhealthiness which it would produce.


northern 7
rice 7
eastern 7
ground 6
sir 6
fever 4
scarcely 4
possession 4
vessels 3
empire 3
breadth 3
cultivation 3
portion 3
establishment 3
restored 2


It is intended that Hong-Kong shall be governed upon the same principles 原理 by which other crown 王冠 colonies are regulated 调节—namely, that there shall be a legislative 立法 and an executive 行政人员 council, to aid 援助 the governor with their advice 劝告 and assistance 帮助.

The importance of Hong-Kong, not only with regard to the commerce of all nations with China, but more especially with reference to our relations with the Chinese government, cannot be estimated 估计 too highly. However scrupulous we may be in the first instance to limit our inter‧course 交往, as much as possible, to the mere commercial questions which may arise, it is impossible not to fore‧see 预料 that other complications 复杂化 may result from it, the issue of which it would be presumptuous to predict 预测. A new era 时代;年代 has at length opened upon China, a sudden and almost incredible 难以置信 change in all her relations with foreigners 外国人; and the ease 轻松 and apparent 清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的 readiness 准备就绪 with which she has acceded to all the proposed arrangements 安排 respecting trade, is perhaps not less remarkable 5 than the pertinacious obstinacy with which she had so long and so haughtily refused to make any change whatever in the established 建立 order of things.

Providence has at length ordained 注定 that a vast 广大 empire, which comprises 包括 nearly a third of the human race, shall no longer remain totally excluded 阻止…进入;把…排斥在外 from the great family society of nations; and we cannot but believe that the period has at length arrived when that wonderful 精彩 nation is, by a slow but steady progress, to be brought under the influence of Christianity. But, while we are impressed with this feeling, let us not be too hasty in precipitating 沉淀 a crisis 危机 which may convulse a mighty 威武 empire from one end to the other. This, then, leads us to the momentous question of the ultimate 最终 disorganization or breaking up of the Chinese empire. This is the great event which we have to dread 恐惧; for who can contemplate 沉思 the fearful 可怕 results of such a crisis 危机 without alarm, and without a desire to prevent a catastrophe 灾难 of so vast 广大 a nature?

In this point of view, the possession of Hong-Kong, the state of our relations with the Chinese government, and the difficult questions which may possibly, at no distant period, require our most anxious 焦急的 attention, (it must not be forgotten forget that the present Emperor of China is already in the decline 下降 of life) involve a degree of responsibility 责任 which cannot be too deeply felt, and can scarcely be approached without misgivings 疑虑. Every member of the government of Hong-Kong must, therefore, be keenly 热切的 alive 活的;有生命的 to the responsibility 责任 of his position, and must watch with profound 深刻 anxiety every one of the widely spreading circles into which the acts of our administration 行政 may ultimately 最终 extend themselves. We must stand up before the Chinese government, not only in the relation of a friend, but of an ally 联盟;盟友; and, instead of weakening 柔弱的:weak its authority 权威, we ought rather to support its influence in the eyes of its own people. Our inter‧course 交往 with that remarkable nation ought to be recorded in the pages of history as a blessing 祝福, and not, what it might readily become, without great caution 小心 and prudence—a curse 诅咒.

Impressed with the truth of these observations 意见, the first great and difficult question which awakens our anxiety, is that of the future relations of the opium 鸦片-trade, and the course which is to be pursued 追求 with respect to it at Hong-Kong. Great anxiety has been felt as to the regulations which may be applied to it, in our own settlement 沉降, which is understood to be in all respects a free port 港口. It would seem, therefore, that the storage 存储 of opium 鸦片 at Hong-Kong could hardly be prohibited 禁止; and yet it is difficult to discover how it would be possible, in that case, to avoid the dilemma 困境 of appearing in the eyes of the Chinese government to sanction 制裁, and even encourage, a description of trade especially prohibited 禁止 by the Emperor. The simplest and indeed the only effectual mode by which all the difficulties of the question could be surmounted would be, inducing 促使 the Chinese government to legalize 合法化 the trade, and to consent 同意 to the introduction 介绍 of the drug 药物, upon payment 付款 of a certain duty.

No stronger arguments 论据 could be advanced in favour of this step than those already employed by Chinese writers 作家 themselves, in the various memorials 纪念馆 presented to government on the subject. Although the opium 鸦片-trade is not even alluded 暗示 to in either of our recent treaties 条约, it is well known that Sir Henry Pottinger has used his best efforts to induce 促使 the Chinese government to consent 同意 to the legalization of the trade, and to introduce the article into the tariff 关税. It is possible that this object may be ultimately 最终 effected, but at present we have no reason to believe that any material progress has been made towards bringing this question to a satisfactory conclusion 结论.

In the meantime, the opium 鸦片-trade has never been more thriving 兴旺 than during the past year, and bitter complaints 抱怨 have appeared in the Pekin gazettes, of the introduction 介绍 of the drug 药物 even into the imperial 帝国 palace. The emperor 皇帝 appears to be as hostile 敌对 to the opium 鸦片-mania 狂躁 as ever, and yet all his measures against it are quite as ineffectual as they have ever been. In fact, the people are determined to enjoy the forbidden 禁止:forbid luxury 豪华 at all hazards 冒险, and no means hitherto 迄今 attempted have deterred 阻止 even the public officers of government from conniving at the clandestine trade, nor is it likely that they will ever be proof 证明 against the temptation 诱惑 of heavy bribes 贿赂, which the large profits derived 派生 from the traffic 交通 enable 启用 those concerned in it to offer.

Should the trade in opium 鸦片 become ultimately 最终 legalized 合法化, it cannot be doubted that it would greatly tend to the advantage of Hong-Kong, and would induce 促使 many Chinese merchants to come over and seek 寻求 it there, who would at the same time be tempted 引诱 to make other purchases 采购 as well. The drug 药物 would then in some measure be paid for in the produce of the country, and not, as it is at present, in silver exclusively, and, in fact, all the commercial relations of the country would at once be placed upon a much more satisfactory footing.

There is, however, another point out of which difficulties may arise, besides the one above mentioned—namely, the attempts of foreigners 外国人 to enter China at other places besides the five ports 港口, or even, at these latter, to push themselves beyond the limits indicated 表明 by the Chinese authorities 权威. According to our present understanding, certain boundaries 分界线 are to be laid down, beyond which no foreigners 外国人 are to pass. But there will be many difficulties in the way of preventing the violation 违反 of these regulations. Already something of this kind has occurred 发生, and the interference 干涉 of Sir Henry Pottinger had been called for. A little pamphlet 小册子 has even been published 发布 at Macao, called a "Narrative of a recent visit to the Chief City of the department of Changchow, in the Province of Fokien." In this case the aggressors were not Englishmen, but Americans, and they forced their way into the country, in opposition to the wishes and orders of the local authorities 权威, who pointed out to them that their doing so was contrary 相反 to the provisions 规定 of the treaty 条约. It is evident 明显 that they passed themselves off for Englishmen, and were thought to be so by the authorities 权威.

Sir Henry Pottinger thought it incumbent 现任 on him to advise the viceroy and lieutenant 陆军中尉-governor of Canton, that these individuals were not Englishmen, and to express his hope that in future the local mandarins would seize 抓住 and con‧fine 局限 all those who might commit 承诺 the smallest infraction of the treaty 条约, (if British subjects) and send them to the nearest English consular officer, to be dealt deal with as might be found necessary, in order to enforce 执行 implicit 含蓄 obedience 遵守.

The last point to which I think it necessary to allude 暗示 is the mutual 相互 surrender 投降 of criminals 罪犯, so that English offenders 犯罪分子 who may take refuge 避难所 in China may be given up to our consular officers by the Chinese authorities 权威, and Chinese offenders 犯罪分子 who may take refuge 避难所 at Hong-Kong, or on board our ships, may be given up to the Chinese officers. This stipulation has already been acted upon at Hong-Kong, where a party of pirates 海盗 who were chased ashore 岸上 by the Chinese government cruisers were instantly seized 抓住 by the police, and handed over to the proper Chinese officers.

In fact, the more we reflect upon the position in which we now stand in presence of the Chinese government, and in the actual possession of an island upon its frontiers 边境, the more we must become impressed with the vast 广大 responsibility 责任 which attaches 连接 to all our proceedings 继续, and the great necessity which exists for the utmost caution 小心, prudence, judgment 判断, and firmness on the part of every public officer employed in our service in that country.

I have reserved all mention of the terrific 了不起 storms 暴风雨 to which Hong-Kong is occasionally 偶尔,间或;有时 exposed 暴露 during the summer season. Our squadron, after its return from Canton, was exposed 暴露 to the full fury 愤怒 of one of these hurricanes 飓风, while it lay in the harbour previously 先前 to our advance upon Amoy. The Chinese, although ignorant 愚昧 of the use of the barometer, acquire 获得 from experience a tolerably accurate 准确的;精确的;正确的 knowledge of the indications 迹象 which determine the approach of these dreaded 恐惧 typhoons.

Unfortunately 不幸, Victoria Bay, although completely land-locked, lies fully 充分 exposed 暴露 to the whole fury 愤怒 of the tempest 温度 from its beginning to its end; there is no shelter whatever on that side of the island. It is a curious and novel 小说 sight to watch the preparations 制备 which the Chinese make for the approaching storm; the mixture 混合 of superstitious observance and prudent 谨慎 pre‧caution 预防 which they adopt, either in the hope of averting 避免 the threatening tempest 温度, or of securing 安全 themselves against its immediate effects. The sultry, oppressive 压抑 feeling of the atmosphere 大气层, the deep black clouds, and other indications 迹象, warn them to be prepared; and, from the noise 噪音 and excitement 激动 which soon take place among the Chinese, one would rather imagine they were celebrating 庆祝 some festival 节日;节期 of rejoicing 欢庆 than deprecating the fury 愤怒 of the gods. Many of their houses, on these occasions, are decorated 装饰 with lanterns 灯笼 stuck stick upon long poles twenty 二十 or thirty 三十 feet high, huge 巨大 grotesque 奇怪的-looking figures, and various devices 设备. The beating of gongs, the firing of crackers 饼干, and explosion 爆炸 of little bamboo petards, from one end of the town to the other, and in all the boats along the shore, create such a din 吵闹 and confusion, that a stranger cannot help feeling that there must be danger at hand, of some kind or other, besides that of a storm.

It is also a curious sight to watch the hundreds of boats and junks 破烂 getting under weigh at the same moment, all eager 渴望的 to get across to the opposite shore, under shelter of the main‧land 大陆, as fast as possible, knowing full well that they would be certainly stranded if they remained on the Hong-Kong side. In the high stern 严肃 of every junk 破烂 stands a man, who perseveringly beats a large suspended 暂停 gong with his utmost strength, while the rest of the crew 全体工作人员;全体船员 appear quite as intent 意图 upon firing off crackers 饼干 as upon the management 管理 of their boat. By this means they hope to awaken their tutelary god, and to induce 促使 him to listen to their prayers 祷告 for succour. The greater part of them take refuge 避难所 in a bay directly opposite Victoria, from which it is about four miles distant, under the lee of the mountains on that side.

Frequently all the threatening appearances which call forth these preparations 制备 pass off without producing a typhoon. The flashes 使闪光 of lightning 闪电 are fearfully 可怕 quick and brilliant 出色的; the peals of thunder 雷声 are almost deafening; the huge 巨大 black clouds hang gloomily 阴沉 over the mountains, or are banded across from one side to the other, pouring their waters in torrents 激流 upon the basin between them. In this way the storm at length sub‧side 塌陷, and the horrors 恐怖 of a typhoon are averted 避免.

The actual typhoon is of a very different description; in fact, it differs 不同 in no respect from the worst 生病:ill hurricanes 飓风 which visit the Mauritius or the West Indies. Hong-Kong was visited in this way on the 21st and 26th of July, 1841, and a more severe typhoon than that which took place on the first of those days is, perhaps, never experienced. The theory 理论 of these circular 圆形的 storms has been well laid down by Colonel Reid and others; so that in the present day a vessel caught catch in them at sea would be much less exposed 暴露 to danger than formerly, provided her captain had made himself master of the well-confirmed 确认 theories 理论 which have been propounded upon the subject. The sphere 领域 of their operation is very limited, neither do they occur 发生 every year, but seldom 很少 oftener than every three or four years.

At Hong-Kong, various ominous 不祥的 appearances were the forerunner of the storm on the occasion alluded 暗示 to. For some days previously 先前, large black masses of clouds appeared to settle upon the hills on either side: the atmosphere 大气层 was extremely sultry and oppressive 压抑; the most vivid 生动 lightning 闪电 shot incessantly along the dense 稠密, threatening clouds, and looked the more brilliant 出色的 because the phenomena were always most remarkable at night, while during the day the threatening appearances were mode‧rate 有节制的 consider‧able 相当, and sometimes almost entirely disappeared. The vibrations 振动 of the mercury in the barometer were constant 不变 and rapid; and, although it occasionally 偶尔,间或;有时 rose, still the improvement 起色 was only temporary 临时, and upon the average it continued to fall. A typhoon was, therefore, confidently 确信的 predicted 预测, and the more so because none had occurred 发生 for several years.

The Chinese, on this occasion, made every preparation 制备 in their power; but that comprised 包括 very little except the everlasting 永久的 firing of crackers 饼干 and beating of gongs, although they endeavoured also to get shelter for their boats in the best way they could. Our own ships prepared for the coming danger as well as circumstances 环境 permitted, everything being made as snug as possible. But the whole harbour was at this time crowded with transports 运输, store-ships, and merchant-ships, in addition 加成 to our men-of-war and steamers 汽船; indeed, so close were they anchored together, that in many cases there was not even room to veer 德维尔 cable 电线. It was evident 明显 to all, that if the expected typhoon should burst upon them, the most serious disasters would inevitably 必将 take place.

It was not without many misgivings 疑虑 and forebodings that, in the midst 中间 of all the preparations 制备 for the storm, and when there was every indication 迹象 of its immediate out‧break 暴发, a small schooner was observed to get under weigh, and stand out of the harbour towards Macao; she had treasure 金银财宝 on board, and one or two passengers 乘客. She was never after‧ward 之后 heard of; not a vestige of her was ever discovered; she must have foundered 创办人 at sea at the very commencement 开始 of the storm.

During the night of the 20th, the weather was tolerably calm, but ominously 不祥的 sultry; towards day‧light 日光 on the 21st, it became squally, with heavy rain, and a good deal of swell 膨胀;增强 was now getting up in the harbour. The barometer continued gradually 4 to fall, and the squalls became heavier. The typhoon could no longer be doubted; and, as it was desirable 合意 to move the Nemesis as much to wind‧ward 风‧病房 of the other ships as possible, steam 蒸汽 was got up quickly, and with some difficulty she was moved to a good berth 泊位 on the opposite side, under shelter of the high land above Cowloon. Topmasts were lowered, and everything made snug, and she was brought up with both bowers, open hawse, to the N.E., and veered 德维尔 to a whole cable 电线 on each.

Between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, the wind was blowing very hard from the north‧ward 北方, or directly upon the shore of Hong-Kong, and continued to increase in heavy squalls hour after hour. Ships were already beginning to drive, and the work of destruction had commenced 开始 on every side; the Chinese junks 破烂 and boats were blown about in all directions, and one of them was seen to founder 创办人 with all hands on board. The fine basin of Hong-Kong was gradually 5 covered with scattered wrecks of the war of elements 元件; planks, spars, broken boats, and human beings 蜜蜂, clinging 依偎 hope‧less 绝望地 for succour to every treacherous 奸诈 log 记录, were tossed 折腾 about on every side; the wind howled and tore tear everything away before it, literally 按照字面 sweeping the face of the waters.

On shore, the hospital was one of the first buildings blown down upon the heads of the unfortunate 不幸的 inmates 犯人, wounding 创伤 many, and aggravating 加剧 the sufferings of all; yet only one man, a help‧less 无助 idiot 白痴, was killed. The buildings being merely of temporary 临时 construction 施工, most of them partly built of bamboo, bar‧rack 营房 and all came tumbling 下跌 down like children's card-houses.

From half-past ten until two the hurricane 飓风 was at its highest, the barometer at this time having descended to nearly 28.50 according to some, but on board the Nemesis it was never lower than 28.89. The air was filled with spray 喷雾 and salt, so that it was impossible to see anything that was not almost close at hand. Ships were now drifting 漂移 foul 犯规 of each other in all directions; masts 桅杆 were being cut away; and, from the strength of the wind forcing the sea high upon the shore, several ships were driven high and dry.

The native Chinese were all distracted 转移, imploring their gods in vain 徒劳的 for help. Such an awful 糟糕的 scene of destruction and ruin 破坏 is rarely 很少;不常见;难得 witnessed; hundreds of Chinese were drowned 淹死, and occasionally 4 a whole family, children and all, floated past the ships, clinging 依偎, in apparent 清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的 apathy, (perhaps under the influence of opium 鸦片,) to the last remnants of their shattered 打碎 boats, which soon tumbled 下跌 to pieces, and left them to their fate 命运.

During the height of the typhoon, the engines of the Nemesis were kept going at half speed, and she rode ride through it very easy, without suffering any damage. But even those few vessels which did not drive were in constant 不变 danger of being run foul 犯规 of by others which did; in fact, crowded as the bay was with shipping, it was a matter of wonder that even more serious damage was not done than actually did occur 发生. The heaviest part of the typhoon appears certainly to have passed directly over Hong-Kong, for even at Macao, which is only thirty 三十-five miles distant, it was much less severely felt, and, moreover, there was a difference of nearly four hours in the time of its occurrence 发生; nevertheless 虽然, beyond Hong-Kong the typhoon was also very severely felt, and several ships were in the greatest danger.

It is a remarkable fact, that both our plenipotentiaries, Captain Elliot and Sir Gordon Bremer, (who has recently returned,) were wrecked 破坏;使遇难 on this occasion, and were only saved, as it were, by a miracle 奇迹. They were on their way to Hong-Kong, in Captain Elliot's cutter, the Louisa, when the typhoon, already commencing 开始, compelled 迫使 them to anchor in not a very favourable berth 泊位, under one of the numerous islands at the mouth of the Canton river. Every measure was resorted to which good seaman‧ship 水手‧船 could suggest, to give any chance of safety 安全 to the little vessel, but all in vain 徒劳的. She soon drove—her spars and masts 桅杆 were carried away—a heavy, tumbling 下跌 sea broke break over her, washing everything over‧board 落水—the destruction of the vessel, and the loss of every one on board, seemed to be inevitable 必然. Fragments of the numerous wrecks along the coast were floating past them every moment. Having been driven from the island under which they first took shelter, they were carried before the wind for the distance of from two to three miles, expecting every moment to be swallowed up; the commander 命令 had been already washed over‧board 落水. At length they caught sight of land right ahead, with a heavy surf 冲浪 breaking on it, apparently almost close to them. The suspense 悬念 at this moment was intense 强烈的,极度的 and awful 糟糕的. If the vessel touched the surf 冲浪, they would be launched 发射 into eternity 永恒 in a moment. But, providentially, the little cutter cleared the breakers 断路器, almost within reach of their spray 喷雾. The anchor was now let go, but could not hold the little craft 手艺, so heavily 很大,沉重地 did the sea break over her; and at length she was driven full upon the shore, where she instantly bilged and filled. Some people now jumped over‧board 落水, others crawled 爬行 on to the nearest rocks, but at length all hands got safely on shore, with the assistance 帮助 of a rope 粗绳, which one of the boys who had succeeded in swimming ashore 岸上 made fast to one of the rocks.

Besides the plenipotentiaries, Lord Amelius Beauclerk and one or two other gentlemen were partakers of these disasters. There is little doubt that they all owed 欠…债 their preservation 保存, under Providence, to the admirable 令人钦佩 seaman‧ship 水手‧船 and cool presence of mind of Captain Elliot himself, who took command of the little vessel during the most trying period, and whose 谁的 accurate 准确的;精确的;正确的 knowledge of the coast was of essential service.

Their troubles, however, were not yet at an end. They managed to save very little provisions 规定 or clothing from the wreck 破坏;使遇难; and the only place they could discover, in which they could shelter themselves for the night, was a large fissure in the side of a precipice, open at the top, with a small mountain-stream running through the centre of it. There they anxiously 焦急的 awaited 等待 the dawn 黎明 of morning, in a sitting posture 姿势, (for they could not lie down,) and drenched to the skin. Soon after daylight 3 they discovered two Chinamen, who came down to pill‧age 丸‧年龄 the wreck 破坏;使遇难; and several dead bodies of Chinamen were found cast up upon the shore. After some hesitation 犹豫 and difficulty, a bar‧gain 讨价还价;交易 was at length made to convey 传达 Captain Elliot, for one thou‧sand dollars, to Macao, in a fishing-boat; but, shortly after‧ward 之后, another party of Chinese fishermen, coming up from a neighbouring village, commenced 开始 robbing 抢劫 all the shipwrecked people, stripping them of their clothes, and, among other things, getting possession of a star of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order. In a short time, the demand for conveying 传达 Captain Elliot to Macao, as soon as the weather would permit, was raised to two thou‧sand dollars, which was agreed to.

Yet difficulties seemed to multiply hourly; for, at this juncture 契机, some of the Chinese, having found two or three bodies of their countrymen lashed 睫毛 to spars, and dreadfully 可怕 lacerated by being dashed 短跑 against the rocks until they were life‧less 生活‧少, took it for granted 发放 that this had been done purposely by Captain Elliot and his party, and for some time their threatening gestures 手势 and angry 生气的 looks of retaliation 报复 seemed to port‧end 港口,城镇‧结束;头;端 blood‧shed 血‧棚. This was, however, at length averted 避免; and, ultimately 最终, after agreeing to pay upwards 向上 of three thou‧sand dollars, Captain Elliot, Sir Gordon Bremer, and two other persons, were laid upon their backs, in the bottom of a boat, and carefully 小心 covered over with mats 席子. Scarcely, however, had they fairly got away from the island, when another misfortune 不幸 threatened to con‧sign CON‧符号 them to the most bitter fate. An armed mandarin-boat passed close by them, and hailed 冰雹 the Chinese boatmen, asking for news about the wrecks. What a prize 奖赏 was at this moment within their grasp 把握! No less than twenty 二十 thou‧sand dollars had been already offered as a reward 报酬 for the capture 捕获 either of Captain Elliot or Sir Gordon Bremer. Had the boatmen been treacherous 奸诈 enough to betray 背叛 their charge, (and Captain Elliot was personally 亲自 known to them,) what a grand display 显示 her Majesty's two plenipotentiaries would have made in Pekin, carried about in bamboo cages 笼子, like wild beasts! What proclamations and boastings 自夸! What promotions 提升 and rewards 报酬! But, happily, this was not to be; and, in a few hours, the party landed safely in the inner 里面的 harbour of Macao; Captain Elliot having for his costume 服装 a jacket 衣服, without any shirt 衬衫; the commodore, a blue worsted frock; and each of them a pair of striped 条纹 trousers 长裤. To crown 3 all, in this unhappy 不快乐 plight 困境, the moment the two high functionaries were recognised by the Portuguese officer of the guard, the latter were ordered to "turn out," as a mark of respect; but were soon induced 促使 to defer 延缓 it until a more fitting opportunity.

Boats were now sent off, without delay, together with an interpreter, in order to rescue 营救 the other sufferers 患者; and at last they all arrived safely in Macao, on the 25th of July.

But it is time to return from this digression to the harbour of Hong-Kong, just at the time when the height of the typhoon had passed over. Towards noon 3 the wind veered 德维尔 round a little to the south‧ward 南方‧病房 of east; at two P.M., it began to moderate 3; and at three P.M., its severity 严重 had past. Before sunset 日落, the haze 阴霾 began to clear off a little, and gradually the scene of devastation 毁坏 became more and more visible 可以看见的;可视的, and presented such a frightful spectacle 场面;眼镜, that you could hardly believe that it was the same harbour of Hong-Kong, which had been recently so gay 快乐的 and tranquil 宁静, with crowds of shipping upon the smooth surface of its waters. The shore was covered with wrecks and stranded boats, and the temporary 临时 buildings on shore had disappeared altogether.

Many of our ships were now found to be missing, having been driven out to sea during the fury 愤怒 of the gale 大风. Among the latter was H.M. schooner, Starling, about which great apprehensions 顾虑 were entertained. It was feared that she might have foundered 创办人, with all hands on board.

On the following morning, at daylight, the Nemesis was ordered to go out and render 给予 assistance 帮助 to any vessels in distress 苦难, and to bring off people from the wrecks; and particularly to look out for the Starling, in case she should have gone on shore upon any of the neighbouring islands. In every direction immediate assistance 帮助 was required, and many poor fellows were rescued 营救 by the Nemesis from a watery 含水 grave 坟墓;严重的.

It was curious to remark how completely every vessel that had gone on shore was torn tear to pieces, and in so short a space of time; every part of them was broken up, and the fragments 分段 were floating about the harbour and lining the shores on every side, above high-water mark. A number of artillerymen and sappers were taken off the wreck 破坏;使遇难 of one of our prize 奖赏 war-junks 破烂 which had gone on shore; and the whole crew 3 of the Prince George merchant ship were like‧wise 同样 saved from one of the neighbouring islands upon which they had been wrecked; but the captain of the vessel refused to leave the island, where he vainly 徒劳的 persisted 坚持 in seeking 寻求 for the body of his unfortunate 不幸的 wife, who was drowned when first the vessel struck.

Not being able to gain any tidings 潮汐 of the Starling, the Nemesis proceeded 继续 on through the Capsingmoon passage, towards Lintin, in the hope that she might have taken refuge 避难所 under that island. Fortunately, she was now descried beating up gallantly through the passage towards Hong-Kong, and, as soon as the steamer ran along‧side 并肩, there was a general cheer 欢呼 of congratulation 祝贺. The tale 故事,不实之词 was very soon told. During the height of the typhoon, the Starling had parted a cable 3, and, as she was now drifting 漂移 fast, Captain Kellett at once slipped the other, in the hope of being able to run through the Capsingmoon passage, as his only chance of safety 安全. With very great exertion and good seaman‧ship 水手‧船, he fortunately succeeded in the attempt, even in the midst 中间 of the typhoon, and had even managed to lie-to and pick up some unfortunate 不幸的 Chinamen, who were floating past him upon the wreck 3 of their shattered 打碎 junk 破烂. At length, he succeeded in getting under the lee of the island of Lintin, where he brought up with a common boat's anchor, having a couple of guns fastened 系牢 to the cable. By the aid 援助 of this contrivance, he rode out the gale 大风, until it moderated sufficiently 充分地 for him to get under weigh, and attempt to return to Hong-Kong. The Nemesis, however, now took the Starling in tow, and great was the surprise and joy 喜悦 of every one at Hong-Kong, when the two vessels were seen standing in together in safety.

In this typhoon, H.M.S. Sulphur, Algerine, Royalist, and the schooner Hebe, were dismasted; and at least twenty 二十 merchant vessels and transports 运输 were either driven ashore 岸上 or were dismasted, and suffered other injuries.

Five days after‧ward 之后, on the 26th, there was a recurrence 循环 of the typhoon, which the Nemesis rode out very easily in the Typa anchor‧age 锚‧年龄 at Macao; but it was not so severe as the first one, and comparatively 比较 little injury was caused by it. There is reason to believe also, that, had all the ships at Hong-Kong been moored in proper berths 泊位, and early pre‧caution 预防 taken, before the commencement 开始 of the first typhoon, the danger and the damage inflicted 造成 would have been much less severe.

No time was lost in refitting the ships, and preparations 制备 were now hastened for the advance of our forces upon Amoy, and for pushing on our operations further north‧ward 北方, while the favourable season lasted. Sir Gordon Bremer had returned from Calcutta, in the Queen 女王 steamer, on the 18th of June, having been invested 投资 with the functions 功能 of joint-plenipotentiary, in conjunction 连词 with Captain Elliot. This high honour was, however, of short duration 持续时间; for, on the 9th of August, Sir Henry Pottinger arrived from England, via 通过 Bombay, having been appointed sole 唯一 plenipotentiary and chief-superintendent 所长 of trade in China: he was accompanied by Vice 副职的;副的-Admiral Sir William Parker, by whom all the subsequent 随后的,接着的 naval operations were conducted 进行.


sir 9
vessel 8
storm 6
wrecks 5
driven 5
remarkable 4
cable 4
vessels 4
wreck 4
empire 3
impressed 3
possession 3
distant 3
anxiety 3
occasionally 3


At the end of July, the H.C. steamer Phlegethon, Lieut. M'Cleverty, nearly the exact counter‧part 副本 of the Nemesis, arrived at Hong-Kong, bringing the intelligence 情报 that Captain Elliot's treaty 条约 of Chuenpee had been disapproved 不赞成 of by the home government, and that Sir Henry Pottinger had been appointed to succeed him, as sole 唯一 plenipotentiary. Shortly before this, also, her Majesty's 55th regiment had arrived from Calcutta, and everything indicated 表明 that a movement 运动 upon Amoy would take place as soon as possible, after the expected arrival 到达 of Sir Henry Pottinger as plenipotentiary, and Sir William Parker as admiral. The season for active operations was already advanced, and even for the sake 缘故 of the health of the troops 部队, it was the anxious 焦急的 wish of all the officers that a change of some sort or other might speedily 迅速 take place.

In the afternoon of the 10th of August, the arrival 到达 of the H.C. steamer Sesostris, from Bombay, in the Macao roads, was announced 宣布, and great was the joy 喜悦 of every one when it was made known that both Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William Parker were on board. They had come from London in the wonderfully 奇妙 short period of sixty 六十-seven days, ten of which had been spent spend in Bombay.

At daylight next morning, the Nemesis went out to convey 传达 these high functionaries from the Sesostris, in the roads, to the town of Macao, where they were received with every demonstration 展示 of respect, under a salute 礼炮 from the Portuguese forts. A conference 会议 was held in the course of the morning, between Captain Elliot and Sir Henry Pottinger, together with the Admiral and Sir Hugh Gough. Energetic measures appeared to be at once resolved 解决 on. Sir William Parker went over to visit the fleet 舰队 at Hong-Kong, and as soon as visits of ceremony 典礼 had been exchanged between the new plenipotentiary and the Portuguese authorities 权威, Sir Henry Pottinger lost no time in publishing 发布 the notification 通知 of his appointment 约定, as minister extra‧ordinary 非凡的 and sole 唯一 plenipotentiary, and also as chief superintendent 所长 of trade in China.

In order to communicate 通信 officially to the Chinese authorities 权威 the fact of his arrival 到达, and the nature of his powers, Sir Henry now despatched his secretary, Major Malcolm, to Canton, as the bearer of letters to the provincial 省级 government. The Nemesis was, as usual, employed to carry the officers up the river. No little sensation 感觉 was created among the Chinese officials by the announcement 公告 which was now made to them. They therefore resolved 解决 to welcome the plenipotentiary with all ceremony 典礼; and probably, also, in the hope of being able to form some estimate 估计 of his character, they despatched the prefect of the city, or kwang-chow-foo, on the 18th, to Macao, with a numerous retinue. He landed at Macao, upon the Praya Grande, near the governor's palace, attended by a great number of followers 信徒, and proceeded 继续 in state to the residence 住宅 of the plenipotentiary, thinking, no doubt, that he was conferring 授予 a great honour upon his Excellency, and that he would accordingly 于是 be received with every mark of distinction 区别. Alas, how are the mighty 威武 fallen! The ceremonious prefect was not even received. He, who had hitherto 迄今 been courted as an officer of distinction, and had been the medium of communication 通讯, and in some sort the ambassador 大使, between the high Chinese authorities 权威 and Captain Elliot, was now absolutely rejected 拒绝. Sir Henry Pottinger, acting with an intimate 亲密 knowledge of the Oriental character, and fully 充分 impressed with the high duties he was called upon to perform, and the high station he had to maintain 保持 as her Majesty's representative, declined 下降 to receive or hold any direct inter‧course 交往 with an officer inferior to himself in rank and responsibility 责任, and still less with one of comparatively 比较 inferior grade 年级, such as the Prefect of Canton.

Major Malcolm, the secretary of legation, was, however, deputed to receive the prefect; and, after a short interview 访问, the would-be great man withdrew, and returned in some dismay 沮丧 to Canton, to report the circumstances 环境 to his superiors 优越. The sensation 感觉 created by this little characteristic 特性 incident 事件 was very remarkable. It became the subject of conversation in every quarter, and tended to awaken much greater respect for the dignity 尊严 of the new plenipotentiary. The same cautious 小心的 and dignified bearing was maintained 保持 with the greatest advantage through‧out 始终 the whole of our subsequent 4 proceedings 继续.

At Hong-Kong, the most active preparations 制备 were now being made for the immediate departure 离开 of the expedition 远征. Excellent arrangements 安排 were introduced by Sir William Parker for the proper guidance 指导 of the fleet 舰队, and especially for the distribution and management 管理 of the numerous transports 运输 and store-ships. The advantage of this systematic 系统的 regularity 规律性 soon became evident 明显; and it is deserving 应受 of notice that, from this period to the close of the war, the transport 运输 service was conducted 进行 with the utmost regularity 规律性 and efficiency 效率, in spite 恶意 of the end‧less 无穷 difficulties arising out of our imperfect 不完善 knowledge of the coast of China, and the inaccuracy of most of the charts 图表. Add to this, that owing to sickness 疾病 and other causes, the transports 运输 were often under-manned, and had frequently the most arduous duties to perform.

By a general order of the 19th of August, issued only nine days after the arrival 到达 of the admiral, the fleet 舰队 was directed to be ready to put to sea at daylight on the 21st. It was to be formed in three divisions: the centre commanded by Captain Herbert, in the Blenheim, assisted by Commander Clarke, of the Columbine; the star‧board 星‧板,上船 division, under Captain Bourchier, in the Blonde, assisted by Commander Gifford, in the Cruiser; while the second, or port 港口 division, was placed under Captain Smith, of the Druid, assisted by Commander Anson, of the Pylades.

The whole fleet 舰队 consisted 组成 of thirty 三十-six sail, including transports 运输—namely, two line-of-battle ships, the Wellesley and the Blenheim; seven other ships of war—namely, the Modeste, Druid, Columbine, Blonde, Pylades, Cruiser, and Algerine; the Rattlesnake troop 部队-ship, and the Bentinck surveying 调查 vessel; four steamers 汽船 belonging to the East India Company—namely, the Queen, Phlegethon, Nemesis, and Sesostris; and twenty 二十-one hired transports 运输 and store-ships, most of them of large size, several of not less than a thou‧sand tons burden 负荷,重负. The force stationed in the neighbourhood of the Canton river comprised 包括 five or six vessels of war, including the Herald and Alligator, and was under the command of Captain Nias, senior 前辈 officer.

Early on the morning of the 21st, the fleet 舰队 got under weigh. Sir Henry Pottinger came over from Macao, in The Queen, on that day, just as the fleet 舰队 had sailed; and, as he stopped some time at Hong-Hong to inspect 检查 the place, and examine the various arrangements 安排 which had already been made, he did not join the admiral until the following day. The general rendezvous, in case of separation 分离, was to be Chapel Island, not far from Amoy. The weather was extremely favourable during the whole passage up, and, on the 25th, the whole squadron reached the outer harbour of Amoy, having preserved the order of sailing 航行;帆 remarkably well through‧out 始终.

The late plenipotentiaries, Captain Elliot and Sir Gordon Bremer, sailed from Hong-Kong, and finally took leave of China, three days after the departure 离开 of the expedition 远征, on board the Atalanta steamer, which had become completely knocked up by her work in the Canton river. Their intention was to proceed 继续 as quickly as possible to England, by way of Bombay.

The distance of Amoy from Hong-Kong is scarcely three hundred miles, and there were many good grounds for making it the first point of attack, as the expedition 远征 proceeded 继续 north‧ward 北方. It could not be doubted that the capture 捕获 of this flourishing 繁荣 commercial city would be seriously felt by the Chinese government. The authorities 权威 had, within the last twelve 十二 months, spent enormous 巨大 sums of money and incredible 难以置信 labour in the construction 施工 of batteries 电池, which they deemed 认为 impregnable, and which were certainly cap‧able of being stoutly 肥硕 defended.

The harbour of Amoy is situated 位于 in the south-western corner of an island of the same name, which, together with another called Quemoy, occupies 占据 a consider‧able 大量 portion of a large bay, in which, however, there are also numerous smaller islands. Of these, the most interesting, in connexion with our present subject, is that of Kolingsoo, which is separated from Amoy by a narrow passage, leading directly up to the harbour. In fact, the possession of this island, which we still retain 保留, gives us the complete command of Amoy itself 本身, or rather of its town and suburbs 市郊.

The scenery 风景 within the bay and about the town of Amoy is exceedingly 非常 picturesque 如画, the appearance of the country being very mountainous 多山 and striking. Several consider‧able 大量 rivers pour 淋;倒 their waters into the bay, and facilitate 促进 the communications 通讯 with the interior 室内 of the country. The superiority 优势 of the harbour much exceeded 超过 the expectations 期望 of the officers.

The town of Amoy, although possessed 拥有 of great commercial importance, and very wealthy 富裕, is by no means a first-class city—it ranks, indeed, only as a principal 主要 third-class town—but its inhabitants 居民 are exceedingly 非常 enterprising 企业 and intelligent 智能, and are remarkable for a certain disposition 性格 for emigration and colonization, as well as for their love of commerce. They were the principal 主要 colonizers of the flourishing 繁荣 island of Formosa, which lies opposite Amoy, extending itself 本身 along the coast for a distance of little less than two hundred miles; and they are to be found in great numbers in more remote 远程 islands, subject even to foreign dominion, such as Java, Singapore, Manilla, & 功放;c.

The city and suburbs 市郊 of Amoy can hardly be less than eight or ten miles in circumference, and they are in a great degree commanded by a fortified 强化 hill or citadel in the rear, which, however, is again commanded (as is very commonly the case in China) by unfortified heights beyond it to the east‧ward 东方的. The suburbs 市郊, or outer town, are separated from the principal 主要 or inner 里面的 town by a line of steep 陡峭的, rocky 岩石 hills, which run transversely down to the beach 海滩; but a paved 铺平 road or narrow cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法 leads into the city, through a pass which is protected by a covered gate‧way 网关 at its summit 首脑. As there is, therefore, what may be called a double town, so is there also a sort of double harbour—the outer one running along the face of the outer town, and the inner 里面的 one extending along the front of the principal 主要 town, and joining a large estuary 河口, which runs deep into the island across its centre, and skirts 裙子 the northern side of the city. In this manner, nearly two-thirds of the city of Amoy are washed by the sea. In fact, it stands upon a corner or tongue 舌头 of land, having a line of bold 胆大的;醒目的 mountains in its rear and on its flank 侧翼. The walls are castellated at top, and vary 变化 in height, according to the nature of the ground, from twenty 二十 to thirty 三十 feet. There are also, as in other places, four principal 主要 gates, having each an out‧work 出‧工作 or outer wall, with a court or open space between them, and a second gate leading from this, and placed at right angles to the inner 里面的 one, so that the approach to it from the outside is commanded by the principal 主要 wall of the town.

The citadel of Amoy was after‧ward 之后 found to contain a large supply of military 军事 accoutrements—ginjals, matchlocks, swords, shields, and spears of all kinds; there was also an immense 3 quantity of gun‧powder 枪‧粉, and materials for making it; in short, there was every reason to believe that Amoy had been made use of as the great military 军事 depôt of the province.

It is impossible to form even a tolerable estimate 估计 of the number of troops 部队 collected for the defence of the place, but the different accounts which were received varied 变化 from six thou‧sand to eight or ten thou‧sand men. It was also known that the high officers of the province had come down to Amoy purposely to encourage the defence, and to witness, as they hoped, the utter 说出 discomfiture of the barbarians. It was, however, upon their newly 最近,新近-constructed 构造 works that they placed their great reliance 依赖.

Numerous forts and field-works had been erected 直立 upon nearly all the smaller islands which stretch across the mouth of the great bay; and upon the island of Amoy itself 本身 a success‧ion 演替 of batteries 电池 and field-works had been built to command the approach to the town. The principal 主要 of these was a long stone battery 电池, well built of granite 花岗岩, faced with earth, extending along the shore nearly up to the suburbs 市郊 of the city, and designed to command the passage to the harbour. It presented a line of guns a full mile in length, the embrasures being covered with large slabs of stone protected by earth heaped upon them, and mounting no less than ninety 九十-six guns. In the rear of this battery 电池 there was a range of steep 3, rocky 岩石 heights, up the side of which the Chinese had carried a strong castellated wall to serve as a flanking 侧翼 defence to the battery 电池.

Still further to defend the approaches to the city, they had also strongly fortified 强化 the little island of Kolingsoo, between which and Amoy the passage is not more than six hundred yards across; this island is, in fact, the key of Amoy, and was retained 保留 in our possession when the city and the island of Amoy were restored to the Chinese. At that time the Chinese had already mounted upon the works, either completed or in progress, no less than seventy 七十-six guns. Indeed they had spared no labour to endeavour to render 给予 Amoy cap‧able of easy defence; although, from want of skill and discipline, the resistance which they offered was comparatively 比较 trifling 琐事. If the number of guns alone could indicate 表明 the strength of a place, the Chinese might have had some grounds for confidence; for, as Sir Hugh Gough remarked, "every island, every projecting 项目 head‧land 头;上端‧陆地;着陆 whence guns could be made to bear, was occupied 占据 and strongly armed." In fact, there were altogether not less than five hundred guns captured 捕获 at Amoy and the adjacent islands.

Early on the morning of the 26th of August, everything was in readiness 准备就绪 for the projected 项目 attack. The captains and commanders repaired 修理 on board the flag-ship for orders; the steamers 汽船 were all smoking and blowing off their spare 节省;多余的;备用件 steam 蒸汽, and the officers were all anxiously looking for the expected signal to stand in and engage 从事 the batteries 电池. Before active operations commenced 开始, however, it was thought right to make a reconnoissance of the defences which were to be attacked. With this view Sir Hugh Gough, Sir William Parker, and the plenipotentiary, stood in on board the Phlegethon, and were able to approach sufficiently 充分地 close to the works to observe all that was necessary, without having a single shot fired at them.

In the meantime a messenger 信使, supposed to be a Chinese merchant, came off from the town, under a flag of truce 休战, requesting to know the object of the visit of so large and formidable 强大 a squadron. The answer to this question was simple enough, and was sent in the name of the plenipotentiary, the general, and the admiral, to the effect that "they required that the demands made last year at Tientsin, (near Pekin,) by Captain Elliot, should be complied 执行 with; and that hostile 敌对 measures would, if necessary, be adopted to enforce 执行 them. Nevertheless 虽然, that as the plenipotentiary and the commanders-in-chief were moved by compassionate 富于同情心的 feelings, and were unwilling 不甘 to cause the death of so many officers and soldiers as must perish, they were willing to allow all the officers and troops 部队 in the town to retire with their personal 个人 arms and baggage 行李, in order to save the people from being hurt 损害, upon condition that the town and fortifications of Amoy should be at once delivered into the hands of the British forces, to be held for the present by them." A white flag was to be exhibited 展示 from the fortifications, if these terms were acceded to; otherwise, hostilities 敌意 would commence 开始. As might be expected, the white flag was not displayed 显示.

The morning was very hot and sultry; but about one o'clock a steady, favourable breeze 微风 set in, and the squadron got under weigh. The plan was, to make a simultaneous 同时 attack upon all the batteries 电池 at once, both against those upon Amoy and those upon Kolingsoo. The troops 部队 were also to be landed, with the object of taking the batteries 电池 in the rear; and the Nemesis and Phlegethon steamers 汽船 were to be employed to convey 传达 them to the appointed place of debarkation.

The ships were likely to bear the chief brunt of the engagement 订婚; but Sir Hugh Gough made every disposition 性格 for the employment 雇用 of the land forces, and his general order, issued just before the attack was to take place, deserves 应受 especial notice. He directed his remarks very strongly to the question of plundering 掠夺; and observed, that "as Amoy was a large commercial port 港口, and there had once been an English factory there, it was highly important that no act should be committed 承诺 which could tend to embarrass 阻碍 our future friendly inter‧course 交往. The government and the military 军事 were to be over‧come 战胜, and public property taken possession of, under certain instructions 指令, but private property was to be held inviolable; and that which in England," observed the general, "obtains 获得 the name of robbery 抢劫案, deserves no better name in China." The camp followers 信徒 were made liable 容易 to be put to death for plundering 掠夺; and orders were issued to punish 处罚 on the spot any man straggling from his corps 兵团.

This alone will suffice 满足 to point out that the expedition 远征 was very far from possessing 拥有 that buccaneering character which some persons, particularly foreigners 外国人, attempted to cast upon it. Indeed, it may safely be asserted 断言, that war was never carried on with so little infliction of suffering upon the people generally as in China. Generally speaking, the people soon learned learn to appreciate 欣赏 our motives 动机; and unless prevented by their own officers, they commonly shewed a friendly, or at all events a neutral 中性 feeling towards us. Besides the English, the privilege 特权 of trading at Amoy was formerly held by the Spanish also; and, at no very remote 远程 period, a regular inter‧course 交往 was kept up between Amoy and the Spanish colony of Manilla.

It was probable that the nature of the country round Amoy would render 给予 brigade movements 运动 inadmissible; but the troops 部队 were to be prepared to form in three brigades, if necessary. The men were to land in jackets, caps, and coats folded 折叠; and were to carry, each man, one day's cooked provisions 规定. The artillery 炮兵 were to be in readiness 准备就绪 to land their light, mountain guns.

About half-past one, the attack commenced 开始 on our side; but the Chinese had already begun the engagement 订婚, by firing occasional 偶然 shots at our ships, as they proceeded 继续 with a steady and favourable breeze 微风 to their respective 各自 stations. The Sesostris and Queen steamers 汽船 led in; the former commencing 开始 the action, but receiving a heavy fire before she returned it. The line-of-battle ships, Wellesley and Blenheim, under Captains Maitland and Herbert, proceeded 继续 to the extremity of the long stone battery 电池, nearest the suburbs 市郊, where they anchored by the stern 严肃, about half-past two P.M., within four hundred yards of the works, and at once opened a heavy fire upon the principal 主要 battery 电池.

The next in order along the front of these works, from the suburbs 市郊 towards the outer extremity, were the Pylades, Columbine, Cruiser, and Algerine. Simultaneously with this attack upon Amoy, the Blonde, Druid, and Modeste, reached their allotted 分配 stations, against the works of Kolingsoo; but, owing to the shallowness of the water, they were boldly carried on, in little more than their own draught.

The roar 咆哮 of the artillery 炮兵 on every side, echoed 回声 by the mountains around, was now terrific 了不起; and in one hour and twenty 二十 minutes the three principal 主要 batteries 电池 on Kolingsoo were silenced, and the marines 海洋 under Captain Ellis, about one hundred and seventy 七十 in number, were landed on that island, and took possession of the heights in the rear, without any loss. Three companies of the 26th regiment had also been appointed to this service, but the distance of the transports 运输 only permitted a small detachment 分离 of them, under Major Johnstone, to land in time to assist 帮助;协助;援助 in clearing the batteries 电池. The small detachment 分离 of the Royal Artillery, under Lieut. the Hon. R. E. Spencer, were actively employed on board the Blonde, during the attack.

While these operations were being carried on against the batteries 电池 on Kolingsoo, and against the long battery 电池 on Amoy, the Phlegethon and Nemesis were speedily 迅速 brought up with the troops 部队 ready to land. The Nemesis had taken on board the general and his staff, together with the 18th Royal Irish, under Colonel Adams; and had also to tow up a number of boats, with the sappers and miners 矿工, followers 信徒, & 功放;c. Consider‧able 大量 delay was therefore occasioned by having to run up to the different transports 运输 to embark 从事 detachments 分离, and also to pick up the boats; and it was not until half-past three that the Nemesis could get into action. She then opened fire at the long battery 电池 with her heavy guns and rockets 火箭, as she approached the lower angle of the fort for the purpose of landing the troops 部队.

It was just about this time, that as the Phlegethon was also running up towards the battery 电池, a boat was despatched by Lieut. M'Cleverty, in which Lieut. Crawford volunteered 志愿者 his services to capture 捕获 a small out‧work 出‧工作 upon a hill, very near the beach 海滩; and it was here that the British flag was first displayed 显示 upon the enemy's works, on that day, with three cheers 欢呼 from the steamers 汽船.

About a quarter before four, the general landed upon the beach 海滩, near the flank 侧翼 of the great battery 电池, with the 18th and 49th regiments, which were carried in by the Nemesis and Phlegethon steamers 汽船. The disembarkation was conducted 进行 by Commander Giffard, of the Cruiser. The 18th was directed to escalade the castellated wall which flanked 侧翼 the battery 电池; and, as already described, ran up the hill-side from the beach 海滩, nearly at right angles to it. At the same time, the 49th were to move along the beach 海滩 towards the lower angle of the battery 电池, and either get over it at its sea-face, or force their way through the embrasures.

A smart 聪明 fire was kept up from the Nemesis, to cover the landing and advance of the troops 部队; and Capt. Hall himself, anxious 焦急的 to take an active part in every operation, pushed off from the steamer, in the pinnace manned and armed, accompanied by the unfortunate 不幸的 Mr. Gully, who, as an old and brave 勇敢的 friend, volunteered 志愿者 to go with him. This was the same gentleman who after‧ward 之后 fell a victim 受害者 to the rapacity and cruelty 残酷 of the Chinese authorities 权威 on the island of Formosa, upon which he had the misfortune 不幸 to be wrecked, and, after seven months' imprisonment 徒刑 and cruel 残酷的 treatment 治疗, was at length executed 执行, together with nearly all his companions 同伴.

As soon as Capt. Hall and his friend had landed with the pinnace's crew, they joined the advanced guard of the 18th, under Major Tomlinson and Lieut. Murray, who were advancing towards the lower end of the castellated wall. The Chinese opened a smart 聪明 fire of ginjals and matchlocks as they approached, which was returned by the advancing party, who took advantage of the numerous little hillocks and tombs which lay in their way, to shelter themselves while they reloaded.

The Chinese, finding their enemy pressing up towards the wall, and being already bewildered 困惑 by the admirable 令人钦佩 firing of the ships, now began to slacken their fire. The 18th rushed for the lower end of the wall, while the party from the Nemesis made a dash 短跑 at its flank 侧翼, some way higher up, near a gate‧way 网关, where the wall appeared less elevated 提升 and more accessible 无障碍. They had, however, brought no scaling-ladders 梯子, and, in order to get over the wall, the men were obliged 责成 to be lifted up on each other's backs. In this way Captain Hall managed to get first upon the top of the wall, and instantly waved the British flag (which on such occasions he always carried with him in his pocket) in token 代币 of triumph 胜利. Others soon followed; and the Chinese, the moment they saw their enemies upon the walls, fired two or three random 随机 shots, and fled. At this time also the 18th got over the wall lower down, while the 49th forced their way through the embrasures, just at the angle of the sea-face of the great battery 电池. The fire of the ships had not yet ceased 停止, when the party from the Nemesis got down into the body of the fort, and several of our large shot fell close around them.

A very short distance in advance they now observed that two Chinese officers of high rank, mounted on horse‧back 马背, were endeavouring to make their escape, surrounded by a numerous body-guard, or retinue. The opportunity for trying to take an important prisoner 犯人,囚犯 was a tempting 引诱 one; and Captain Hall, little thinking how few of his own men were near him, and carried away by the impulse 冲动 of the moment, rushed head‧long 头;上端‧长的 upon the Chinese soldiers in front of him, firing off his pistols 手枪 at the two principal 主要 officers. Only two of his own men were near him at the moment; so that one of the inferior Chinese officers, seeing the disparity 差距, rallied 团结 a few of his men, and suddenly faced about, with a view to cut them off. A personal 个人 encounter 遭遇 now took place with the Chinese officer, who was a remarkably fine young man, bearing the white button 按钮. The long sword, however, soon had the advantage over the Chinese short one, even putting aside personal 个人 prowess 实力, and the mandarin fell severely wounded in the arm. He was immediately disarmed 撤防, and his cap and button, together with his sword, were taken from him as trophies. Several other soldiers now came up, to endeavour to rescue 营救 their officer, who got up and tried to escape, but another wound 创伤 in the leg soon brought him down again, and made the other Chinamen halt.

By this time, Captain Hall and his two men were nearly surrounded, and were compelled 迫使 to fight their way back again towards their comrades 同志, who were coming up to their aid 援助. One of the two seamen received a severe wound in the groin from the thrust 推力 of a spear, but the others got off without any injury. The young wounded mandarin was at last safely carried off by his comrades 同志.

The Chinese were now in full flight 飞行 in every direction, followed by the 18th, 49th, and a party of small-arm men, who were landed from the Wellesley and Blenheim, some way up the sea-face of the fort, under Commander Fletcher and other officers of those ships. The fort was soon completely in our possession. During all the operations of this day, Sir Henry Pottinger and suite 套房 were with the admiral on board the Wellesley.

On examining the sea-face of the battery 电池, it was impossible not to be struck with the amazing 使大为惊奇,使惊愕 solidity of the wall. It was composed of hewn granite 花岗岩, faced outside with earth, and of such strength, that the heavy firing of two line-of-battle ships against it, at the distance of only four hundred yards, had made very little impression 印象; indeed, it might be said to be shot-proof. The embrasures were something like low port 港口-holes, covered with stone and earth, and in the space between them were sheds, or a sort of temporary 临时 watch-boxes, in which was found a quantity of arms of every kind, clothes, half-cooked food, and also opium 鸦片, with the common pipes 管子 used for smoking it. A horse also was found. The guns were many of them very ill 生病-mounted, and in general the carriages were badly 很糟地 contrived 图谋, and often defective 缺陷. In some places you saw bags of sand placed upon the top of the guns, to prevent them from jumping out of the carriages altogether. The fort had evidently 明显地 been armed hastily 草草.

Several high Chinese officers fell during this day; some probably by their own hands. One of them very quietly rushed into the water and drowned himself, although, in the report of the affair to the emperor 皇帝, it was after‧ward 之后 stated that he "rushed on to drive back the assailants as they landed, and fell into the water and died." This officer was the Chinese commodore, who commanded in the absence of the admiral. This officer had left the port 港口 just before our arrival 到达, ( boasting 自夸 that he was going to meet the barbarians,) and, having sailed north‧ward 北方, could not get back again, owing to the contrary 相反 wind.

Before five o'clock, the whole of the outer defences of Amoy were in our possession. The Blonde and Modeste, as soon as they had silenced the batteries 电池 on Kolingsoo, with the assistance 帮助 of the Druid, had pushed on into the inner 4 harbour, and captured 捕获 twenty 二十-six war-junks 破烂, mounting not less than one hundred and twenty 二十-eight guns; they were nearly ready for sea, but were deserted by their crews 全体工作人员;全体船员. A large building-yard was discovered, with an immense quantity of timber 木材 collected in it; and there was a good-sized frigate-junk 破烂, of about three hundred tons, in course of building, in a regular dry dock 码头, something after the European model; they had evidently 明显地 made a great step in advance in the art of ship-building; indeed, the longer the war lasted, the more the Chinese found themselves led on, by the "impulse 冲动 of necessity," to attempt great changes, and, in many respects, improvements 起色, not only in their vessels, but in their war‧like 战争‧喜欢;象 weapons, and other matters relating to the art of defence.

The Nemesis, in running along the shore to avoid the swell 膨胀;增强 which was setting in, unexpectedly 不料 found her‧self 她自己 within a circular 3 patch 补丁 of coral 珊瑚 rock, which was not visible 可以看见的;可视的 above the surface. Several fruit‧less 成果‧少 attempts were made to extricate her from this curious position, but the entrance 入口 by which she had got into it could not again be found; but her draught of water being very small, it was thought likely she would be able to force her way over the reef without suffering much damage to her iron 铁器 hull 船壳, and she dashed 短跑 at it at half speed. The blow, however, was more severe than was expected; the vessel bounded 必定;跳 completely over the reef; but the sharp coral 珊瑚 rock cut completely through her bottom, making a consider‧able 大量 leak 泄漏 in the engine-room. This was fortunately stopped from the inside without much difficulty, and no further notice was taken of it until some time after‧ward 之后, when she arrived at Chusan, where the damage was substantially 基本上 repaired.

In the meantime, Sir Hugh Gough pushed on without delay, to occupy 占据 a chain of steep, rocky 岩石 hills, which, running transversely down to the beach 海滩, lay between the great fort and the town, so as to intercept 截距 the view of the latter. A strong body of the Chinese seemed disposed 部署 to defend this position, which was naturally 自然地 of great strength, and completely commanded the approach to the city. Immediate advantage was to be taken of the prevailing 战胜 panic 恐慌; and the 18th and 49th regiments being directed to advance partly up a steep gorge 峡谷, and partly by a more circuitous road leading round the hills, soon made themselves masters of the heights over‧look 俯瞰 the city. The Chinese retreated 撤退 before them as soon as they had fired off their guns and matchlocks. Our troops 部队 bivouacked for the night upon the positions they occupied 占据; but they might have been a good deal harassed 骚扰 by the Chinese, if the latter had taken advantage of the rocky 岩石, broken character of the ground, to dispute 争议 their further advance. The night was bitterly cold upon the heights.

At daylight a reconnoissance was made, and it was soon discovered that little resistance was to be expected. Great confusion and bustle 忙碌 were apparent 清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的 in all directions; hundreds of the inhabitants 居民 were hurrying out of the northern gate, carrying with them their most valuable property; in fact, there was evidently 明显地 a general panic 恐慌. Without loss of time, therefore, the 18th, supported by the 49th, were ordered to march down towards the city in the direction of the eastern gate, which was the nearest, while Captain Cotton, the commanding engineer, was directed to examine carefully 小心 the approaches to the gate itself 本身.

The advanced party of the 18th, on arriving at the gate, found that there was no preparation 制备 for resistance, and soon scaled the walls by means of some ladders which were very opportunely found not far from the gate. Heaps of rubbish 垃圾, and sacks 解雇 full of earth and sand, were found piled up inside against the gate, so that some time was required to get it open. It was now discovered that the authorities 权威 and all the soldiers had abandoned 放弃 the town, leaving everything in the utmost disorder 混乱, so that the only protection which the more respect‧able 可敬 and peaceably-inclined 倾斜 inhabitants 居民 had to look for, from the violence 暴力 and plundering 掠夺 of their own rabble, was from the presence of our own troops 部队, and the military 军事 government of the city by the victorious captors. Already the mob 暴民 had begun to ransack some of the public establishments before we found out where they were situated 位于; and it was after‧ward 之后 discovered that a good deal of treasure 金银财宝 must have been carried away by the thieves and vagabonds of the town. A number of men were found carrying out of the gates something having the appearance of common logs 记录 of wood; and it was not suspected, until too late, that these logs were hollowed 空的 out, and filled with Sycee silver, a very ingenious 巧妙 contrivance to escape detect‧ion 发现. A small quantity of treasure 3 was found in one of the large buildings, supposed to be the office of the command‧ant 命令‧蚂蚁, which was occupied 占据 by the sappers and miners 矿工.

Most of the public offices were large and roomy buildings, affording good accommodation 住所 for a whole regiment of soldiers. The pile of buildings belonging to the admiral's department was assigned 分配 to the 18th and the staff, being within the walled town; while the 49th were quartered in the outer town, in a large building belonging to the office of the Intendant of Circuit. The 55th occupied 占据 an extensive range of buildings belonging to the Prefect of Amoy; the artillery 炮兵 retaining 保留 possession of a commanding position over‧look 俯瞰 both the city and the outer town.

Late in the day, and also on the following morning, Sir Henry Pottinger and Sir William Parker landed, to take a view of the town; but, after visiting the principal 主要 buildings, they returned on board ship.

Numerous patrols 巡逻 were found necessary, by day and night, in order to preserve quiet in the public streets, and to check the boldness and rapacity of the swarms 一群 of Chinese thieves and rogues 流氓, who hovered 徘徊 about like a raging 愤怒 pestilence in every part of the city, and crowded in from the country the moment the respect‧able 可敬 inhabitants 居民 left the town. The inhabitants 居民 themselves were, in many instances, afraid even to defend their own property, or to aid 援助 our troops 部队 in restoring 修复;使复位;使复职 order and regularity 规律性; they dreaded 恐惧 the probable imputation of having traitorously aided 助手 the foreigners 外国人, and the fear of extortion and punishment 惩罚 from their own authorities 权威, at some future period, served to disorganize 破坏组织 the whole community. In vain 徒劳的 did Sir Hugh Gough appeal 上诉 to the more respect‧able 可敬 merchants and householders to aid 援助 him in protecting property; all that he could get from them was empty promises, of which they were very liberal 自由主义的, but from which no good result followed. Even within the citadel, or walled town, it was with the utmost difficulty that the daring thieves and vagabonds could be kept in check; and hardly could even a single Chinaman be induced 促使 to point out to the guards at the gate the real bonâ fide owners 所有者 of houses or property, in order that they might be allowed free egress and ingress.

The injury which the inhabitants 居民 of many Chinese towns suffered during our operations must not be estimated 估计 by the actual damage (generally trifling 琐事) done by our fire, or by the presence of our troops 部队. In most instances, even before hostilities 敌意 commenced 开始, the presence of the Chinese troops 部队, who were marched in probably from several distant provinces, became almost a scourge to the inhabitants 居民; and after‧ward 之后, when a town was taken, and the local government disorganized 破坏组织, much greater damage was done to the property of the people by the low mob 暴民 of plunderers, than would, under any circumstances 环境, have been allowed by our own victorious soldiers; indeed, some instances occurred 发生 in which the former were shot by our guards, rather than desist from their evil doings.

Our men often resisted 抵抗 temptations 诱惑 of no ordinary kind; houses were found abandoned 放弃, property left unprotected, shops open, and goods strewed about; and even the abominable spirit, samshu, (distilled 蒸馏 from rice,) was sometimes almost purposely placed in their way. The instances of misconduct 处理不当 were few, even under these peculiar 奇怪的 circumstances 环境.

Among other discoveries 发现 was one calculated to corroborate at first sight the notion 概念 of the prevalence 流行 of infanticide among the Chinese. In a large tank 容器 near a public building, by some supposed to have been an hospital, were found the dead bodies of several young infants 婴儿 which had been drowned, having been thrown in, sewn 缝:sew up in pieces of mat. But there was nothing to determine whether the horrid deed 行为 was done out of fear that violence 暴力 might be offered to the women and children, or whether it was really an instance of the practice of infanticide, which has been said to prevail 战胜 in China to a much greater extent than it really does. The former explanation 说明 may possibly in this instance, as in some later ones, be the true one.

The interior 室内 of the island of Amoy was not occupied 占据, or even examined, for it was feared by the general that the presence of our troops 部队 would so much alarm the respect‧able 可敬 and influential 有影响的 inhabitants 居民, that the whole place would be given up to the rapacity and lawlessness of the innumerable 无数 miscreants who watched for every opportunity of letting loose all their bad propensities 倾向; but the Nemesis, accompanied by the Algerine, and having in tow the launch 发射 and pinnace of the Blonde, was ordered to steam 3 round the island, and search for war-junks 破烂. None, however, were found.

The island of Kolingsoo appeared so completely to command the harbour and approach to Amoy, that the occupation 占用 of that position only was calculated to answer every good purpose, without the necessity for the retention 保留 of Amoy.

It was the opinion of Sir Henry Pottinger, in which the general and the admiral perfectly coincided 重合, that no measures should be taken for the permanent occupation 占用 of the city, and that a small garrison 驻军 only should be left at Kolingsoo, while the remainder of the expedition 远征 should move further north‧ward 北方 with the least possible delay. It was necessary, however, to wait a day or two for favourable winds, and measures were taken for the destruction of the numerous works which had been constructed 构造 upon the outer islands.

The Nemesis was employed on this important service on the 30th and 31st. Having been joined by two launches 发射 and other boats, with a party of seamen and marines 海洋 from the Wellesley, Blenheim, and Druid, under Commander Fletcher, she proceeded 继续 to destroy some forts and guns, principally 原则上 on the south-west side of the bay, all of which had been abandoned 放弃 by the Chinese. On this occasion, five forts or field-works and forty 四十-two guns were taken possession of and destroyed, and on the following day several others of the same description were also disabled 禁用. A body of Chinese soldiers, who shewed themselves near a small fort on the island of Quemoy, at the eastern entrance 入口 of the bay, were dispersed 分散, and several guns, matchlocks, ginjals, & 功放;c., together with a quantity of gun‧powder 枪‧粉, were destroyed. Altogether seventy 七十-seven guns and four forts were destroyed in this day's work, and the admiral publicly spoke speak of the "very commend‧able 表彰‧能够的 zeal 热情" which had been displayed 显示.

At Amoy, for the first time, the so-called tiger soldiers shewed themselves—that is, men dressed up in yellow-coloured clothes, with black spots or stripes 条纹 upon them, and a covering for the head, intended to be a rude 粗鲁的 representation 表示 of a tiger's head, supposed to look very fierce 凶猛的, and to strike terror 恐怖 into the minds of the enemy.

The island of Kolingsoo, which had been retained 保留 in our possession ever since its capture 捕获, deserves a few remarks. It is about a mile and a half in length, and about three quarters of a mile broad, but is very irregular 不规则 in its shape. It principally 原则上 consists 组成 of rocky 岩石 broken ground, the greater part of which is barren 荒芜, but interspersed 点缀 with unwholesome rice-grounds, which have contributed 有助于 to render 给予 the place extremely unhealthy 不良; indeed at one period the mortality 死亡 among the troops 部队 stationed there was dreadful 可怕, scarcely even a single officer having escaped sickness 疾病, which proved fatal 致命 to many. The Chinese, however, seemed to have suffered little from it, for there were several neat 整洁的 and even elegant 优雅 country-houses upon the island, ornamented 装饰 with hand‧some 英俊 carved 雕刻 wood-work, & 功放;c. It seemed to have been used as a place of retirement 退休 for some of the wealthier 富裕 citizens of Amoy, and our retention 保留 of a place so conveniently situated 位于 for giving us the command of the harbour and trade of the city was a source 资源 of great annoyance 恼怒, both to the authorities 权威 and to the inhabitants 居民.

For a consider‧able 大量 time, very little communication 通讯 was kept up with the town, and it was scarcely safe to venture 企业;投机活动;商业冒险 into it; but since the peace, every disposition 性格 has been shewn to receive us in a friendly manner, and the knowledge which many of the Chinese merchants have acquired 获得 of our character and habits, by trading with Singapore, will tend materially to facilitate 促进 our future commercial inter‧course 交往.

Several American missionaries 传教士 have resided 居住 at Kolingsoo, and without doubt will, at no distant period, succeed in winning the attention and good-will of many of the inhabitants 居民 of Amoy. A bound‧less 必定;跳‧少 field has at length been opened for missionary 传教士 enterprise 企业 in the benighted empire of China; for, although it cannot be said that the country has been made completely accessible 无障碍 to the foreigner, still the hostility 敌意 of the government has been materially modified 修改.

It rests with the Christian nations to profit as Christians, by the opportunities which cannot fail to offer. Among a people so fond 喜欢的 of reading and thinking, and so given to study and inquiry 调查 as the Chinese generally are, the best possible results are to be expected from the judicious teaching of Christianity, and, above all, of Christian practices. If China is really to be opened, it is to be effected by missionary 传教士 enterprise 企业 cautiously 小心的 and judiciously, and, above all, not too hastily 草草 applied.

The most valuable of all aids 援助 to these under‧take 承担, is that of medical knowledge, which may be considered as almost indispensable 不可缺少 to the proper character of a missionary 传教士 in China. The relief of bodily suffering (above all, in a country where the medical art is so low as it is in China) softens 软的:soft the feelings of our nature, and paves 铺平 the way for kinder influences over the mind itself 本身. It will open the family mansion 大厦 of the most secluded 隔离 and prejudiced 成见 Chinese, when words or doctrines 教义 first propounded would meet an unwilling 不甘 or perhaps a hostile 敌对 listener. Religious 宗教 teaching and the practice of the healing 治愈 art, the comfort of the suffering mind, and the solace of the tortured 拷打 body, must go hand in hand in effecting the good work of "opening" China.

Why is it that the Americans have taken precedence 优先权 of the English in this great and glorious 辉煌 work, since the commencement 开始 of the war in particular? For many years, a talented 天赋 medical missionary 传教士, Dr. Parker, has dispensed 发放 his double blessing upon the Chinese at Canton, and can testify 作证 the gratitude 感谢 of the people, from the highest to the lowest, and the readiness 准备就绪 with which they have accepted his counsel 法律顾问 and his teaching in both capacities 容量. At Macao, Hong-Kong, Kolingsoo, and Chusan, the Americans have alike 同样的 preceded 优于 us.

There is, however, one great and fatal 致命 error 错误 to be avoided; and that is, the rivalry 竞争 of religious 宗教 sects 教派 among each other, and the attempt to gain followers 信徒 at the expense of each other's tenets 信条. It was this want of unanimity which in some measure produced the decline 下降 of the influence of Roman-catholic missionaries 传教士 in China.

The garrison 驻军 which was left by Sir Hugh Gough upon the island of Kolingsoo consisted 组成 of three companies of the 26th regiment, with a wing 翅膀 of the 18th, and a small detachment 分离 of artillery 炮兵, comprising 包括 altogether about five hundred and fifty 五十 men; the whole under the command of Major Johnstone, of the 26th; and the Druid, with the Pylades and Algerine, were also to remain there, under the command of Captain Smith, C.B., as a further support, to ensure 确保 the complete command of the harbour of Amoy.

The number of troops 部队 employed during the operations against Amoy was as follows:—




Artillery, European and Native, Captain Knowles



18th Regiment Royal Irish, Lieutenant Colonel Adams    



26th Regiment (Cameronians), Major Johnstone



49th Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Morris



55th Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Craigie



Madras Sappers and Miners








Four native officers, and serjeants and drummers 鼓手, are included in the second column.[56]

In the afternoon of the 4th of September, the weather having become calm and fine, the preconcerted signal for the embarkation of the troops 部队 from the town and island of Amoy was made on board the flag-ship. Upon this sudden order, the troops 部队 were paraded 游行 in perfect regularity 规律性, without a single instance of drunkenness or misconduct 处理不当, after eight days of harassing 骚扰 duty on shore, amid temptations 诱惑 of every kind. Under the direction of Commander Giffard, of the Cruiser, the whole force was embarked 从事 without any accident 意外事件, by half-past six o'clock, on board the Nemesis and other steamers 汽船, which conveyed 传达 them out to their respective 各自 transports 运输, in readiness 准备就绪 to sail on the following day. Not even a camp-follower was left behind (and they are generally a very trouble‧some 麻烦 class); but, in order to make sure that there was no straggler, the Nemesis was after‧ward 之后 sent in again to the town to bring off any one that might accidentally 偶然 have been left. But the only straggler which was found, happened to be a fine fat bullock, which was soon put on board the Nemesis and carried off.

Every preparation 制备 was now completed for the departure 离开 of our forces on the following morning, the 5th of September.


[56] List of H.M. ships and vessels, and of the Honourable Company's steam-vessels, in action at Amoy, 26th of August, 1841.

Wellesley (flag)


  Captain T. Maitland.



  Captain T. Herbert.



  Captain T. Bourchier.



  Captain H. Smith.



  Captain H. Eyres.



  Commander Giffard.



  Commander Anson.



  Commander Clarke.



  Lieutenant R. Collinson.



  Lieutenant T. Mason.

Sesostris steamer


  Commander Ormsby, I.N.

Phlegethon steamer


  Lieutenant M'Cleverty, R.N.

Nemesis steamer


  Mr. W. H. Hall, R.N.

Queen steamer


  Mr. W. Warden, R.N.


sir 25
possession 9
steamer 8
numerous 8
gate 8
flag 8
quantity 5
fell 5
queen 4
vessels 4
inner 4
steep 4
altogether 4
shot 4
damage 4


All those persons who have visited Amoy, either out of curiosity 好奇心 or on matters of business, appear to agree with each other in regarding it as a place peculiarly adapted for the extension 伸展 of European trade. The mercantile spirit and enterprise 企业 of its inhabitants 居民, and their anxious 3 desire to trade with foreigners 外国人, when not held back by the arbitrary 随意 orders of the mandarins, have been long known and recorded by several travellers, before there was any prospect 展望 whatever of the trade being opened. Mr. Gutzlaff observed respecting it, in the account of his voyage 旅行 along the coast—"Its excellent harbour has made it from time immemorial one of the greatest emporiums of the empire, and one of the most important markets of Asia. Vessels can sail close up to the houses, load and unload 卸下 with the greatest facility 设施, have shelter from all winds, and in entering or leaving the port 港口, experience no danger of getting ashore 岸上. The whole adjacent country being sterile 无菌, the inhabitants 居民 were forced to seek 寻求 some means of subsistence 生活 else‧where 在别处. Endowed with an enterprising 企业 spirit, and unwearied in the pursuit 追求 of gain, they visited all parts of the Chinese empire, gradually became bold 3 sailors, and settled as merchants all along the coast. Thus they colonized 拓殖 Formosa, which, from that period to this, has been their granary, and visited and settled in the Indian archipelago, Cochin China, and Siam. A population constantly 总是;经常地,不断地 over‧flow 溢出, demanded constant 不变 resources 资源 for their subsistence 生活, and this they found in colonization; and thus they spread themselves all along the coast of China, up to Mantchou Tartary. As soon as the colonists 殖民者 amass sufficient 足够 money, they return home, which they leave again when all is spent." Elsewhere 在别处 he says, "Many of these merchants, settled in the northern parts of China, return annually 每年 with their profits. It is not surprising, therefore, that a large amount of Chinese shipping belongs to Amoy merchants, and that the greater part of the capital employed in the coasting trade is their property. Hence 因此, even this barren 荒芜 tract 管道 is become one of the richest in China, from the enterprise 企业 of its inhabitants 居民. Wherever 随地 the people go they are rarely 很少;不常见;难得 found in a state of abject poverty 贫穷; on the contrary 相反, they are often wealthy 富裕, and command the trade of whole islands and provinces, as well by their capital as by their superior 优越 enterprise 企业 and industry."

The English, who had formerly a factory at Amoy, were compelled 迫使 to relinquish 放弃 the trade by the severe extortions to which they were subject. The Dutch continued it for a longer time, but neglected 疏忽 it when their influence at Formosa ceased 停止. The natives 本土的 of Amoy have always shewn themselves ready to cultivate 耕作 the friend‧ship 友情 of foreigners 外国人, wherever 随地 they have been, and in their dealings they have a character for honesty 诚实 beyond all other Chinese. They are more ambitious 有雄心的 of successful 成功 mercantile enterprise 企业 than of literary distinction 区别 or advancement 进步, which is generally so dear to a Chinaman.

The shops of Amoy are generally well supplied with the necessaries and luxuries 豪华 of life, the merchants are civil 国内, and although the town is neither hand‧some 英俊 nor very cleanly, and the population in some parts of it are densely 密地 crowded together, still there are many fine houses, which indicate 表明 the possession of wealth 财产 and consequence 后果.

An immense trade is carried on between Amoy and the island of Formosa, to which a great number of emigrants are even still attracted from the province of Fokien. Before the occupation 占用 of Hong-Kong was thought of, several proposals were made for forming a British settlement 沉降 upon Formosa, as being conveniently situated 位于 for extending our trade with the inhabitants 居民, not only of the adjacent district of Fokien, but of the whole coast of China. This suggestion was partly encouraged by the recollection 回忆 of the settlement 沉降 which the Dutch once possessed upon the island; but it seemed to be forgotten that the Dutch were at length forcibly 强制 expelled 驱逐, and that the population having greatly increased since that period, it is not likely that we should be suffered to retain 保留 possession of any part of the island without being constantly 总是;经常地,不断地 harassed 骚扰 and provoked to blood‧shed 血‧棚; moreover, the privilege 特权 of trading with Amoy does away with all probability 可能性 of advantage to be derived 派生 by direct trade with Formosa.

Among other proposals, that of a settlement 沉降 upon the Bonin islands (which are said already to belong to Great Britain) was suggested, with a view to commercial enterprise 企业 with China; and Mr. Tradescant Lay warmly supported this notion 概念. These islands were taken possession of by Captain Beechey, of H.M.S. Blossom, in 1827, and they extend from latitude 纬度 27°, 44', to 26°, 30' N., being about five days' sail from the Lew-Chew islands, and three from Japan. In the course of a few years, it is not improbable 难以置信 that Port 港口 St. George, the principal 主要 harbour, may be resorted to, with the object of pushing our trade even into Japan itself 本身. At the present moment, indeed, several Englishmen and other Europeans are settled there, and are principally 原则上 concerned in the whale fishery 渔业. There are also a good many natives of the Sandwich Islands at Port 港口 St. George. The islands are volcanic 火山, but are rendered 给予 productive 生产的 with moderate cultivation 教养.

It is worth while here to mention that the Bonin Islands and the Sandwich Islands lie directly in the line of future inter‧course 交往 between China and the west coast of America, and that it has been thought not improbable 难以置信 that a new route 路线 to China may some day be opened, by way of California and the islands above-named.

To return from this digression to the island of Formosa, which has claimed our particular interest since the mass‧acre 屠杀 of so many of our shipwrecked countrymen by the authorities 权威, shortly before the termination 终止 of the late war. In this horrible 可怕 tragedy 悲剧 no less than two hundred and eighty 八十-three human beings 蜜蜂 were put to death in cold blood, without any other crime 罪行 than that of helplessness, and without any other object than that of obtaining 获得 rewards by fabricated 制造 statements 声明, and honours by false 虚伪的 pretences. Formosa was the last conquest 征服 of the present Tartar dynasty 王朝, and even since it has been brought under Chinese dominion, the rebellions 暴动 and disturbances 骚乱 of its unruly inhabitants 居民 have been a frequent source 资源 of alarm to the government. The imperial 帝国 troops 部队 have been frequently defeated 击败 with great slaughter 屠宰, and peace is said to have been purchased 采购 by bribes more frequently than it has been won by conquest. The aboriginal inhabitants 居民 are still numerous in the mountain districts, and along some parts of the eastern shores, but they, are said to be much oppressed 压迫 by the Chinese colonists 殖民者, and also by the authorities 权威.

When the Tartars first began the conquest of China, great numbers of discontented 不满 spirits went over to Formosa from the neighbouring provinces, and it has been recorded that one hundred thou‧sand people took refuge 避难所 there. The island belongs to the province of Fokien, along which it is situated 位于 at a distance varying 变化 from seventy 七十 to one hundred and twenty 二十 miles, the passage between it and the main‧land 大陆 being called the Formosa Channel 渠道. The length of this island is about two hundred and twenty 二十 miles, but the breadth 宽度 of it is extremely irregular 不规则. The Chinese population is at present supposed to amount to about two millions, and is constantly 4 on the increase, by the access‧ion 加入 of an influx 辐辏 of emigrants from the main‧land 大陆 adjoining. They are attracted thither by the fertility 生育能力 of the soil, and the great facilities 设施 for cultivating 耕作 sugar 食糖 and rice, which are there grown to an extent sufficient 足够 to supply a vast 广大 quantity of these necessary articles to the inhabitants 居民 of the main‧land 大陆, and to employ several hundred trading junks 破烂 in the traffic 交通.

It is worthy 值得 of remark, that the Dutch contrived 图谋 to establish 建立 themselves upon the island of Formosa, and ultimately 最终 to form a factory there, before the Tartar conquest 征服, and before it was regularly 经常 colonized 拓殖 by the Chinese. The Japanese also partly contributed 有助于, though in small numbers, to colonize 拓殖 the island. The Dutch had a small garrison 驻军 at a place called Tanshuy, or Tamsui, at the northern extremity of the island, and another at Kelung, not very for from it. Their object was to make use of their settlement 沉降 as a depôt, or centre of trade, from which their operations could be extended along the coast of China and Japan. Their influence was, however, of very short continuance, as they were ultimately 最终 completely driven out of the island, after some few struggles, by the famous 著名 pirate 海盗, Coxinga, in 1662, about thirty 三十 or forty 四十 years after they had fairly established 建立 themselves on it.

The present capital of the island is built upon the site of the principal 主要 Dutch factory of former times, and is called Ty-wan 苍白-foo; it is upon the west coast, some distance down towards its southern 南部的 end. The harbour has, however, become almost inaccessible 人迹罕至, except to vessels of very light draught of water, owing to the accumulation 积累 of sand, which is thought to frequently change its place. Indeed, the sea has gradually continued to retire from many parts of the coast, and harbours which were once frequented are at present inaccessible 人迹罕至.

From the time of the expulsion 开除 of the Dutch, to the period of our operations upon the coast of China, little seems to have been known or heard of Formosa; and, owing to the jealousy 妒忌 of the Chinese, and other causes, no attempt seems to have been made to explore the island. The colonists 殖民者 are described as being generally very turbulent 汹涌 and given to violence, as it has become a place of refuge 避难所 for all the bad characters who can manage to escape from the main‧land 大陆; but it is also the home of many respect‧able 可敬 and enterprising 企业 settlers 定居者; although, being removed 去掉 from the control of the superior 优越 officers of the province, they live with less restraint 克制, and therefore readily become bold and law‧less 法‧少. For the same reason, the local mandarins are cruel 残酷的, rapacious, and ignorant 愚昧; and their behaviour towards our unfortunate 不幸的 countrymen will suffice 满足 to stamp 邮票 them with the character of treachery and thorough baseness. But the cultivation 4 and prosperity 繁荣 of the island have increased in a rapid and remarkable manner; and it is evident 明显 that British manufactures will soon be spread among its numerous population, through their intimate 亲密 connexion with Amoy.

Besides furnishing immense supplies of rice, Formosa also produces great quantities of sugar 食糖, camphor, and tobacco 烟草, which are exported 出口 to Amoy. A great part of the camphor is already carried down to Singapore in the trading junks 破烂 from Amoy, but probably our own trading vessels will hence‧forth 今后 pro‧cure 促成 supplies of it on the spot, in exchange for cotton and other manufactured articles.

Unruly as the people of Formosa are, the island is, nevertheless 虽然, some‧what 有些 famous 著名 for its schools, which are said to be in a flourishing 繁荣 condition. Mr. Gutzlaff states, that the rich men of Fokien frequently send their sons over to obtain 获得 literary degrees at Formosa; and the Dutch, at an early period, took pains to spread Christianity among the inhabitants 居民, who, at that time, were comparatively 比较 few in number. A few books on Christianity were translated 翻译 by them into the Formosan language, and they were very successful 成功 in making converts 转变. Since they abandoned 放弃 the island, however, nearly all traces 跟踪 of their early labours have disappeared.

The close connexion of Formosa with Amoy will probably be the means of reviving 复活 amongst 之中 the inhabitants 居民 some of the lost spirit of Christianity; for we cannot doubt that, in all parts of China, the increase of missionary 传教士 labour will keep pace 步伐,速度 with the increase of commercial inter‧course 交往.

The wreck of the Nerbudda transport 运输, on her way up to join the expedition 远征 with camp-followers 信徒, in the month of September, 1841, soon after our forces left Amoy, and the loss of the brig Ann, a trading vessel, on her way down to Macao, from Chusan, in the month of March following, upon the shores of Formosa, served to attract 吸引 unusual 异常 attention towards that island, and to put us in possession of some little information respecting the interior 室内.

The history and ultimate 最终 fate of our shipwrecked countrymen is calculated to awaken the most painful 痛苦 interest. On board the Nerbudda there were altogether two hundred and seventy 七十-four people; of whom, twenty 二十-nine were Europeans, two natives of Manilla, and two hundred and forty 四十-three natives of India. The captain and the rest of the Europeans, with the two Manilla men, and only three Indians, got away in the ship's boats immediately after she struck, and were providentially picked up some days after‧ward 之后 by a trading schooner, called the Black Swan, on her way down to Hong-Kong. The unfortunate 不幸的 Indians, to the number of two hundred and forty 四十, who were left upon the wreck, after remaining by her for five days, managed to construct 构造 rafts, upon which they attempted to reach the shore. Many of them, however, perished in the surf 冲浪, and others are supposed to have been murdered by the Chinese plunderers. The exact number, therefore, who fell into the hands of the Chinese authorities 权威, and were imprisoned 监禁 and subjected to the greatest privations, cannot be ascertained 探明; but they were thought to amount, according to the best information which could be obtained 获得, to more than a hundred and fifty 五十.

On board the brig Ann there were in all fifty 五十-seven souls; of whom, four‧teen 十四 were natives of Europe or America, four Portuguese, five Chinamen, and thirty 三十-four natives of India. Out of all those who were taken prisoners, belonging to both vessels, only nine ultimately 最终 escaped an untimely fate, and were restored at the end of the war, according to the terms of the treaty 条约.

The following account of what befel the unfortunate 不幸的 sufferers 患者 on board the Ann will apply, with little variation 变异, to those who were wrecked before them, in the Nerbudda. It is extracted 提取 and condensed 凝结 from a curious journal 日志, kept by one of the sufferers 患者, a fine young man, who was a passenger 乘客 on board. It was found concealed 隐藏 in his cell 细胞, after his unfortunate 不幸的 fate, and cannot but awaken feelings of deep commiseration for all his companions 同伴 in distress 苦难.[57] It was written upon common Chinese paper, with a piece of bamboo, and the account was continued to within five or six days of the time when the final 最后 tragedy 悲剧 is supposed to have taken place. It was written day by day, as the various little occurrences 发生 took place, and some of the observations 意见 casually 胡乱;漫不经心 made upon the appearance of the island will be read with great interest; but I have thought proper to omit 省略 the minutiæ and repetition 重复 of abrupt 突兀 and hasty notes, which would have been tedious 乏味 and of little benefit 效益.

It will here be proper to mention, that prompt 敏捷的 redress 纠正 and "condign" punishment 惩罚 upon the heads of those high officers, whose 3 false 虚伪的 and pitiless misrepresentations occasioned the final 最后 catastrophe 灾难, has since been demanded, in firm and dignified terms, by her Majesty's plenipotentiary; and one of the conditions insisted 咬定 on was, "that the property of the high authorities 权威 of the island, who were perfidiously concerned in the affair, should be confiscated 没收, and the amount paid over to the officers of the British government, to be applied to the relief and support of the families of the innocent 无辜 men who suffered."

By the orders of the Emperor, a strict 严格的 investigation 调查 has been made into all the circumstances 环境 connected with the dreadful 可怕 event; and a report has been sent up to Pekin, by the Viceroy of Fokien, condemnatory of the misrepresentation and duplicity of the authorities 权威 of Formosa.

The whole of the fifty 五十-seven individuals who were on board the Ann quitted 放弃 the wreck at daylight; and, having marched along the shore about two miles, they fell in with two junks 破烂, lying wind- bound 必定;跳 in a small river or creek. They hoped to be able to put to sea, and stretch across to Amoy; but the gale 大风 continued so violent 猛烈 that it prevented them from getting out of the creek. They were not ill-treated by the Chinese junkmen, but, as they were without food of any kind, and exposed 暴露 to a cold, cutting wind, it was soon evident 明显 that they must surrender 投降 themselves to the Chinese authorities 权威. Soldiers soon gathered round them in crowds; and, as they had very little ammunition 弹药, any attempt to defend themselves, which might have caused the death of some of the soldiers, or of the mob 暴民, would certainly have been followed by the mass‧acre 屠杀 of the whole party. In the afternoon, they all gave themselves up, without having fired a single shot, and without attempting to make any kind of resistance. They were immediately stripped and marched away, exposed 暴露 to the most cutting wind and sleet, without any covering, their feet cut by the sharp shells with which the beach 海滩 was covered, and with very little allowance 津贴;补贴 of food. It is not surprising, therefore, that two men soon died from fatigue 疲劳 and exposure 经受, and several others fell from sheer exhaustion 衰竭, and were obliged 责成 to be carried along in baskets; others were after‧ward 之后 carried in sedans, more for sake of security 安全 than from any feeling of compassion 同情 for them. It was remarked, that during the whole journey 旅行 of thirteen 十三 or four‧teen 十四 days, to the capital of the island, the lascars or Indian sailors shewed a great deal of bad and selfish 自私的 behaviour towards each other. Each man of the party had a ticket fastened round his neck, stating what he was, and whence he was brought; being treated in this respect like public criminals. For a great length of time their food was only salt fish and greens, with sometimes rice. They suffered all sorts of abuse 滥用 and indignities in every town and village through which they passed; but it is remarked, "that the women (who did not appear to be at all secluded 隔离) did not join in this, although they exhibited 展示 the usual curiosity 好奇心 of the sex 性别." They were observed through‧out 始终 the whole journey 旅行 to be very plain, but they had a pretty fashion of dressing their hair, by weaving natural 自然 flowers amongst 之中 it.[58]

After the first two or three days, they came to a consider‧able 大量 walled town, where they were placed for the night in two cells 细胞, about eight feet by seven feet, in which twenty 二十-five unfortunate 不幸的 beings 蜜蜂 were stowed, with nothing to lie upon, the weather being intensely 强烈的,极度的 cold. Three guards were placed over them. The rest of the party were taken by a different route 路线, but they all ultimately 最终 reached the capital. One large town they came to was enclosed, as were some others, by a high, red brick wall. It was situated 位于 in a large paddy swamp 沼泽 or valley, interspersed 点缀 here and there with small hamlets 村庄, around which the bamboo plantations 种植园 were growing in great beauty and luxuriance, and of extra‧ordinary 非凡的 height, many of them measuring upwards 向上 of sixty 六十 feet. In some of the smaller towns and villages, the so-called gates (for they all had them) were constructed 构造 of bamboo. The country appeared well cultivated in many parts, andwheat 小麦 and sugar 食糖-cane 甘蔗 were met with; but other parts of the country were very barren 荒芜, and covered with large stones, such as are called "boulders 漂砾," in some parts of England. Generally, the men were made to wear hand‧cuff, but they were not of great strength, for some of the party managed to break them off; and they were then carried along in chairs, under a strong guard of soldiers, but were occasionally 5 allowed to walk. Wherever 3 they went, the crowd and annoyance 恼怒 of the hosts of curious gazers, who frequently insulted 侮辱 them, was so great that it was a relief to get lodged 存放 in the common gaol, which was divided into several cells 细胞, each cell 细胞 having cages in it, made of wooden 木制的 bars, just like the dens 巢穴 of wild beasts. The cells 细胞 were also provided with a regular pair of stocks, in order to afford greater security 安全, if required. One of the cells 细胞 was filled with Chinese prisoners.

The great object of the mandarins now appeared to be, to get some of the party to admit that the Ann was a man-of-war, sent to look after the crew of the Nerbudda, who were known to be still upon the island. With this view, two of the men were mercilessly beaten, but without the desired effect. So common and so public a practice did opium 鸦片-smoking appear to be, that even the soldiers who acted as an escort 护送 carried their opium 鸦片-pipes in their girdles. For the first twelve 十二 days, the prisoners were never allowed to wash even their faces, and at length they could only do it in a dirty 肮脏 pool by the road side. For the last four days before they reached the capital, called Ty-wan 苍白-foo, they were compelled 迫使 to wear leg-irons 铁器 as well as hand‧cuff. Generally, they were allowed to purchase 采购 their own food during the journey 旅行; for which purpose a little money was given to them, at the rate of one mace, or about five‧pence 5‧便士, a day. But this was only after the first few days.

It was remarked that wheel-carts 运货马车 were in common use in the island, and tracks of them were seen in all directions. On the main‧land 大陆 of China these are unknown 未知, except in the neighbourhood of Pekin; but, in the island of Hainan, to the south‧ward 南方‧病房 of Canton, they are very common, and similar 类似 in construction 施工 to those in use upon Formosa. They are, however, very clumsy 笨拙 and inconvenient 不方便; the wheels, which are small, being composed of two semi‧circular 半‧圆形的 pieces of solid wood, joined together, with the axle fixed into the wheel itself 本身, so as to revolve 围绕 with it, and not within it, but made to turn round under the body of the cart 运货马车. The roads or causeways are generally broader than upon the main‧land 大陆, and were in many places shaded 遮阳;阴 with bamboos on each side. Several rivers were crossed near the capital, and the country was some‧what 有些 improved in appearance.

About twenty 二十 miles from Ty-wan 苍白-foo they passed a night in a large town, with walls built of chunam; at the entrance of which were placed several very long guns, not mounted on carriages, but fixed upon the ground, rather to indicate 表明 their good intentions than their ability to perform them. Here again they were lodged in the common gaol; and, on the following morning, the Chinese servant 仆人 who had been taken prisoner 犯人,囚犯 with them had a chain put round his neck, in addition 加成 to his leg-irons and hand‧cuff. The next night (the last before they entered the capital) was spent at an inn 小旅馆 by the road-side, which was so crowded with travellers that scarcely any food could be pro‧cure 促成. The Chinese had regular fights and scrambles 争夺 for the little which was to be had, and their appetites 食欲 appeared by no means delicate 微妙的;纤弱的; but, whether their hunger 饿 was appeased or not, they were all prepared in the evening to enjoy in good earnest 热心的 the luxury 豪华 of the opium 鸦片-pipe 管子, soldiers and travellers all alike 同样的; nor did the two mandarins who were present interfere 干预 in any manner to point out its impropriety.

On the 24th March, (fourteenth day since the wreck,) they were destined 注定 to make their wretched 不幸的人 entrance into the capital. At the distance of six or seven miles from it, they were met by an officer and a few soldiers, by whom their names and their numbers were called over, according to a list which the officer held in his hand, and they were then separated into smaller parties, and led by different routes 路线 into the city. As they approached the gate, they, for the first time, caught a glimpse 一瞥 of the sea, with a few junks 破烂 at anchor at a distance, towards which they hope‧less 绝望地 strained 压力 their longing eyes. The walls of the city appeared to be in a state of dilapidation, except near the gate‧way 网关, where they had been recently repaired and white‧wash 撇清. The prisoners were now fairly within the capital of Formosa, and were conducted 进行 to an open space, planted thickly with trees, but broken up by rough watercourses, over which there were several bridges of stone. Thence they were led through back lanes 车道, avoiding the principal 主要 streets, to the house of a high mandarin, in front of which they halted for a short time; and such was the pressure of the crowd and the curiosity 好奇心 of the people, that the chairs in which they had been brought were nearly pulled to pieces before they were ordered to get out and enter the outer gate‧way 网关 of the mandarin's house.

Here they were drawn up in line, to have the tickets round their necks copied; but before the process could be half finished, the pressure of the crowd became so great that the mandarins were obliged 责成 to discontinue 中止 the task 任务. A ludicrous 滑稽的 scene followed, which, for the moment, afforded amusement 娱乐 even to the prisoners themselves. The enraged mandarins charged the mob 暴民 in great fury 愤怒, and whipped 鞭打 them with their long tails, which, having silk woven on to the ends, gave some tolerable cuts to the people's faces. For a few minutes our hapless prisoners were put for refuge 避难所 into a small temple which was close at hand; but even here the mob 暴民 pressed so hard upon them that the door was nearly smashed 粉碎 in; and, as a last resource 资源, they were marched off, with heavy irons on their legs, which bruised 挫伤 them at every step, to a prison in the court‧yard 庭院 of a superior 优越 mandarin's house, about one hundred yards distant. Here their treatment 治疗 was very bad; for several successive 连续 days they were brought up before the mandarin to answer an infinity 无穷 of questions, many of them very puerile, about the names, ages, and duties of every one on board the Ann; also about geography 地理 and the possessions 所有物 of Great Britain, and where the poppy 罂粟 was grown; how money was raised, & 功放;c. & 功放;c. The Chinese carp‧enter 木匠 of the vessel acted as interpreter; and, on one occasion, both he and the other Chinaman were severely flogged with bamboos.

After some time, those who could draw were allowed to sketch 草图 ships, carriages, and other things, which exceedingly 非常 amused 使人发笑 the Chinese, who were glad 高兴的 to purchase 采购 them; so that by these means they were able to pro‧cure 促成 food and tobacco 烟草, and thus to diminish 减少 in some degree their chances of being carried off by starvation 饥饿 or sickness 疾病.

After the lapse 失误 of a week or two, fever broke out, and they were then separated into smaller parties, and put into different cells 细胞 or prisons, some faring 票价 better, some worse, according to the temper 性情 or cap‧rice 盖‧稻, or even roguery, of the particular jailer 监狱 who chanced to have charge of them. One of these wretches 不幸的人 seems to have been a perfect fiend of his class; he kept one party of ten miserable 悲惨的 human beings 蜜蜂 in a den 巢穴 so small that not one of them could lie down at night. It will scarcely be believed that they were made to exist for two whole months in this horrid black hole, only eleven 十一 feet six inches long, by seven feet six inches wide; grudging 怨恨 each other every little inch of room, and longing even for the little bit 一点 of space which the single insensible bucket 水桶, which was the only piece of furniture 家具, occupied 占据 in their den 巢穴. Here were ten human beings 蜜蜂 stowed away together, some sick, some sore 疼痛的, and all in pain and misery 痛苦. For some time they were not permitted to come out of the den 巢穴 at all, but at last they were let out once a day, and were allowed a very little water to wash themselves; only two or three, however, could wash themselves on the same day, so that the whole of them could only be able to wash themselves once in three days. Of course, they were dreadfully 可怕 infected 感染 with vermin of every kind, and, as the author 作者 of the journal 日志 expresses it, "A few weeks have sufficed 满足 to bring me down from a strong hale man, to a wretched 不幸的人 help‧less 无助 being, disgusted 反感 with myself."

Many attempts were made to get a note sent across to Amoy, to give information of their situation; and the promise of one hundred dollars on its safe delivery 传送, and one hundred more on bringing an answer back, (to be paid at Amoy,) sufficed 满足 to induce 促使 a tolerable trusty Chinaman to under‧take 承担 the task 任务. We shall see presently how far it succeeded. It has before been stated that the several parties fared 票价 differently, according to the humanity 人性 or rapacity of the particular jailer 监狱. Something also depended upon the particular mandarin under whose super‧vision 监督 they were placed, but it is noticed that the highest, or red-button 3 mandarin, was the best of all, and frequently ordered some of the hard‧ship they complained 抱怨 of to be remedied, particularly as regarded the quality of the food.

On the other hand, it is stated, that one of the jailers, who was humane 人道 enough to allow his party of prisoners to be shaved 剃须, was taken before a mandarin and punished 处罚 with fifty 五十 strokes 一击;轻抚 of the bamboo; after which, no visitors 访问者 were allowed to see them at all, and the jailer 监狱 became very sulky, except when he was drunk drink, which he generally was, by the use of opium 鸦片, every evening. Sometimes they were taken out of prison in order to draw for the mandarins, at others, to undergo 经历 repeated examinations 检查 for their amusement 娱乐. In the first instance, however, the object invariably 不变地 was, to betray 背叛 them into an admission 准许进入, however remote 远程, that the vessel was really a man-of-war. But it was quite evident 明显 that they knew perfectly well that she was not so, and at length the red-button mandarin put an end to this part of the business. From this time, their questions were more of a general nature, but many of them were exceedingly 非常 absurd 荒诞. The mention of Sir Henry Pottinger's name (for they appeared already to have heard of him) invariably 不变地 made them angry 生气的, and on one occasion they inquired 打听 whether he was a white or a black man. They also inquired a good deal about the Queen, her court, and ministers, mode of life, & 功放;c., and how many husbands she was allowed to have; expressing great astonishment 惊愕 when they learned that in Europe kings and queens 女王, as well as private individuals, had only one wife or husband; and then they proceeded 继续 to enumerate the virtues 美德 of their own emperor 皇帝, and to plume themselves upon their own cleverness.

On one occasion, they asked whether America had not, some time or other, been situated 位于 in England? whether a man could now walk from London to America in a week? how large London was, and how many outside (foreign) nations are subject or tributary to England? Endless were their curious questions, and on one occasion they exhibited 展示 an officer's jacket 衣服, and a corporal 下士's coat with the 55th button on it, and particularly inquired the use of an epaulette, which they held up, fancying 想像 it was intended to be worn wear on the head.

During the first half of the month of May, it rained incessantly, and they were very imperfectly 不完善 protected from its effects. In fact, the rain always beat through their roof, and when it was heavy, or long continued, it flooded 洪水 their den 巢穴: the least bit of dry plank, or a partially 部分 sheltered corner, was matter of envy 嫉妒 and content‧ion 争夺; and, as may be supposed, they not only suffered from bad food, confinement 坐月子, vermin, and ill-health, but were incessantly tormented 折磨 with the most venomous mosquitoes 蚊子, producing inflammation and sores 疼痛的. In this condition they were kept in the most harassing 骚扰 state of suspense 悬念; one day being assured that they would be sent away in a month; another, that they had no chance of liberty 自由 for six months; and the very next, perhaps, that their heads would soon be taken off.

Fortunately, the talent 天赋 for drawing possessed by Mr. Gully and Captain Denham, served to gain for them friends and pacify enemies.

In this way, month after month continued to drag 拖拽 its slow length along. At the end of about three months' close confinement 坐月子, a slight change for the better took place; they were moved into rather better quarters, where they were only three together, so that they had more room to breathe 呼吸; they were also allowed water to wash themselves, and a little money was given to them. It was thought that this arose arise in consequence 后果 of information received by the authorities 权威 that there was some chance of an attack being made upon this island, by our forces at Amoy, with a view to liberate 解放 the prisoners. It was now ascertained 探明, also, that the fisherman who had promised to carry over the letter to Amoy, two months before, had succeeded in his attempt, and an answer had been brought back by him, which held out the prospect 展望 of speedy 迅速 release 发布. Another letter was also sent off to Amoy; so that now at length their hopes again revived 复活. But sickness 疾病 had already begun its work, and their minds were so depressed 压抑 that even the boldest 胆大的;醒目的, who tried to bear up bravely 勇敢的 to the last, recorded his feelings that "One miserable 悲惨的 day passed after another, with nothing to help them to break in upon the wretchedness of their existence; no exercise being permitted, and nothing, in fact, to relieve 解除 the dreadful 可怕 monotony of such prison life." And what was the little improvement 起色 in their lot, which resulted from their removal 切除 into other cells 细胞? "We now, (three of us,") said he, "have five planks with a mat upon them to sleep on, and glad 高兴的 we are to get into this new place, which is the Executioners Den, and which, until we had ourselves 我们自己 cleaned it, could never have been cleaned since it was built." On other occasions it is noted, "we scalded our clothes this morning, to kill the vermin."

It was thought that the day they were removed 去掉 into this new berth 泊位 must have been the Emperor's birth‧day 生日, or some day of rejoicing, for they had at the same time a dinner of roast pork 猪肉, with sweet cakes 蛋糕, and each man received one mace, or five‧pence 5‧便士 in money. But this was too good to last—a mere freak 怪物 of for‧tune 命运! Generally speaking, their food was so bad, that a great part of it was thrown away, and it was only by quarrelling 争吵 with the jailers, and threatening to complain 抱怨 to the high mandarin, that they could succeed in pro‧cure 促成 any eat‧able 吃‧能够的 food at all.

In the month of June, several shocks of an earthquake 地震 were felt, followed by terrific 了不起 storms of thunder 雷声 and lightning 闪电. It is due to the better class of mandarins to remark, that when complaints were made to them, they pro‧cure 促成 some temporary 临时 improvement 起色 for the prisoners.

On the 4th of July, it was made known that honours and rewards had been largely conferred 授予 upon the mandarins, for having contrived 图谋 to make so many prisoners. This was in answer to their false 虚伪的 accounts of the business to the Emperor, in which they said that they had attacked and destroyed two English men-of-war which came prying into the coast, and had taken all the people prisoners, enumerating the number of black, and red, and white barbarians, and the quantity of barbarian guns.

On the 10th of July, Mr. Gully, who had necessarily been ailing AIL for some time, became seriously ill with dysentery, brought on in a great measure by eating large quantities of mangoes. The Chinese recommended him two cures 治愈 for it; one was, to eat the skins of the mangoes alone; the other, to eat opium 鸦片. The former he found to have a good effect, at least so far that his complaint 抱怨 improved under the treatment 治疗; the latter he was able to purchase 采购 at a moderate price from the visitors, who brought it on purpose for him; it was different from the extract 提取 which is used for smoking, and apparently much less powerful 强大.

The same mandarin who had given them a treat upon the Emperor's birth‧day 生日 all along shewed more interest in their condition than any of the others; and one day, in the hope of inducing 促使 him to give them some kind of indulgence 放纵, they told him that it was the birth‧day 生日 of the Queen of England's eldest 最年长 child, and that they all entertained so strong a feeling of "filial obedience 遵守" and affect‧ion 感情 towards their queen, that they wished to celebrate 庆祝 the event. To their great surprise and delight, the mandarin's heart was moved by this appeal 上诉, and he gave each of them money; to some five mace, to others three, (equal to about two shillings 一毛钱,) and then sent them a good dinner, and made himself quite agree‧able 合适的; and, of course, all the inferior officers, including the jailers, took their tone for the day from their superior 优越. On another occasion, the lascars were all brought up before the chief mandarin, having had new clothes first given to them, and he himself then presented each of them with a fan 扇子!

All these circumstances 环境 naturally 自然地 tended to revive 复活 their hopes, and little did they dream of the horrible 可怕 catastrophe 灾难 which was soon to take place. Towards the end of July they were informed, that in the course of half a moon more an answer would be received from Pekin, containing the Emperor's commands as to what was to be done with the prisoners; and they were warned that, if his majesty 威严 ordered that they should be decapitated, it would immediately be carried into effect. From this it would seem that the authorities 权威 fully 充分 anticipated 预期 that the representations 表示 which they had made would induce 促使 the Emperor to issue such a cruel 残酷的 command; but the prisoners themselves still retained 保留 sufficient 足够 hope to induce 促使 them to disbelieve the probability 可能性 of such a tragedy 悲剧. With the exception of Captain Denham (whose life was saved) and the Chinese carp‧enter 木匠, it does not appear that any of them were tortured 拷打; but the dreadful 可怕 cries of some of the Chinese prisoners could be distinctly 历历 heard; and two poor fellows were seen passing by with their hands blackened, having been condemned 谴责 to have them chopped off.

One remark is worth recording—namely, that the mandarins, from the highest to the lowest, as well as all their servants and attend‧ant 服务员, were in the constant 不变 habit 习惯 of smoking opium 鸦片. Tobacco 烟草 was also in general use, as elsewhere in China, and was extensively 广阔的 cultivated on the island. There was also noticed (what should have been mentioned before) a curious vine 藤蔓-like plant, grown upon trellis-work, and frequently observed to be carefully 小心 covered up with mats; what it was no one knew, but more care and attention seemed to be bestowed 赐给 upon it than upon anything else which was seen upon the island.

The final 最后 tragedy 悲剧 is believed to have taken place upon the 12th or 13th of August, and is too horrible 可怕 to dwell upon. They were beheaded with the sword.

It is difficult to account for their having reserved nine individuals from the general mass‧acre 屠杀. Of these, six were Europeans or Americans, and three natives of India. It is supposed that they were retained 保留 in order to be sent to Pekin, to be there cut in pieces. Fortunately, the treaty 条约 of peace saved their lives, and they were at length conveyed 传达 to Amoy, and there met with all the attention they so much needed from their own countrymen.


[57] The information in the text 文本 was extracted 提取 from the manuscript 手稿, more than a year ago, in China. But the journals 日志 of Mr. Gully and Captain Denham have been recently published 发布 in full, in this country.

[58] Probably the women at Formosa are much less numerous, compared with the men, than in most other places. The men come over from the main‧land 大陆, but do not bring their women. It is believed that infanticide of female children is very prevalent 流行 at Amoy. The men are driven by poverty 贫穷 to emigrate 移民, and have no means of providing for female children, who are therefore frequently smothered 扼杀 or drowned.


prisoners 14
natives 7
sent 7
vessels 4
merchants 4
possession 4
conquest 4
wreck 4
elsewhere 3
constantly 3
wherever 3
factory 3
false 3
numerous 3
sugar 3


On leaving the bay of Amoy, on the 5th of September, the appointed places for the rendezvous of the fleet 舰队 of men-of-war and transports 运输, in case of separation 分离, were successively 连续 the so-called Buffalo's Nose, at the entrance of the Chusan group; Keeto Point, a promontory running out from the main‧land 大陆 towards Chusan; and, lastly, the bay or harbour of Tinghai, the capital of Chusan. The progress of the squadron was slow for some days, owing to light winds and a heavy swell 膨胀;增强; and the Nemesis, being very light in the water, and having, moreover, a leak 泄漏 in her bottom, (after the accident at Amoy,) was kept pretty close in shore, to avoid the swell 3 outside, but seldom 很少 entirely lost sight of the fleet 舰队. A consider‧able 大量 quantity of floating wood was picked up along‧shore 一起‧岸, which was very accept‧able 接受 for fuel 汽油, of which she had only a very small supply remaining on board.

On the 13th, eight days after leaving Amoy, the north-east monsoon set in rather suddenly, and some‧what 有些 earlier than usual, with heavy squalls and a thick fog 多雾路段, which caused the unavoidable 不免 separation 分离 of the squadron. At the commencement 开始 of this change of weather, the Nemesis lost her fore 前面-top-mast 桅杆 and top-gallant-mast 桅杆, but continued her course leisurely 悠闲 along‧shore 一起‧岸 until the following day, when she came to anchor under a small island at the mouth of the river Taitchou, about thirty 三十-five miles from Sheipoo, and between fifty 五十 and sixty 六十 from the Buffalo's Nose.

On the 16th, Capt. Hall landed upon the island above mentioned, under which he had taken shelter, with a party of men, to look for wood, which was much needed for fuel 汽油, and also for refreshments 爽快 for the crew, and then took the opportunity of ascending a high hill, to take a survey 调查 of the neighbouring country. The haze 阴霾 cleared off sufficiently 充分地 to enable 启用 him to discover the entrance to an extensive harbour, which proved to be that of Sheipoo, where there is a consider‧able 大量 trading town. He thought that he could also make out something like the appearance of batteries 电池 or field-works at the entrance.

The Nemesis now stood in for the entrance of the harbour, which was very narrow, but fortunately, she soon fell in with a fishing-boat, in which were several fishermen busy about their nets, one of whom was made to come on board and pilot 飞行员 the vessel into the harbour; and he was promised ten dollars for his services if he took her in without any accident; but, if she touched ground, he was threatened to be immediately run up to the yard-arm. The poor fellow had never even seen a steamer or devil 魔鬼-ship before, and was not a little alarmed 警告. But he perfectly understood the conditions, and gradually recovered 恢复 his self-possession.

The tide swept sweep so rapidly into the narrow entrance of the harbour, that the Nemesis was fairly carried through the passage before the two small field-works, which were intended to protect it, could bring a single gun to bear upon the vessel; but the Chinese were seen running down from their little encampment above, to man the guns.

At the bottom of the harbour or basin 4, the town now came into full view, with a large number of trading-junks 破烂 of every kind, moored in lines close to each other on one side of the town; while on the other, or the left, as you looked towards it, there was a small fort, which appeared to have been recently repaired and strengthened 加强, but, like most other Chinese forts, was left almost unprotected in the rear.

Upon a rising ground behind the fort, a small body of troops 部队, about five or six hundred in number, were drawn up, so that the Chinese were evidently 明显地 prepared for defence. The Nemesis immediately ran in towards the fort, and took up a flanking 侧翼 position, anchoring by the stern 严肃 between it and the town, so as to bring her guns to bear with the greatest advantage, without exposing 暴露 her‧self 她自己 to the direct fire of the fort. Shot, shell, and canister, were now poured in, and the fort was soon silenced. But the troops 部队 could now be seen descending from the hill behind, and bringing heavy ginjals with them, mounted on triangular 三角形的 stands, as if they intended to oppose a landing. However, a few discharges 卸货 of grape 葡萄-shot threw them into great disorder 混乱, killing many of them; Capt. Hall then landed, at the head of all the men who could be spared from the ship, accompanied by Mr. Gully, and took possession of the fort, the Chinese flying before them; four guns, two brass 黄铜 and two iron 铁器 ones, were destroyed in the fort, the temporary 临时 sheds and buildings were set on fire, and water was poured into the magazine 杂志 to destroy the powder.

The whole party having now returned on board, boats were sent out, manned and armed, to search for fuel 汽油, and also to attempt to capture 捕获 three large war-junks 破烂, which had been seen on the way up the harbour. All the trading-junks 破烂 were left unmolested; but wood for fuel 汽油 was so much needed on board, that several of the wood-junks 破烂 were soon picked out, well filled with the necessary article. The opportunity was extremely fortunate 侥幸的, and in a short time, no less than seven boat-loads of excellent wood were obtained 获得, amounting in all to about seventy 七十 tons. Much labour was required to bring off so large a quantity, and to stow it away expeditiously; nevertheless 虽然, during this operation, one of the war-junks 破烂 was captured 捕获, (the crew having deserted her,) and, as soon as she was towed clear of the town and shipping, so as not to cause any unnecessary 不必要 damage, she was set on fire in the middle of the harbour, and shortly blew up. Two guns, together with a quantity of ginjals, matchlocks, swords, & 功放;c., were destroyed in her.

But the day's work was not finished yet. About two o'clock the cutters 切割机 were sent away, manned and armed, under Mr. Galbraith, to destroy the other two war-junks 破烂 which had been seen in the morning. One of them blew up close in shore, but the other was towed out into the middle of the harbour, before she was set on fire. One was found to mount four‧teen 十四 guns, and contained a large quantity of powder, with numerous war‧like 战争‧喜欢;象 implements 实行 of various kinds.

The whole of this day's work was exceedingly 非常 interesting. The hills which surrounded the harbour were covered with people, who crowded out of the town, and from all the neighbouring villages, to witness the exploits 利用 of the " devil 魔鬼-ship," the rapidity of whose movements 运动, the precision 精确 of her fire, and the volumes of smoke and steam which issued from her, seemed to awaken feelings of awe 威严 and mute 静音 astonishment 惊愕, even more than fear. There they stood for hours, apparently unconcerned spectators 观众 of passing events; and as they saw the destruction of the war-junks 破烂, while the merchant-junks 破烂 remained uninjured, they appeared satisfied that no mischief 恶作剧 was threatened against the unarmed inhabitants 居民 so long as they did not interfere 干预. The neighbourhood of the town along the shore was laid out in very neatly 整洁的 cultivated gardens, and everything bore indications 迹象 of a thriving 兴旺 and well-ordered community.

The day was now far advanced, and it only remained to capture 捕获 the two forts or field-works upon the island, just within the mouth of the harbour. A shot or two had previously 先前 been fired at them in the course of the morning, but it was now determined to take possession of them, and destroy the works. On nearing them, a few shells and rockets 火箭 were discharged 卸货 into them, and the boats then put off, manned and armed, under Capt. Hall. The Chinese had only just abandoned 放弃 them. The two field-works were very near each other, and were found to mount nine guns, which were spiked, their carriages destroyed, and the tents 帐篷 of the soldiers were set on fire.

The poor Chinese fisherman who had acted as pilot 飞行员 was of course liberated 解放 as soon as the harbour was cleared, and he appeared no less astonished 使惊讶 than overjoyed when the promised ten dollars were counted out into his hands.

On the following day, the 18th, the Nemesis reached the appointed rendezvous at Buffalo's Nose, and found the Sesostris was the only vessel which had preceded 优于 her, the rest of the fleet 舰队 having been kept back by contrary 相反 winds and hazy weather. When we remember what a large number of hired transports 运输 and store-ships passed up and down along the coast of China from this time to the close of the war, many of which had frequently a great part of their crew sick, we cannot but be surprised[59] that so few accidents 意外事件 happened. The inaccuracy of the surveys 调查 of the coast which had been then made; the wrong position on the charts 图表 of most of the numerous islands which stand out as bulwarks at very uncertain 不确定 distances from the shore; the strength and unknown 未知 irregularities 不规则 of the currents, and the heavy squalls which frequently burst suddenly over that part of China, rendered 给予 the navigation 导航 precarious 危险的, and frequently caused the utmost anxiety. Occasionally the captains found themselves inside of islands when they believed that they were some distance outside; and I well remember, on one occasion, making the voyage 旅行 up to Chusan in a fast-sailing brig-of-war, which just weathered a long rocky 岩石 island, called the Alligator, and at noon discovered it to have been laid down upon the chart 图表 full twenty 二十 miles wrong in its latitude 纬度—an error 错误 which can scarcely be accounted for.

The strength of the currents among the Chusan islands, and the continued boisterous weather, made it difficult to collect all the transports 运输 at the appointed rendezvous. The admiral did not get up until the 21st; and the general being on board a large transport 运输 which had been carried far down to leeward, did not join until the evening of the 25th.

In the meantime, the Nemesis had gone to join the Phlegethon at Keeto Point, where the sad 悲哀的 tale 故事,不实之词 was learned of one of the officers of the Lyra, (an opium 鸦片 vessel,) Mr. Wainwright, and one of the crew having been enticed 诱惑 on shore, under the pretence of selling them stock, and of their having been then over‧power 压倒 and cruelly 残酷的 murdered. This event occurred 发生 very near the village where Captain Stead had been murdered some months before. Lieutenant M'Cleverty soon after‧ward 之后 landed with his crew, accompanied by Lieutenant Crawford and the commanders of the Lyra and Ann, and soon put to flight 飞行 a party of Chinese soldiers, burnt their bar‧rack 营房, and then destroyed a great part of the village.

As soon as the Nemesis arrived, no time was lost in landing to examine the adjacent country, which was very picturesque 如画 and beautifully 精美 cultivated. But the recollection 回忆 of the cruel 3 fate of the poor fellows who had been so recently captured 捕获, and, as was believed, barbarously put to death there, with the sight of the very spots where the sad 悲哀的 occurrences 发生 took place, awakened feelings of bitterness 苦味, and a wish for retaliation 报复 which it was impossible to sup‧press 压制. In a very short time, everything that remained undestroyed was set on fire, including various buildings, stacks of rice and grass, & 功放;c.; and as darkness 黑暗 set in, the whole valley appeared lighted up with the blaze 火焰 of the spreading fires.

At length all the transports 运输 were assembled 集合, according to a preconcerted arrangement 安排, just off the little island called "Just in the Way;" as it was the original 原版的 plan laid down by the general and the admiral to occupy 占据 Ningpo, after having first captured 捕获 the heights of Chinhae, which command the entrance of the Tahea river, which leads up to Ningpo. Chusan was to have been retaken after‧ward 之后. The boisterous state of the weather, however, prevented the ships from approaching near enough to Chinhae to carry out this part of the plan; and it was therefore determined to make an immediate reconnoissance of the harbour and defences of Chusan, or rather of its capital town, Tinghai; this was accordingly 于是 carried into execution 执行 on the following day, the 26th of September.

The admiral and general, together with the plenipotentiary and suite 套房, embarked 从事 early in the morning on board the Phlegethon, the Nemesis being ordered to accompany them. As they approached Chusan, the alarm was given by the Chinese from numerous watch-towers, or rather signal stations erected 直立 upon the hills, or upon the tops of the several islands which lie in the immediate neighbourhood. Great changes had evidently 明显地 taken place since our forces left Chusan, a few months before; and preparations 制备 of an extensive kind had been rapidly made for the defence of the place. As the steamers 汽船 entered the principal 主要 harbour by its western side, between the so-called Tea 茶水 Island and Guard Island, the Chinese opened a few guns at them, but at too great a distance to do any damage; and as there was no wish to attack them in a desultory manner, the steamers 汽船 were ordered to keep at a good distance, but to direct their movements 运动 so as to get a complete view of all the Chinese positions.

The rapidity of the tides 潮汐, in the different channels 渠道 leading into the harbour, is so great that large vessels sometimes become perfectly unmanageable; and even powerful 强大 steamers 汽船 found it difficult to stem the current.

Nothing can be more striking or picturesque 如画 than the views on every side, as you approach Chusan; you are here particularly struck with the garden-like aspect 方面 of every spot of ground you see. The country is hilly on all sides, but every hill is cultivated with extreme care, up to its very summit 首脑. It is divided into small ridges, or beds, in which various productions are raised, side by side, giving the greatest possible variety to the aspect 方面 of the country, and pointing out the vast 广大 labour and perseverance with which the till‧age 到‧年龄 must be conducted 进行. It is entirely spade 铁锹 husbandry, and ought rather to be called horticulture.

In the low valleys, and little sheltered nooks, you trace 跟踪 villages and farm-houses of neat appearance; and every bend of the coast, every little bit of low, swampy ground, is embanked and recovered 恢复 from the sea by long, thick, stone walls, which are maintained 保持 with the utmost care. Behind these, the ground is laid out in rice-fields, irrigated with much ingenuity 创造力, and there is a general appearance of well-being and industry, which indicates 表明 a thriving 兴旺 and contented population. Generally speaking, the island of Chusan, with some of the smaller ones adjacent to it, may be considered as among the most picturesque 如画 and fertile spots in the north of China, as far as it was visited by the expedition 远征, and the loss of this possession was deeply felt by the Emperor, of which, as he said, "he read the account with fast falling tears."[60]

The great and rapidly completed preparations 制备 which were found to have been made for the protection of the island prove the importance with which it was regarded.

The city of Tinghai, the capital of Chusan, is a walled town, of the third class, about two miles in circumference, having four entrances, with double-arched 弓形 gate‧way 网关, situated 位于 at right angles to each other, according to the usual Chinese practice. The greater part of the town is surrounded by a wet ditch 沟渠 or canal 运河, which adds very much to the natural 自然 unhealthiness caused by imperfect 不完善 drain‧age 引流, (owing to the lowness of its situation,) and by the swampy rice-grounds, which occupy 占据 the whole valley. Indeed, were it not protected by a raised bank running along the face of the harbour, from which the city is three-quarters of a mile distant, the whole of the valley in which the town is situated 位于 would frequently be flooded. It was upon this raised bank that the great line of sea battery 电池, presently to be described, had been recently erected 直立. A narrow cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法 and a shallow 浅的 canal 运河 connect 连接 the city with a village, at which is the principal 主要 landing-place of the harbour, situated 位于 at the foot of a steep, conical hill, which stands about the centre of the whole sea-face of the valley or plain, which may be about three miles broad. The latter is bounded by steep hills on either side, which stretch down close to the city, and command the western face of the walls.

The hill at the landing-place, which came to be known by the name of Pagoda Hill, is a very striking object from every point of the harbour. The appearance of a temple upon it, and several small detached 分离 buildings, which had been recently built as prisons for the English, whom the Chinese intended to capture 捕获, and the steepness of its summit 首脑, gave it an appearance of strength which it did not possess.

Directly opposite Pagoda Hill are two small islands, called Trumball and Macclesfield Islands, which bound 必定;跳 the harbour on the eastern side, and upon the nearest of these a mortar 砂浆-battery 电池 was after‧ward 之后 erected 直立, for the purpose of shelling Pagoda Hill.

To the south‧ward 南方‧病房 the harbour is shut in by the highly cultivated and consider‧able 大量 island called Tea Island; while on its western side, at the extremity of the long sea-battery 电池, lies the small island called Guard Island, only separated by a very narrow passage called the Devil 魔鬼's Gates, from the hills which over‧look 俯瞰 the valley.

As the two steamers 汽船 now entered the inner 5 harbour by the western passage, leaving Guard Island on the left, they immediately came in sight of a long line of continuous 连续 works, constructed 构造 of mud, along the top of the whole line of embankment before described. It is strange that such a mode of defence should have been adopted; for the flank 侧翼 of the battery 电池 was completely commanded by the range of steep hills running up to the very city itself 本身. Upon the nearest hills, however, at the end of the battery 电池, the Chinese had formed a fortified 强化 encampment, in which there appeared to be a large body of troops 部队; and in a hollow 空的 at the foot of it there was an unfinished 未完成 stone fort, intended to mount eight guns. But they had placed their principal 主要 reliance 依赖 upon the line of mud-batteries 电池 fronting the harbour, and had run piles and stakes 赌注 along the water's edge, to prevent our troops 部队 from landing from the boats, as if they imagined that a battery 电池 could only be attacked in front, and partly perhaps to prevent the washing away of the soil.

The works had been hastily 草草 and unscientifically constructed 构造, and consisted 组成 principally 原则上 of heaps of mud, of a conical shape, raised upon the embankment, with embrasures between them for the guns. These intervals 间隔 were so large, measuring generally from ten to fifteen 十五 feet wide, that it would be impossible for the men to stand to their guns, although the mounds of earth between them were about twenty 二十 to twenty 二十-five feet broad. The line of battery 电池 extended far beyond the Pagoda or Joss House Hill to the east‧ward 东方的, but was not completed at that end. There were altogether nearly two hundred and seventy 七十 embrasures, but only about eighty 八十 guns mounted, exclusive 独家 of those in a newly 最近,新近-built redoubt upon Pagoda Hill, amounting to twelve 十二 or fifteen 十五. Of these twenty 二十-five were after‧ward 之后 found to be of brass 黄铜 and copper, and tolerably well cast. Several improvements 起色 had been made by the Chinese for the strengthening of Pagoda Hill, since our evacuation 疏散 of the place. They had retained 保留 the wall which we had formerly carried round the top of it, with an arched gate‧way 网关 of stone on the side looking inland 内陆 towards the town. Other improvements 起色 were in progress; so that, if the attack had been delayed for some weeks longer, the Chinese would have completed their defences, as well as their want of science would permit. As it was, the authorities 权威 claimed for themselves the honour of "having fought fight with heavy toil 辛劳 for six days and nights," reckoning 估计 the commencement 开始 of their so-called fighting from the day on which the steamers 汽船 first approached to reconnoitre. Our forbearance was magnified 放大 into a great victory by them, for the moment at all events.

On the return of the steamers 汽船 to the anchor‧age 锚‧年龄 at Just in the Way, with the rest of the fleet 舰队, orders were given for the Nemesis to proceed 继续 on the following morning across to the Ningpo river, to reconnoitre Chinhae, & 功放;c. & 功放;c., but the weather proved so hazy and unsettled 搞糟, that this purpose was deferred 延缓 for the present. On the following day, the 28th, the weather still continued very squally, which prevented the fleet 舰队 from moving; and the admiral, therefore, gave orders that the Nemesis should proceed 继续 again to Chusan, in company with the Modeste and Columbine, (the whole under the command of Captain Eyres, of the Modeste,) and they were directed to destroy the unfinished 未完成 battery 电池 already mentioned, at the foot of the hills at the western extremity of the long line of works, and if possible set fire to the encampment on the hill above, or, at all events, disperse 分散 the Chinese troops 部队. The object was evidently 明显地 to prepare for the landing of our force at that point, in order to take the line of Chinese battery 电池 in reverse 反向;倒转, and then march upon the town by the hills. The increasing 增加 severity 严重 of the weather obliged 责成 them all to come to anchor before they reached Chusan.

At daylight next morning, the Nemesis was sent in alone to reconnoitre, having Captain Eyres and Captain Clarke on board, and she soon discovered that the entrenched 巩固 camp on the hill was stronger than had been supposed, and that the troops 部队 were collected in great strength at that point. As the steamer ran pretty close in shore, a smart 聪明 but ineffective 不灵 fire from large ginjals was opened on her from the entrenched 巩固 camp; but the small stone fort below was quite silent, and, indeed, appeared to be unarmed. Having fired a few shot into the camp on the hill, in order to warn the Chinese of what they had to expect, the Nemesis speedily 迅速 returned, to bring up the other two vessels; and these, as soon as they had come to anchor as close in shore as their draught of water would permit, immediately opened fire upon the entrenched 巩固 camp above, and also at the fort below, in order to ascertain 探明 if it was occupied 占据. As the Nemesis, however, could stand in much closer than the other vessels, Captain Eyres and Captain Clarke went on board her, and she was then carried within excellent range by Captain Hall, and immediately poured in shot, shell, rockets 火箭, and carcases, with such remarkable precision 精确, as to have been made the subject of special mention in the admiral's despatch.

In a short time, the temporary 临时 buildings were demolished 拆除, and a breach 突破口 was made in the wall of the fortified 强化 encampment. The proper moment for landing was now come; but as the orders were positive not to come to close quarters with the enemy, but merely to reconnoitre their position, and prevent them from adding to their works of defence, no attempt was made to carry the encampment. A small party of men were landed, but merely with a view to ascertain 探明, beyond a doubt, that the small stone fort below was unarmed, and to make a hasty reconnoissance of the line of sea-battery 电池, nearly a mile long, which connected this point with Pagoda Hill. A large body of Chinese troops 部队 were now seen forming under the brow 眉头 of the hill in the rear, in order to make an attack upon the reconnoitring party; but a few well-directed shot from the steamer's guns immediately dispersed 分散 them.

The object of this little affair having been now fully 充分 accomplished 完成;实现;达到;做到, the Nemesis hastened to rejoin 归队 the admiral, with despatches from Captain Eyres. Sir William Parker was, however, already on his way over to Chusan in the Wellesley, and now, without loss of time, came on board the Nemesis, accompanied by the general, and ordered her to carry them once more across the harbour of Chusan. The Chinese again opened a distant and use‧less 无用 fire upon her as she passed, both in going and returning, as they had done on the former occasion.

In the course of the afternoon, several of the ships of war, and some of the transports 运输, reached the outer harbour of Chusan, while the Blonde, Modeste, and Queen steamer, proceeded 继续 to take up a position under the two islands which lie opposite Pagoda Hill, and which were called Macclesfield (or Melville) and Trumball Islands. They were directed to cover and assist 4 a party of the Royal Artillery, under Captain Knowles, in erecting 直立 a battery 电池 of one 68-pounder gun, and two 24-pounder howitzers, upon the top of the ridge of the former island, with a view to shell Pagoda Hill and its defences, which were within range, but rather distant. The Chinese continued firing very ineffectually during the whole time, in the direction of these islands, but their shot always fell short.

The battery 电池 was finished on the following day, with great labour and skill. Every preparation 制备 for the attack being completed on the 30th, the dawn 黎明 of the 1st of October was looked for with intense 强烈的,极度的 interest. At daylight, the Nemesis again crossed and recrossed the inner harbour, for the purpose of embarking 从事 some troops 部队 which were on board the Jupiter, close to Trumball Island; they consisted 组成 of a portion of the Madras Rifles and a number of camp-followers 信徒. The Nemesis then proceeded 继续 to the transports 运输 in the outer harbour, to take on board part of the 49th regiment, together with a detachment 分离 of sappers and miners 矿工.

The Howitzer Battery, upon Melville Island, opened fire just as she was crossing from the inner harbour; and it was an interesting sight to watch the shells falling upon Pagoda Hill. The first shell was thrown merely to try the range, and fell rather short, but the second fell exactly within the fort, close to the gate, and it therefore became evident 明显 that the Chinese could not long hold out.

About the same time, the Queen steamer endeavoured to tow the Blonde frigate into a good position against Pagoda Hill and the adjacent defences, to aid 援助 the mortar 砂浆 battery 电池; but so great was the strength of the tide, which runs like a mill‧race 磨坊‧赛跑 in that part of the harbour, that it was impossible to move the Blonde into a good position, in spite of the utmost exertions used. But shortly after‧ward 之后 the Modeste and Queen, drawing less water, were able to take up excellent stations; the battery 电池 on Pagoda Hill was soon silenced, and the troops 部队 were driven from their post.

While this was being effected at the eastern extremity of the inner harbour, the original 原版的 design of driving the Chinese out of the long sea-battery 电池, by turning their right flank 侧翼 at its western extremity, and by taking possession of the hills above them, upon which their encampment had been formed, was gallantly and effectually carried into execution 执行. The Chinese troops 部队 at this time occupied 占据 the heights in force, although they had been dispersed 分散 two days before; and kept up a continued fire of ginjals and matchlocks, apparently more in defiance 蔑视 than for any useful 有用 purpose, for they frequently advanced to the brow 眉头 of the hill, waving their flags, and daring their enemy to attack them.

The Wellesley had been moved as close as possible to the intended point of debarkation, just outside Guard Island; and the Cruiser and Columbine had been placed within two hundred yards of the beach 海滩, there being plenty of water almost close in shore. By the fire of these vessels and of the Sesostris steamer, the Chinese were so completely kept in check, that they could not attempt any opposition to the landing of the troops 部队. The Phlegethon now came up with the 55th regiment on board. The first division, with the gallant general at their head, consisting 组成 of the Madras Artillery, with eight guns, under Captain Anstruther, together with a party of sappers and the 18th and 55th regiments, with the Madras Rifles, were now landed, but not without some delay and difficulty, owing to the astonishing strength of the currents. The Nemesis was also coming up to land the troops 部队 she had on board, when she unfortunately 不幸 grounded on a sand-bank, and was obliged 责成 to cast off the numerous boats she had in tow, before she could work her‧self 她自己 off again, which caused consider‧able 大量 delay. The 49th were therefore not landed so soon as had been expected.

The firing of the steamers 汽船 which covered the landing was kept up with so much precision 精确, that more than one of the Chinese standard-bearers 来人, who boldly advanced alone to the crest 波峰 of the hill, waving their flags, were cut in two by a 32-pounder shot, just as if they had been aimed at with a rifle 步枪.

The two flank 侧翼 and the third companies of the 55th being first on shore, received a smart 聪明 fire from the Chinese, who, up to this time, had kept themselves pretty well sheltered; and, as the remainder of the regiment followed close after the leading companies, and the 18th was not far behind, the advance was instantly sounded, and the 55th pushed up the hill, under the gallant Major Fawcett. The Chinese waved to them to come on, and opened a smart 聪明 fire as they struggled up the steep hill, and knocked down several of the men. It was an exciting spectacle 场面;眼镜 to watch them ascending the hill, while the ships continued firing until they reached the summit 首脑; and even then the Chinese shewed no want of courage; the spear and the bayonet frequently crossed each other.

At length the Chinese were routed 路线; and the hill, being now in our possession, gave us the command of all the enemy's positions, which, by this means, were fairly turned. In this encounter 遭遇, the first Chinese colours were taken by Lieutenant Butler, of the 55th.

In the meantime, the 18th and the artillery 炮兵 being landed, and some of the light guns having been placed so as to enfilade the long battery 电池, the 18th pushed on gallantly, under Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, to clear the line of sea-defences. The facility 设施 with which the flank 侧翼 of the Chinese positions had been turned did not seem, by any means, to discourage 不鼓励 the Chinese, who fought, as they retreated 撤退, with great individual courage, several of the mandarins boldly advancing, sword in hand, to the attack. The loss on their side, as they were driven back along so narrow a line, (for there was a deep paddy-field in the rear of the embankment upon which the battery 电池 was constructed 构造,) was necessarily great. The Chinese commander 命令-in-chief and several Tartar officers were here killed. They were at length compelled 迫使 to evacuate 撤离 the whole line of sea-battery 电池, the grenadier company of the 18th leading the way, in a spirited manner, under Captain Wigston.

Having cleared the whole of the works, the 18th soon made their way up the Pagoda Hill without opposition, the Chinese having been already compelled 迫使 to evacuate 撤离 it by the admirable 令人钦佩 fire of the Royal Artillery, and of the Modeste and Queen on that side. The 49th, who could not be landed until the hottest part of the work was over, followed the 18th along the battery 电池, but on reaching a cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法 or path about two-thirds of the way across, which appeared to lead from the battery 电池 towards the city, they turned off at that point, and hurried on towards the south gate of the city, to which it led.

In the meantime, the 55th pushed on along the hills, covered by the Rifles, which had now joined, to the heights over‧look 俯瞰 the city on the north-west; and Captain Anstruther, with Captain Balfour and Lieutenant Foulis, with great exertion, brought up the light field-guns of the Madras Artillery to the summit 首脑 of the heights, and opened their fire upon the walls, on which several guns were mounted on that side. The Madras Sappers had also brought scaling-ladders along the rugged hills, and the Rifles were skilfully disposed 部署 along the edge of a deep ravine between the hills and the city walls, sheltered by the broken ground and by tombs, (for it was the burial 葬礼 place of the city,) with the object of cutting off the retreat 撤退 of the Chinese by the northern gate.

While these operations were going on, the admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pottinger, Captain Herbert, Captain Maitland, and Mr. Morrison, the interpreter, went on board the Nemesis, (which, after landing her troops 部队, had come round the point of Guard Island into the inner harbour,) and were carried towards the Pagoda Hill, just as the 18th entered the works at the top of it. The admiral and the rest of the officers immediately landed, and ascended the hill, from the top of which there is a splendid 壮观的 prospect 展望 of the whole plain beyond, and of the city, and from which a good view could be obtained 获得 of the operations against the latter.

The Nemesis was anchored as close in shore as possible; and Captain Hall, having got up to the mast 桅杆-head, was able distinctly 历历 to see everything that was going on, and to direct the fire of the steamer, so as to throw a few shells into the city, about three-quarters of a mile distant. The other steamers 汽船 very shortly after‧ward 之后 also joined her in the inner harbour. The 55th could be seen climbing over the walls, the Chinese firing, and retreating 撤退 before them; and the British flag at last proudly floated over the fallen city. Three British cheers were given at this moment by soldiers and sailors together.

The capital of Chusan, with all its new and extensive defences, was now for the second time in our possession. The Chinese troops 部队 fled into the interior 室内 of the island, principally 原则上 by the eastern gate; and if a detachment 分离 of our soldiers had been sent along the banks of the canal 运河 which runs up into the plain on that side, probably a great number of the Chinese would have been cut off.

The loss of the Chinese was consider‧able 大量, both in the battery 电池 and on the hills. On our side, one officer (Ensign Duell) and one rank and file 文件 of the 55th were killed, and nine‧teen 十九 rank and file 文件 of the same regiment wounded, many of them severely. Of the other troops 部队 engaged 从事, eight rank and file 文件 were wounded, of whom half dangerously 危险 or severely. Besides the guns already enumerated, together with large ginjals, a vast 广大 number of matchlocks were found in the city, with upwards 向上 of five hundred tubs of powder, some bamboo rockets 火箭, and about one hundred cases of leaden balls.

The day after the capture 捕获, measures were adopted by the general to endeavour to prevent the escape of the Chinese troops 部队 from the island, by the numerous little harbours or creeks from which they could get away in boats to the main‧land 大陆. Three different detachments 分离 of our soldiers were sent out by separate routes 路线 to scour 冲刷 the island, while the Nemesis and other vessels were sent round to convey 传达 provisions 规定, and to blockade 封锁 the landing-places or villages on the coast. But not a soldier was seen in any direction; the facility 设施 of disguise 伪装 and concealment, and also of escape to the main‧land 大陆, being very great.

It may be doubted whether these movements 运动, instead of tending to bring the native Chinese population into sub‧mission 服从, did not rather serve to keep alive 活的;有生命的 or to increase their natural 自然 feeling of dislike 反感 to the foreigner. In fact, the inhabitants 居民 of the Chusan Islands are generally a hardy 耐寒 and independent 独立 race of people, and up to the close of the war, it never could be said that we really had possession of more than the actual city within the walls of Tinghai and its suburbs 市郊 on the sea-shore. No one could move even to a distance of two or three miles from the walls, without having a strong escort 护送 with him, or running the risk of being kidnapped 绑架 by the people. Many private soldiers and camp-followers 信徒 were in this manner cut off; and at length orders were issued that none but the Chinese should be permitted to pass through the northern gate at all.


[59] To shew how sickly the coast of China is, in some seasons, it may be mentioned, that on board the Lion, which conveyed 传达 Lord Macartney's embassy 大使馆 to China in 1792, no less than ninety 九十-three men were put upon the sick list in less than a week after she came to anchor on the upper part of the east coast.

[60] In some of the most barren 荒芜 parts of Tartary, where the people with difficulty obtain 获得 the means of subsistence 生活, remarkable care is bestowed 赐给 upon the cultivation 5 of patches 补丁 of ground, only a few yards square, upon the side of the most rugged mountains. Æneas Anderson says, "Upon a very high mountain in Tartary, (on the road to the imperial 帝国 residence 住宅,) I discovered patches 补丁 of cultivated ground in such a position as to appear altogether inaccessible 人迹罕至. Presently I observed one of the poor husbandmen employed in digging a small spot near the top of a hill, where, at first sight, it appeared impossible for him to stand, much less to till the ground. I soon noticed that he had a rope 粗绳 fastened round his middle, by which he let himself down from the top, to any part of the precipice where a few square yards of ground gave him encouragement 鼓励 to plant his vegetables 蔬菜. Situated as these spots are, at consider‧able 大量 distances from each other, and considering the daily fatigue 疲劳 and danger of this man's life, it affords an interesting example of Chinese industry, stimulated 刺激 by necessity."—See Anderson's Embassy of Lord Macartney.


ground 10
possession 8
shot 8
steamer 7
entrance 6
sent 6
inner 6
crew 5
numerous 5
cultivated 5
vessels 5
gate 5
quantity 4
fell 4
vessel 4


A few days after the occupation 占用 of the capital of Chusan, a regular military 军事 government was established 建立 by Sir Henry Pottinger, protection being promised to the well-behaved 表现 inhabitants 居民, who were moreover informed that "several years would probably elapse 过去 before the island would be restored to the authority 权威 of the Emperor." Thus it was evidently 明显地 contemplated 沉思, even at that time, that the island should not be restored to the Chinese, until long after the conclusion 结论 of peace.

The principal 主要 alterations 改造 which had taken place at Tinghai, since it was given up by the English seven months before, were found to be merely the addition 加成 of the defensive 防御性 works already described, and, to a certain degree, increased cleanliness within the city. The suburbs 市郊 at the landing-place had been in part pulled down, or altered 改变 to make way for the batteries 电池, while other parts had been abandoned 放弃, and were after‧ward 之后 pulled down by our own orders during the ensuing 接踵而至 winter, to give a better circulation 循环 of air, and more room for the detachment 分离 quartered there. In other respects, the so-called horrors 恐怖 of war fell extremely lightly upon the inhabitants 居民; indeed, they were in most instances benefited 效益 by our presence, and by the circulation 循环 of money which we spent among them.

It must not be imagined that the capital of Chusan is at all a fine town, or in any way to be compared with others upon the main‧land 大陆 which we after‧ward 之后 captured 捕获 or visited. Even the walls, though of small extent, enclose 围起来 a larger space than is actually occupied 占据 by the town itself 本身; and, indeed, with few exceptions, this appears to be generally the case in China. The streets are extremely narrow, being mere lanes 车道; the shops are very poor, and comparatively 比较 insignificant 微不足道; and the houses are all low, but some of them, including the courts within, occupy 占据 a large space of ground.

There is one building, however, which attracts 吸引 universal 普遍的 attention, as being one of the finest specimens 标本 of its kind. It is the principal 主要 temple of the city, dedicated 奉献 to the worship 崇拜 of Foo, or Budha. In many respects it is superior 优越 to the temple at Hainan, opposite Canton, and is scarcely second to the principal 主要 of the numerous temples which adorn 装饰 the sacred 神圣的 island of Pooto, about twenty 二十 miles from Chusan, which is famous 著名 for the number and elegance 优雅 of its places of superstitious worship, and for the hosts of priests 神父, or rather, monks, which are attached 连接 to them. There is belonging to this beautiful 美丽 temple of Tinghai, standing in a detached 分离 half-ruined building, and apparently never used, one of the most beautiful 美丽 bells met with in China. It is quite equal to the one which was after‧ward 之后 taken at Ningpo, and was subsequently sent to Calcutta. It is of very large size, but some‧what 有些 different in shape from our own, and is covered on the outside with Chinese characters, beautifully 精美 formed. Its tone is clear and deep; indeed, the Chinese appear to excel 高强 in the art of making bell-metal. It was worthy 值得 of being removed 去掉 and carried to this country; not so much as a trophy, for such it could not be called, but as an interesting specimen 标本 of Chinese workman‧ship 工人‧船, and of the advanced state of some of their oldest arts and inventions 发明.

Some interest attaches 连接 to the island of Chusan, from the fact of its having once been the site of an English factory. It is about fifty 五十 miles in circumference, of an oblong shape, being about twenty 二十 miles in length by ten in breadth 4. The principal 主要 harbour of Tinghai is difficult of approach, owing to the astonishing rapidity of the currents or tides, the rise and fall of which varies 变化 from six to twelve 十二 feet; the passages are in some parts narrow, with deep water.

Chusan and all the neighbouring islands are extremely mountainous 多山, but between the ridges of the hills are rich and beautiful 美丽 valleys, which are highly productive 生产的, being well supplied with water. The industry and care with which the Chinese embank the opening of every valley towards the sea are remarkable; not a foot of ground is wasted; and every little nook or bay which can be reclaimed 回收 from the sea is cultivated with the most assiduous care. The beautiful 美丽 cultivation of the hill-sides has already been alluded 暗示 to, so that it is not surprising that the island is cap‧able of exporting 出口 a large quantity of produce to the main‧land 大陆. For general commercial purposes, however, little advantage could have been derived 派生 from the permanent retention 保留 of Chusan; the population of the island is not large; and, with the port 港口 of Ningpo within a few hours' sail, and open to our vessels, there could have been no compensating 补偿 benefit 效益 to make up for the expense of a permanent settlement 沉降 upon an island in its neighbourhood.

The East India Company's factory was built in 1700, not far from the present landing-place in the suburbs 市郊 of Tinghai, but the exactions of the Chinese officers, the expense of the establishment 机构, and the little prospect 展望 of carrying on a successful 成功 trade, compelled 迫使 them to abandon 放弃 it three or four years after‧ward 之后. In short, the internal 内部 trade of the island must always be insignificant 微不足道; and vessels which frequent the harbour depend almost entirely upon the visits of Chinese merchants, who come over from the main‧land 大陆 to seek 寻求 merchandize, which they would much more gladly 高兴的 purchase 采购 when brought to their own doors at Ningpo, by which means they would save expense and trouble.

The importance of the temporary 临时 possession of Chusan is certainly great, particularly as long as the arrangements 安排 for the opening of the new ports 港口 are not entirely completed. But its value, as a political measure, is much enhanced 提高 by the moral effect it has had upon the government and the people of China, who look upon the Chusan islands as among their most valuable possessions, the loss of which was peculiarly felt by the Emperor.

In the commencement 开始, the principal 主要 inhabitants 居民 of the interior 室内 shewed a great disinclination to have any dealings with us, and the common people frequently proved themselves decidedly 果断地 hostile 敌对 to us. The kidnapping 绑架 of our soldiers will be alluded 暗示 to here‧after 此后; but that was more frequently attempted by men sent expressly over for the purpose, from the main‧land 大陆, than by the peasantry of the island itself 本身. Gradually, however, all classes improved in their tone and bearing; and, during an excursion 短途旅行 which I myself made, in company with a missionary 传教士, at the close of the war, we found the people commonly civil 国内 and obliging 责成, and rarely 很少;不常见;难得 disinclined to hold inter‧course 交往 with us. In several instances, we were invited into the houses of respect‧able 可敬 individuals, who invariably 不变地 turned the conversation upon mercantile matters.

It must not be supposed that there can be an unlimited 无限 production of tea in China; its cultivation is limited to almost two districts, and it requires peculiar conditions of soil and of climate 气候 to enable 启用 it to be cultivated to advantage. A great sudden increase in the demand for tea would lead to an enormous 巨大 increase in the adulteration of the article by all kinds of spurious leaves; and nothing is more easy than to fabricate 制造 a mixture 混合 which will resemble 类似 in all its external 外面的;外表的;来自外部的 appearances any description of tea which may be most in demand; and this fabricated 制造 mixture can be added to the real tea, in greater or lesser quantity, so as not easily to be detected 发现,察觉,看出, except by very experienced persons. The tea-plant requires three years' growth before it will produce leaves fit to be plucked 采摘 for tea. At Chusan, the plant appeared to grow wild, or nearly so, upon some of the mountains, but of inferior quality, and only fit for native use.

As the season for active measures, before the complete setting in of winter, was already far advanced, little time was to be lost in carrying into execution 执行 the proposed movement 运动 upon Chinhae and Ningpo. The latter city, from its size and situation, would afford excellent winter quarters for the main body of our troops 部队; and the moral effect upon the Chinese government and people, of the continued occupation 占用 of so important a place, and the interruption 中断 of their valuable trade, could not fail to make an impression 印象 calculated to facilitate 促进 our future negotiations 谈判.

In the meantime, the expected reinforcements 加强 would have arrived, both from England and from India, and the next campaign 运动 would be opened with vigour, and would suffice 满足, it was hoped, to conclude 得出结论 the war. Ningpo, which is a city of the first class, and therefore called Foo, (Ningpo-Foo,) is the chief city of a department, and the second city in the province of Che-keang, of which the capital is Hang-Chow-Foo. The population of the province, according to Chinese documents 文件, numbers upwards 向上 of 26,000,000 souls, or very nearly as much as the whole of Great Britain and Ireland together.

The town of Ningpo is situated 位于 twelve 十二 miles up the Tahea, or Ningpo river, at the mouth of which is the small town of Chinhae, at the base of a high hill, which commands the entrance of the river. The possession of Chinhae, therefore, and its citadel, would give us complete command of the approach to Ningpo; just as the capture 捕获 of Chapoo (which was effected in the subsequent 5 campaign 运动) would lay open the road to Hang-Chow-Foo, the capital; and that of Woosung, which was soon after‧ward 之后 taken, would give us free access 访问 to the valuable trading city of Shang-hae. It could not be doubted that the interruption 中断 of trade, and the stop‧page 停止‧页 of imperial 帝国 revenues 收入 derived 派生 from it, would make far deeper impression 印象 upon the cabinet 内阁 of Pekin, than sweeping off thou‧sand and tens of thou‧sand of the people, whose lives are so quaintly 精巧 said to be "very tenderly 纤弱的 cherished 珍视 in the paternal 父亲的 bosom of the Emperor."

A small garrison 驻军 only was to be left in possession of Chusan, but the embarkation of the rest of our force was delayed for some days, by the continuance of contrary 相反 winds. The exposed 暴露 situation of Chinhae also made it hazardous 危险 to approach it with a fleet 舰队, until the weather should assume 承担 a more settled appearance. At length, on the 8th of October, the greater part of the transports 运输 were moved to the anchor‧age 锚‧年龄 at "Just in the Way," nearly half way across to the mouth of the Ningpo river. At the same time, the General and the Admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pottinger, who was never absent 缺席的 when active operations were going on, proceeded 继续 in the Nemesis and Phlegethon steamers 汽船 to reconnoitre the Chinese positions, and to form their plans for the intended attack. Everything was now extremely favourable for this purpose, considering the advanced season; and the Chinese allowed the steamers 汽船 to approach quite close, within short range, without firing a shot.

The city of Chinhae lies at the foot of a hill, upon a tongue 舌头 of land, on the left bank of the river, or upon the northern side of its entrance; and its castellated walls are not much less than three miles in circumference, connected with a substantial 大量的 stone embankment which runs up the coast for a distance of full three miles, for the protection of the land from the encroachments of the sea. The chief strength of the position, however, lies in the precipitous, rocky 岩石 height, which, rising abruptly 突然 from the sea, at the extremity of the peninsula 半岛, and throwing out a rugged spur 骨刺, completely commands the entrance of the river. Upon its summit 首脑, which may be about two hundred and fifty 五十 feet high, a sort of citadel had been formed, having a large temple for its commanding point, connected by loop 循环-holed walls with various other buildings, which had been put in a state of preparation 制备 for defence.

The outer wall had two iron-plated 盘子 gates; but the only direct communication 通讯 between the citadel and the city was on the west, or land side, where a steep but tolerably regular cause‧way 原因;引起‧路;方法 led to a barrier 屏障 gate at the bottom of the hill, whence it was continued by a wooden 木制的 bridge over a gorge 峡谷 to the gates of the city itself 本身. In front of the other, or eastern gate of the citadel, there was a newly 最近,新近-constructed 构造 battery 电池, formed partly of sand-bags, and partly of masonry, mounting, altogether, twenty 二十-one guns.

Adjoining the suburbs 市郊 of the city, on the river side, there were also two flanking 侧翼 batteries 电池 for the protection of the river, mounting, respectively 分别, twenty 二十-two and nine‧teen 十九 guns; while, on the opposite side of the isthmus, lying between the hill and the city walls, there was a small battery 电池 of five guns pointing towards the sea, with a row of piles driven into the beach 海滩 in front of it, in order to impede 阻碍 the landing of an enemy. For further protection on that side, a number of guns and a large quantity of ginjals were mounted upon the city walls, principally 原则上 fronting the sea. The information obtained 获得 led the General to suppose that there were about three thou‧sand soldiers in the city and upon the works outside of it, while about seven hundred garrisoned 驻军 the citadel; but the Chinese official returns were after‧ward 之后 found, in which the details were minutely given. The actual number was about five hundred less than supposed. The Chinese had by no means limited their defences to the northern side of the river only. On the contrary 相反, there was good reason to believe that the great body of their troops 部队 and their strongest positions were upon the other or southern 南部的 side of the river, where there was a range of steep hills, over‧look 俯瞰 the citadel hill and the city itself 本身.

On this side there were several strong batteries 电池 facing the entrance to the river, mounting altogether thirty 三十-one guns, while the line of heights above was strongly fortified 强化, having a chain of entrenched 巩固 camps along the points most difficult of approach, with several field redoubts, armed with guns and ginjals; in short, neither expense nor labour had been spared to defend, as far as Chinese ingenuity 创造力 and art could avail, the approach to the important city of Ningpo.

The river itself 本身 was strongly staked 赌注 across just within the entrance, the obstruction 梗阻 being commanded by the batteries 电池. A little lower down to the south‧ward 南方‧病房 below the river, in a small bay, there was a creek, with a good landing-place at the foot of the hills, and the entrance to it was staked 赌注 across in a similar 类似 manner. The importance which the Chinese appeared to attach 连接 to the defence of these positions rendered 给予 it the more necessary that they should be reduced, in order to convince 说服 them, by the hard lesson 教训 of experience, that the utmost efforts of their skill and perseverance were unavailing against the science and the courage of Europeans.

On the following day, the 9th of October, the squadron and the transports 运输 (the best-sailing ones having been selected 选择 for the purpose) were able to anchor off Chinhae, in the most convenient 方便的 positions for the intended operations, which were to be carried into effect early on the following morning.

From the description above given, it will at once become evident 明显 that our operations against the main body of the Chinese troops 部队, on the southern 南部的 side of the river, would be undertaken by the land forces, under Sir Hugh Gough in person, while those against the citadel and town of Chinhae, and the works on the northern side of the river, would be entrusted 委托 principally 原则上 to the naval branch of the expedition 远征, under Sir William Parker. It was arranged that a body of men should be ready to land on that side, composed of the Seamen's Battalion and the Royal Marines, with a detachment 分离 of the Royal and Madras Artillery, the whole under the command of Captain Herbert, of the Blenheim.

The Wellesley, Blenheim, Blonde, and Modeste, were to take up positions as close as possible in shore on that side, but avoiding, if possible, the chance of taking the ground at low water, with the object of shelling the Chinese out of the citadel, and of preventing reinforcements 加强 from being sent up to it, and also to open a landing-place for the seamen and marines 海洋. They were also to drive the Chinese from the walls of the city on that side, and cover the landing. The Cruiser, Columbine, and Bentinck, were to be employed on the southern 南部的 side of the entrance of the river, taking up their positions so as to cover the landing of the troops 部队 at the mouth of the creek already mentioned. The Queen and Sesostris steamers 汽船 were to throw shells into the citadel, and into the batteries 电池 along the river, or, according to circumstances 环境, into the Chinese encampments on the hills on the south side; while the two iron steamers 汽船, Nemesis and Phlegethon, were to land the troops 部队, and then render 给予 assistance 帮助 wherever their services might be most useful 有用.

The movements 运动 of the troops 部队 will be best understood as we proceed 继续. At daylight, on the morning of the 10th of October, the Nemesis took on board the whole of the centre column, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Morris, consisting 组成 of the 49th regiment, with a few of the Royal and Madras Artillery, and some Madras Sappers, amounting altogether to about four hundred and forty 四十 men, with forty 四十 shot-bearers 来人, & 功放;c. There were also two 12-pounder howitzers, with two 9-pounder field-guns. The Nemesis then took in tow the Cruiser, six‧teen 十六 guns, under Commander Giffard, who was to super‧intend 超‧意欲 and to cover the landing, and immediately proceeded 继续 to the point of debarkation, near the creek, on the flank 侧翼 of the Chinese positions. The post of honour was this day given to the 49th, in order that they might have an opportunity of making up for their disappointment 失望 at Chusan, where they were landed too late to take the active part in the day's work which had been assigned 分配 to them. At the same time, the left column, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Craigie, of the 55th regiment (accompanied by the General himself and staff), was carried in by the Phlegethon to a rocky 岩石 point a little farther to the south‧ward 南方‧病房. There was a low flat and a canal 运河, with two bridges over it, on their right, whence they could move round the hills to the rear of the position occupied 占据 by the Chinese. This column was the strongest, and comprised 包括 a wing of the 18th Royal Irish, five Companies of the 55th regiment, the Madras Rifle Company, with one company of the Madras Artillery and some sappers; altogether 1040 men, with four light mountain howitzers, and two five and a half-inch mortars 砂浆, with upwards 向上 of one hundred shot-carriers 支架 and followers 信徒.

The distance of the point of landing from the enemy's position was not less than a couple of miles; and thence they skirted 裙子 along the hills, until they reached a commanding point, from which a full view was obtained 获得 of the whole of the positions. By this time, the centre column had formed without opposition; but a small body of Chinese troops 部队, who had probably been placed in ambush 伏击, under cover of a low hill, were now discovered, and instantly dispersed 分散 by a few shot from the Nemesis.

The 49th now received orders to advance up the hill, which they did in gallant style 样式; and, after clearing several field-works, their colours were soon displayed 显示 upon the principal 主要 redoubt over‧look 俯瞰 the batteries 电池 on the river side. In this attack, Captain Reynolds and Lieutenant Browne, of the 49th, particularly distinguished themselves.

No sooner had that regiment got into close action than the 18th and the Rifles, on their left, having with great difficulty got across a narrow and obstructed 阻碍 bridge, over the lower part of the canal 4 (which might have been easily defended), and the 55th having crossed another bridge higher up, suddenly pressed round upon the Chinese right, and threw them into the utmost consternation. Many acts of individual bravery 勇敢 were witnessed on their part; some the result of real courage, others of sheer desperation 绝望. But the poor Chinese were fairly hemmed 下摆 in by the 49th in front, and by the 55th and 18th, with the Rifles, on their right and in their rear. This manœuvre, as may be supposed, threw them into the utmost confusion. Their river batteries 电池, being also by these movements 运动 taken in flank 侧翼, were at once abandoned 放弃 by their defenders 辩护人, and a few of the guns were actually turned against the flying enemy the moment we took possession.

The havoc 浩劫 among the Chinese was inevitably 必将 great, for very few of them could be induced 促使 to lay down their arms, in spite of the exertions of the officers, aided 助手 by Mr. Thom, the interpreter, to make them understand that their lives would be spared. Hundreds of them, as a last resource 资源, rushed madly 疯狂的 into the river, and, of course, a great many were drowned; it is even said that their own batteries 电池 on the opposite side of the river killed a great many of them, either purposely for running away, or by aiming at our soldiers, who were driving the fugitives 逃亡 before them. Many committed 承诺 suicide, including several high officers; but some of them escaped, after throwing away their arms and military 军事 clothing. About five hundred men surrendered 投降 themselves prisoners; and a few others, who had taken shelter among the rocks along the river side, were subsequently picked up by the boats of the Queen steamer.

While these important successes were being obtained 获得 on the southern 南部的 side of the river, no less active and effectual operations were being carried on upon the opposite or northern side, against the citadel and town of Chinhae. As soon as the Nemesis had landed the centre column, she ran up towards the flag-ship, the Wellesley, which had been towed into an excellent position by the Sesostris, to shell the citadel, but she settled quietly in the mud as the tide fell. The Blenheim had like‧wise 同样 been towed into a good position by the Sesostris, but the Blonde and Modeste were enabled 启用 to go in under sail with a light breeze 微风. The terrific 了不起 fire of these powerful 强大 ships was immediately opened upon the hill-fort with irresistible 不可抗拒 effect. Their precision 精确 in throwing shells was particularly remarked, and nothing could long resist 抵抗 their sustained 维持;遭受 fire.

On the Chinese side, the river batteries 电池 opened upon the Nemesis and Phlegethon as they passed the river's mouth, and upon every vessel upon which they could bear, as they occasionally came within range—namely, the Queen, Cruiser, & 功放;c. The Nemesis, having passed beyond the flag-ship, ran in as close as possible to the town, and dispersed 分散 a body of Chinese, who were drawn up with their banners 旗帜, & 功放;c., on that side, and also opened upon a small fort at the landing-place, between the Citadel-hill and the town; but she was then directed by the Admiral to proceed 继续 with orders to the Sesostris and the Queen.

Just at this moment, (past eleven 十一 o'clock,) the boats were ordered to land the right column, under Captain Herbert; and it was about this time, also, that the 49th, on the south side of the river, were seen to crown the hill, and carry the Chinese entrenchment in that direction.[61]

So severe and well-directed had been the fire of the ships, that the Chinese had been driven out of the temple upon the top of the Citadel-hill, and could be seen rushing down towards the city. The seamen and marines 海洋, having disembarked upon the rugged rocks at the mouth of the river, advanced to the assault 突击 with great rapidity up the hill, and entered the citadel, the gate of which had been left open by the Chinese, as they fled.

The Chinese still manned the walls of the city below, which were about twenty 二十 feet high, and also the two batteries 电池 upon the river side, before described. The marine 海洋 and seamen battalion, therefore, pushed on to attack the city, and escaladed the walls in two places on the east side—the enemy making their escape through the western gate which led into the open country.

By this time, the batteries 电池 on the south side of the river were also in possession of our troops 部队, who now turned the guns upon the batteries 电池 on the city side of the river, near the water's edge. Captain Herbert's column was accompanied by the admiral in person, who was one of the fore‧most 最重要的是 to mount the walls.

Three explosions took place during the attack—two near the top of the Citadel-hill, and one at a mandarin station near the river-side. They were supposed to be mines, and two of them were fired by our rockets 火箭. Several Chinese suffered by the explosions.

The city of Chinhae, and the whole of the defences on both sides of the river, so much relied 依靠 on by the Chinese, were in our possession by two o'clock; the Chinese troops 部队 were completely dispersed 分散 and panic 恐慌-struck, many of the high officers being killed, and the whole people in the utmost consternation.

Captain Herbert retained 保留 possession of the town, with the marines 海洋, during the remainder of the day; and in the evening, Sir Hugh Gough crossed over from the opposite side with a few of his troops 部队, and joined Captain Herbert. The rest of our men bivouacked for the night upon the hills they had so bravely taken. The total number of guns which were found in the different works were no less than one hundred and fifty 五十-seven pieces, of which sixty 六十-seven were brass 3, many being very well cast, and of great weight. In the city was also discovered a cannon 大炮 foundry, with every preparation 制备 for the casting 种姓 of a great number of guns, including a large quantity of metal. There was like‧wise 同样 some copper ore 矿石 found in the town, and a tolerable addition 加成 to the prize 3 fund was thus secured 安全.

The loss on our side was inconsiderable, amounting to three men killed and six‧teen 十六 wounded, including one officer, Lieutenant Montgomerie, of the 49th regiment, which bore the principal 主要 brunt of the day. The loss of the Chinese is very difficult to estimate 估计. But it amounted to several hundred killed and wounded, in the operations on both sides of the river.

Soon after the works were all in our possession, the Nemesis was sent some way up the river to explore the navigation 导航, having cleared for her‧self 她自己 a passage through the stakes 赌注; and, on her return to the Wellesley, late in the day, the admiral, accompanied by Sir Henry Pottinger, proceeded 继续 in her to examine the river again.

If we may judge from the various memorials 纪念馆 presented to the Emperor, after the fall of Chinhae, and his Majesty's replies to some of them, we must at once perceive 认为 how great a sensation 感觉 the loss of this important place had made upon the people through‧out 始终 the entire province. They were now alarmed for the safety even of Hang-chow-foo, the capital city. Nevertheless 虽然, the emperor 皇帝, far from she‧wing 她‧翅膀 any inclination 倾角 to yield, continued to urge on more strenuously 费劲 than ever the most extensive preparations 制备 for the defence of the province.

Before the fighting at Chinhae commenced 开始, Yu-keen 热切的 delivered his seals 封上,海豹 of office to a faithful 可信 officer, to be carried back to the provincial 省级 capital; and when, at length, he saw the day was lost, he coolly walked down to the river's bank, and there, having performed the ceremony 典礼 of the Kotow, looking towards the imperial 帝国 city, he threw himself into the water. It was after‧ward 之后 ascertained 探明 that about four‧teen 十四 more Chinese officers were either killed, or destroyed themselves.

The death of the imperial 帝国 commissioner 专员, Yu-keen 热切的, seems to have awakened a feeling of compassion 同情 in the imperial 帝国 bosom. His Majesty called to mind the death of the commissioner 专员's grand‧father 祖父, in the same manner, during the reign 统治 of Kien-lung, and directed that his departed 离开 servant 仆人, "who gave his life for his country," should receive funeral 葬礼 honours of a high class, in the same temple of "faithful 可信 ministers" in which his ancestor 祖先 had already found a place. The local officers were to pay every honour to his remains, in all the towns through which his body might pass on its way to Pekin.

It is an error 错误 to suppose that the Chinese are altogether averse to change any of their established 建立 practices, however opposed the government may be, as a matter of policy, to every kind of innovation 新观念;新方法;创造 in the usages 用法 of the people. In the strictly 严格的 mechanical 机械 arts, no people are more ready to adopt, or more expert 专家 in applying any new methods 方法 which they can comprehend 理解, and which appear better adapted than their own, to attain 达到 the desired object; but their imitations 模仿 of things are notoriously 臭名昭著 ludicrous 滑稽的. At Chinhae, four newly 4-cast guns were found, precisely 精确地 after the model of some carronades which had been recovered 恢复 from the wreck of the Kite, and they were not by any means bad specimens 标本.

In the construction 施工 of their new gun-carriages, several striking improvements 起色 had been copied from ours, and, in this and other instances, it was thought that they must have employed people to take sketches 草图 for them. The most remarkable innovation 新观念;新方法;创造, however, and one which points out their extreme ingenuity 创造力, was the discovery of some machinery intended to be applied to the propulsion of their junks 破烂, resembling 类似 paddle-wheels. This curious invention 发明 has been alluded 暗示 to in the early part of the work, but the actual machinery used for the purpose was now first discovered. There were two long shafts, to which were to be attached 连接 the paddle-wheels, made of hard wood, about twelve 十二 feet in diameter 直径; there were also some strong, wooden cog-wheels nearly finished, which were intended to be worked by manual 手册 labour inside the vessel. They were not yet fitted to the vessels; but the ingenuity 创造力 of this first attempt of the Chinese, so far north as Chinhae, where they could only have seen our steamers 汽船 during their occasional 偶然 visits to Chusan, when that island was before occupied 占据 by us, cannot but be admired.

A walk round the ramparts of Chinhae, was sufficient 足够 to give a good idea of Chinese towns in general, and of the construction 施工 of their walls, which, in some parts, could not be less than forty 四十 feet thick. Beyond the town, the long sea-wall was a remarkably fine specimen 标本 of masonry, composed entirely of large blocks of hewn granite 花岗岩, sloping 斜坡 upwards 向上. The whole of China, in fact, appears to present to view astonishing instances of mixed civilization 文明 and barbarism, of advancement 进步 and of stagnation, in all the relations of life. Civilization appears to float 漂浮 upon the surface; you observe so much of social order and sobriety, and hear so much of paternal 父亲的 care and filial obedience 遵守, that you are half inclined 倾斜 to think they must be a very moral, humane 人道, and happy people. Again, you witness such proofs 证明 of ingenuity 创造力, such striking results of industry and of combination 组合 of labour, in their public works and buildings, canals, embankments, & 功放;c., that you are inclined 倾斜 to believe their institutions 机构 must have something good in them at bottom.

But, when you look a little deeper below the surface, you are astonished at the many evidences 证据 of barbarism and cruelty 残酷 which militate against your first impressions 印象. The use of torture 拷打 in the hands of government officers is less striking, not only because it has been in use in Christian Europe within the last half century, but also because the obligation 义务;责任;职责 of an oath 誓言 being unknown 未知 in China, as well as a future state of reward 报酬 or punishment 惩罚, there is in some cases, no other mode of extracting 提取 evidence 证据, than this cruel, unjust 不公, and much-abused 滥用 instrument of violence. It is more difficult, however, to perceive 认为 why they should have exerted 发挥 their ingenuity 创造力 to produce revolting 反叛 cruelty 残酷 in their modes 方式 of inflicting 造成 death.

The manner in which the unfortunate 不幸的 Capt. Stead and Mr. Wainwright were put to death at Chinhae, as it was after‧ward 之后 discovered, (for they were only wounded and captured 捕获 at Keeto Point,) affords strong evidence 证据 of their cruel love for human suffering. The burial 葬礼-place of these persons was pointed out outside the city wall, beyond a little moat which skirted them. It seemed to be the common burial 葬礼-place for criminals after execution 执行, and there was an archery-ground, with a target 目标 near at hand, for the practice of their favourite weapon. The bodies of our countrymen were found rolled up in stout 肥硕 mats, such as are commonly used for covering their floors. It was difficult to obtain 获得 from the Chinese, anything like correct information as to the precise 精确 mode in which the unfortunate 不幸的 sufferers 患者 were put to death; for, although both of them were at last beheaded, there is too much reason to believe that they were first of all most barbarously tortured 拷打.

The infliction of the punishment 惩罚 of death in China, by any mode which shall cause the mutilation of the body, is considered much more severe and degrading 降级, than death by strangulation, or without the shedding of blood; and the more the body is mutilated, the greater is the punishment 惩罚 considered. The putting to death by "cutting in pieces," in which horrible 可怕 operation, decapitation is the climax 高潮, is, perhaps, never at present carried into effect. It is reserved, I believe, exclusively for rebellion 暴动 and high treason 叛逆. But the Chinese seem to take pleasure in inventing 发明 various cruel modes 方式 by which death may be inflicted 造成, although, probably, they are not now used, if, indeed, they ever were. The most original 原版的 and disgusting 反感 of all these methods 方法, (of which, however, there was no evidence 证据 of its being used,) was illustrated 说明 by the discovery, either at Chinhae or at Ningpo, of the model of a machine for pounding women to death. The original 原版的 model was found in a temple, together with various others of a very extra‧ordinary 非凡的 kind. It was very small, and represented a large, oblong, stone vase 花瓶, in which the woman was to be placed, with the back of her head resting upon one extremity, (the long hair hanging over the side, and fastened to it,) while her legs were to be secured 安全 to the other extremity. The horrible 可怕 pounding process was to be effected by means of a huge 巨大 stone pestle, large at the base and conical at the apex, similar 类似 to those which they use for pounding rice. The pestle, or cone 锥体, was fixed to the extremity of a long pole, the pole itself 本身 being fastened by a pin in the centre to an upright 直立的 support, something in the manner of a pump-handle. The extremity of the handle being depressed 压抑 by a man's weight, of course raised the cone 锥体, and, the pressure being removed 去掉, the heavy cone 锥体 or pestle descended by its own weight, which was quite sufficient 足够 to pound one to pieces.

It was stated that at Chusan a stone tablet 片剂 was found, upon which were carved 雕刻 the Emperor's orders, that every barbarian who fell into the hands of the authorities 权威, should be executed 执行 by a slow and ignominious death. We know, however, that, except in the case of the prisoners upon the island of Formosa, this horrible 可怕 threat 威胁 was, in only rare instances, carried into execution 执行. On the contrary 相反, the English prisoners were sometimes tolerably well treated. This undoubtedly 无疑 arose from the forbearance which was shewn on our part towards the Chinese themselves, and the humanity 人性 and kindness 善良 which their wounded and their prisoners invariably 不变地 received from our officers and men, and which it was invariably 不变地 the object of Sir Hugh Gough to promote 促进 and encourage.


[61] The right columns consisted 组成 of—

Seamen Battalion, under Captain Bourchier


Royal Marines, Major Ellis


Royal Artillery, with two five and a half inch mortars 砂浆, and some 9 and }  


  12-pounder rockets 火箭, Lieutenant the Honourable — Spencer            }

Madras Sappers, Captain Cotton 3 and Lieutenant Johnstone, M.E.



possession 8
sir 7
temple 7
entrance 7
tea 6
royal 6
altogether 5
ground 4
sent 4
quantity 4
shot 4
northern 4
gate 4
queen 4
prisoners 4


The scenery 3 at the mouth of the Ningpo river is very striking. High conical-shaped hills stand on either side; and, as the river makes a bend a short distance up, the fine mountains beyond come into full view, and add to the picturesque 如画 beauty of the spot.

On the 12th of October, (the second day after the capture 捕获 of Chinhae,) the admiral proceeded 继续 up the river in the Nemesis, in order to reconnoitre the city of Ningpo, and to ascertain 探明 the practicability of taking the larger steamers 汽船 and the sloops up the river. In all respects, the river much exceeded 超过 the expectations 期望 formed of it. It was found to be wide and easily navigable up to the city, with not less than four‧teen 十四 feet water close under the city walls. It was also ascertained 探明 that no preparations 制备 had been made for defence, as the positions which the Chinese had taken up at the entrance of the river had been considered by them as quite strong enough to prevent the approach of an enemy. The people were seen harrying out of the city gates, in every direction, in the greatest consternation. The authorities 权威 had all fled, and the city appeared to be in complete disorder 混乱.

No time was to be lost. With the exception of the necessary garrison 驻军 left at Chinhae, consisting 组成 of the 55th regiment, (excepting the light company,) with one hundred Royal Marines, and a detachment 分离 of artillery 炮兵 and sappers, the whole under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Craigie, the rest of the force was embarked 从事 principally 原则上 on board the Nemesis and Phlegethon on the following morning, the 13th, and proceeded 继续 up the river, in company with the Queen and Sesostris steamers 汽船, together with the Modeste, Cruiser, Columbine, and Bentinck. The Blonde was left for the protection of Chinhae, as a support to the garrison 驻军.

In consequence 后果 of unavoidable 不免 delays 延迟, the force did not reach the city of Ningpo until past two, P.M.; but, fortunately, there was no difficulty in landing the troops 部队 with the utmost expedition 远征. Across the river, just abreast of the town, there was a well-constructed 构造 bridge of boats, which served to connect the city, at the entrance of one of its gates, with the suburbs 市郊 which were on the opposite side. There was quite water enough for the steamers 汽船 to run close up to it; and, as the Chinese shewed no intention of opposing the landing, the bridge was immediately taken possession of, while thou‧sand of the inhabitants 居民 thronged 人群 the banks of the river, as mere spectators 观众, moved by curiosity 好奇心 rather than by fear. Indeed, the Chinese themselves voluntarily 自行 assisted to remove 去掉 the obstructions 梗阻 which were piled up behind the city gates; and about three o'clock the whole of the little force, amounting to no more than seven hundred and fifty 五十 bayonets, besides the artillery 炮兵 and sappers, were drawn up along the ramparts of the important and wealthy 富裕 city of Ningpo; and the stirring 搅动 sound of our national 国民 "God save the Queen" was played by the band of the 18th Royal Irish.

The utmost quiet was preserved, and the Chinese were made to understand that, deserted by their own authorities 权威, and left without means of protecting themselves, they might be assured of protection through the generosity 慷慨 of British soldiers. Never indeed was there a more peace‧able 和平‧能够的 victory.

The capture 捕获 of Chinhae and Ningpo, so soon after the loss of Chusan, seems to have inflicted 造成 so severe a blow upon the Chinese, as to have alarmed the whole province, and spread consternation even as far as the capital itself 本身. Reports were soon brought from every quarter that the inhabitants 居民 even of Hang-chow-foo, famed for its luxury 豪华 and refinement 精致 through‧out 始终 China, were moving away from it in large numbers, and that places nearer to the scene of action were already almost abandoned 放弃. In fact, it was admitted that a panic 恐慌 prevailed 战胜 on every side; and it was feared that "treacherous 奸诈 natives would seize 抓住 the opportunity to rob 抢劫 and plunder 掠夺, and would form themselves into organized bands for the purpose of creating internal 内部 disorders 混乱." There was also great apprehension 顾虑 that our forces might proceed 继续 to capture 捕获 Chapoo, one of their most valuable ports 港口, having the exclusive 独家 right of trade with Japan, and situated 位于 in the vicinity 附近 of Hang-chow-foo.

It could not be doubted, therefore, that had the General possessed a sufficient 足够 force to have been able to leave a garrison 驻军 at Ningpo, and at once to take possession of Chapoo, which is, in fact, the sea‧port 海‧港口,城镇 of Hang-chow-foo, and only twenty 二十 miles distant from it, he might have marched to the provincial 省级 capital while the Chinese were unprepared to offer any serious opposition; and it is not improbable 难以置信 that the war might have been brought to a termination 终止 in that campaign 运动. With the very small force, however, which Sir Hugh Gough had at his disposal 处置, such a movement 运动 was manifestly 表现 impossible. The whole force which he could muster at Ningpo amounted to no more than seven hundred and fifty 五十 bayonets; and, as the city was not less than five miles in circumference, containing a dense 稠密 population, it evidently 明显地 required a consider‧able 大量 garrison 驻军 to occupy 占据 the place, and to afford security 安全 to the peace‧able 和平‧能够的 and well-disposed 部署 inhabitants 居民. It was therefore resolved 解决 to make Ningpo the head-quarters for the winter, and to wait for reinforcements 加强 from England and from India before opening the next campaign 运动.

The province of Che-keang, which was now the seat of our operation, is intersected 相交 by large rivers, and is traversed 横过 by the great Imperial Canal 5, which, taking its commencement 开始 from the city of Hang-chow-foo, and passing through the most fertile and densely 密地-populated 填充 provinces, crossing in its course the two great rivers, the Yangtze Keang and the Yellow River, runs north‧ward 北方 nearly as far as the imperial 帝国 capital, which is dependent upon it not only for its wealth 财产, but even for its means of daily subsistence 生活. A blow inflicted 造成 upon its immense traffic 交通 at one extremity must necessarily vibrate 颤动 along its whole course, and be painfully 痛苦 felt at the other end; and the great internal 内部 trade of China, through all its end‧less 无穷 ramifications 分枝, upon which perhaps the bulk of the population depend for their subsistence 生活, must suffer a universal 普遍的 and dangerous 危险 derangement. What was of quite as much importance, also, the imperial 帝国 revenues 收入 would, in a great measure, cease 停止 to flow into the imperial 帝国 treasury 国库.

The city of Ningpo, therefore, the largest in the province next to Hang-chow-foo, wealthy 富裕 from its great trade, easily accessible 无障碍 by water, and formerly the site of an English factory, was admirably 令人钦佩 adapted for winter quarters. The troops 部队 were placed, in the first instance, in two large public buildings, and the greatest forbearance was exercised towards the persons and property of the inhabitants 居民. Proclamations were like‧wise 同样 issued, calling upon the people to return to their ordinary avocations without fear of mole‧station 痣‧站; and some of the principal 主要 inhabitants 居民 were requested to assemble 集合, in order that it might be explained to them that it was the wish of our high officers to afford them all possible protection, and to restore 修复;使复位;使复职 order to the city; that the hostility 敌意 of the English was to be directed against the government, and not against the people.

All this sounded well at first, and was received with great thankfulness by the Chinese, who seemed very well disposed 部署 to be taken under British protection. But the announcement 公告 which was after‧ward 之后 made to them, that they were to pay a heavy sum as ransom 赎金 for the city, and as an equivalent 当量 for the value of our "protection," was received with very great disfavour and reluctance 不情愿. Very little of the sum demanded was ever forthcoming 即将到来; and the substitution 代换 of a tax, or contribution 贡献, of ten per cent upon the estimated 估计 value of the property, was the cause of much subsequent ill-will, and some injustice 不公正. In fact, notwithstanding 虽然 the promises and hopes which were held out, a very small portion of it was ever collected, and it was at all times a subject of much bitterness 苦味 to the people.

A tax of ten per cent upon the value of the cargoes 货物 of all vessels passing up the river, which was after‧ward 之后 enforced 执行, was much more successful 成功; in fact, it was little else than the collection of the imperial 帝国 revenues 收入, which the Chinese were always liable 容易 to pay. It was, however, in a great degree evaded 逃避, by an increase of smuggling 走私 along the coast, which the disorganized 破坏组织 state of the local government of the province greatly favoured.

Generally speaking, the collecting of any consider‧able 大量 body of troops 部队 together in any particular province or locality 局部性 in China, so far from strengthening the hands of the authorities 权威, is more likely to occasion disturbance 骚乱 among the inhabitants 居民. Their raw 生的, ill-disciplined 训练 levies 征收 are under little restraint 克制, and repeated complaints are always made against the lawlessness of the troops 部队. Little confidence being placed in their regular soldiers, who had been so recently defeated, the people were now called upon by the authorities 权威 to collect their brave 勇敢的 men from all the villages and hamlets 村庄 along the coast, and to organize them into bands, for mutual 相互 "defence against the proud rebels 反叛;" but, in most instances, these bodies of uncontrolled patriots 爱国者 became a scourge to their own neighbourhood, and perfectly use‧less 无用 for any purpose of defence against the enemy.

Ningpo is situated 位于 upon the extremity of a tongue of land at the point of junction 连接点 of two rivers, or two branches of the same river, which unite just below the town, and form the Tahea, or Ningpo river. Both of these branches are extremely tortuous, and have numerous villages along their banks, which are in some parts picturesque 如画 and well cultivated. One of them leads up, in a north-easterly direction, to the district town of Yuyow, whence there is a canal, supposed to lead to Hang-Chow-foo: the distance is about forty 四十 miles; and nearly half‧way up this branch, situated 位于 about four miles from the river's bank, is the town of Tsekee. Both of these towns shortly became, as we shall see, the scene of our operations, our object being to disperse 分散 the Chinese forces, which were being collected at various points for a threatened attack upon us at Ningpo. The other, or south-western branch of the Ningpo river, leads up, at the distance of about thirty 三十 miles, to the town of Fungway, which we also designed to attack, if necessary.

At Ningpo itself 本身, one of the most interesting objects is the bridge of boats, connecting 连接 the town with the suburbs 市郊. It is apparently well contrived 图谋 to answer the purpose for which it is intended. The boats are all connected together by two chains running across, and resting upon them, extending from one side of the river to the other. This serves to keep the boats in their places, without their being moored, and a regular bridge of planks is carried from one to the other, but only destined 注定 for foot-passengers, as carts for draught are unknown 未知.

A few days after the place was taken, the Nemesis and Phlegethon proceeded 继续 up the north-western branch towards Yuyow, the Admiral and suite 套房 being on board the former, and Sir Henry Pottinger and suite 套房 on board the latter. They also took in tow the Wellesley's launch 发射 and pinnace, manned and armed. The object was simply to explore that branch of the river, and to ascertain 探明 whether any Chinese were being collected in that direction. Nothing could be more picturesque 如画 than the scenery the whole way up, the tortuous bendings of the river bringing a constant 不变 success‧ion 演替 of new objects into view, relieved by fine mountain scenery in the rear. Numerous villages lay scattered upon its banks, but there was no appearance of any preparations 制备 for defence. The inhabitants 居民 generally, so far from running away with fear, crowded the banks with looks of the utmost astonishment 惊愕. The scenery continued to increase in interest as they ascended, and particularly at a place called Poonpoo, where there was a cluster of extremely pretty country houses, or villas 别墅, said to belong to several of the high officers of government. On every side the country appeared to be in the highest state of cultivation.

About two-thirds of the way up, the river became consider‧able 相当 narrower, and the turnings were sometimes so sharp and sudden, that it was not without some difficulty the long, sharp Nemesis could be guided round them. At length, about five o'clock, they reached the city of Yuyow, and came to anchor close under its walls, in about three fathoms water.

The Admiral, accompanied by the numerous officers who had attended him, including Captains Maitland, Herbert, Blake, and others, now got into the boats from the Nemesis, as did also Sir Henry Pottinger, and his suite 套房 from the Phlegethon, and proceeded 继续 up the river above the town, to reconnoitre. They passed under a well-constructed 构造 stone bridge of three arches 弓形, the centre one being about thirty 三十 feet high; but the day was already far advanced, and the rain began to fall heavily 很大,沉重地. Nothing of a hostile 敌对 character was observed in the neighbourhood, and they all very gladly returned without landing, but did not reach the steamers 汽船 until they were completely drenched.

Sir William Parker did not escape suffering from the exposure 经受 he had undergone, and was laid up almost immediately after‧ward 之后 with an attack of rheumatism; indeed, it was often a matter of surprise that he escaped with so little illness 疾病 during his anxious and indefatigable services, in which he never spared himself on any occasion, or shrunk from any exposure 4.

In the city of Ningpo, things gradually began to settle down into their regular course; the Chinese soon opened their shops, and were very glad to sell their wares 器具 at an exorbitant price. Provisions, also, were brought in plentifully 丰富, and there was every probability 可能性 that the winter would be passed in tolerable tranquillity. Some of the principal 主要 people are said to have come forward, and expressed their willingness 愿意 to be taken permanently 永久 under British rule, under a guarantee 保证 of protection, but their professions were little relied 依靠 on.

Some of the temples at Ningpo are very hand‧some 英俊, and one of them in particular is well worth seeing. They fortunately escaped the plundering 掠夺 of the Chinese thieves. Not so, however, the private houses, particularly in the suburbs 市郊, which were less under our control, and were almost as extensive as the town. In these, one whole street was discovered entirely at the mercy 3 of the mob 暴民, who had carried off nearly everything that could be moved, in almost every house. Several of these rogues 流氓 were caught in the act, and were handed over to the tender 纤弱的 mercies 宽容 of the people themselves. Several of them, also, were well flogged, and others had their tails cut off, by the general's orders.

One of the buildings which attracted most interest was the town prison, in which Captain Anstruther and others of our unfortunate 不幸的 countrymen had been so long con‧fine 局限. The identical 相同 cages in which they had been shut up were found still there, and others of a similar 类似 kind, ready for the reception 招待会 of any of the barbarians who might fall into their hands. The way in which Captain Anstruther managed to find out his old prison was rather curious. He is said to have had himself blindfolded, and then carefully 小心 numbered the steps he had formerly taken, and the different turnings he had made; and by these means contrived 图谋, within a few yards, to hit the very spot.

A party arrived there in time to get possession of some Sycee silver which had not yet been removed 去掉 from the offices; but it is supposed that much more had already been carried away by plunderers. A very large quantity of the base coin 硬币 called cash 现金, the only coined 硬币 money of China, was found in another part of the town; and the enormous 巨大 stores of grain 谷物, belonging to government, were also taken possession of, and after‧ward 之后 sold sell to the people at a cheap 便宜的 rate. This produced a consider‧able 大量 addition 加成 to the prize fund, but the policy of selling it at so low a rate was some‧what 有些 questioned. Every man was allowed to go into the stores, at which a strong guard was placed, and fill as large a sack 解雇 as he could carry out of it for one dollar, its actual value being about four. But only a small portion of this was actually obtained 获得 by the poor people; for it was asserted 断言, at least by the Chinese, that the farmers themselves managed to get a consider‧able 大量 share of it by means of their servants, so that they might be able to continue to keep up the price by a species 种类 of monopoly 垄断. It was also feared that, in case of a failure of the crops, a serious famine 饥荒 might happen to the people, owing to the want of the accustomed 使习惯 stores which are usually laid up by the government, in the paternal 父亲的 spirit of providing the poor with food at a moderate price, in the event of such a contingency 偶然性. The sum added to the prize-fund by the sale of these stores of grain 谷物, of which there was said to be two years' supply, was consider‧able 大量. There were also large stores of sugar 3 discovered in the town.

Amongst 之中 other unexpected 意外 prizes 奖赏, not the least interesting was that of a stud 螺柱 of Chinese horses, or ponies 小马, small, but hardy 耐寒 little things, used exclusively for saddle 马鞍, and generally employed only by the higher mandarins. Upwards of forty 四十 of these ponies 小马 were selected 选择, and trained for the artillery 炮兵, and amusing 使人发笑 enough it was to see the commencement 开始 of their apprentice‧ship 学徒. One of the great disadvantages 坏处 the General laboured under, on many occasions, was the want of horses for his staff; the necessity of carrying his orders on foot not only caused delay, but rendered 给予 the duty very harassing 骚扰, particularly during some of the hot, sultry days in the earlier part of this campaign 运动.

The Chinese horses are extremely small, literally 按照字面 ponies 小马, but strong, and of good bone and tolerable figure; but they are not numerous, being considered rather as a valuable indication 迹象 of rank or wealth 财产 than as the common slave of man, either for labour or amusement 娱乐. The Chinese take no pains to improve the breed 养育;繁殖, and very little care of them, as to their food, grooming 马夫, & 功放;c. In reality 现实, a Chinaman is the most awkward 难堪-looking horse‧man 马‧男人 imaginable, and the walk or the jog 慢跑-trot 小跑 is the only pace 步伐,速度 that either his inclination 倾角, his dignity 尊严, or the slippery 滑;狡猾的 nature of his causeways, permit him to adopt. Population in China is so dense 稠密, and consequently 所以 labour so abundant 丰富, that they stand in very little need of the help of the lower animals to assist 5 the hand of man, and rather grudge 怨恨 the food which is necessary for their maintenance 保养.

The best way to obtain 获得 a good view of Ningpo and the surrounding country is to ascend the pagoda, which forms one of its most striking objects. It is one hundred and fifty 五十-five feet high, of an octagonal form, having windows all the way up, with a lantern 灯笼 in each; so that, if lighted up, the effect would be very striking. The lower part of it is built of stone, but the upper part of brick. In other respects it differs 不同 but little from other structures 结构体 of the same description. It appears to be connected with a public burial 葬礼-ground, as numerous graves 坟墓;严重的 and monuments 纪念碑 lie scattered round it. From the top of it you get quite a panoramic view of the city and the river, with its two tributaries or branches, the mountains in the distance, and the fine, rich, alluvial, well-watered, and highly-cultivated plain which extends down towards the sea-coast.

The town itself 本身 differs 不同 little in appearance from that of Canton and most other towns in China, but it is consider‧able 相当 smaller than the former; it has the same narrow streets, crossed here and there by the heavy stone arches, or rather tablets 片剂, which are frequently erected 直立 to do honour to some great or popular man, the same curious, long, ornamented sign-boards, on each side of the shops, and the same crowded clusters of houses, of curious shape, and mostly of one story.

Many of the houses of the better class of people, not deserted entirely by their owners 所有者, were visited by our officers, who generally met with a very courteous reception 招待会. Indeed, the Chinese well know how to make a virtue 美德 of necessity, and to conciliate your good graces 优雅;惠赐 by the offer of tea, cakes, tobacco 3, or flowers, rather than run the chance of exciting your ill-will, or your less friendly visits, by an affectation of independence 独立 or rude 粗鲁的 indifference 漠不关心. The Chinese of the respect‧able 可敬 classes are cap‧able of being extremely courteous, are well-bred 养育;繁殖:breed, and even elegant 优雅 in their manners; and the proper mode of treating them is to insist 咬定 on this kind of demeanour as if it were due to you, and to accept it as your right. But there are no people who can be more rude, overbearing, and uncourteous than the Chinese, when they think that they can with‧hold 扣压 from you with impunity, or without notice, the courtesies 礼貌 which are habitual 惯常的 among themselves.

Considering how much the property of the inhabitants 居民 of Ningpo was at our mercy, it is credit‧able 学分;信用;表扬‧能够的 that so little injury was done to it during the many months in which the city was in our possession. But it is also deserving of remark that, during the whole period of the war with the Chinese, no consider‧able 大量 collection of Chinese curiosities 好奇心 or works of art, many of which are extremely interesting and novel 小说 to us, was made for public purposes. With the exception of a few specimens 标本 of Chinese weapons and clothing, which were sent to different public institutions 机构 by private individuals, no attempt was made to form a sort of Chinese Museum 博物馆.

It is also to be regretted 后悔 that some one or more scientific gentlemen were not attached 连接 to the expedition 远征, who, with the assistance 帮助 of an interpreter, might have made us acquainted 认识 with many interesting subjects of natural 自然 history, and of the productions of the country. Where, for instance, is the immense quantity of Sycee silver 3, which is annually 每年 exported 出口 from China, obtained 获得? Where are their copper-mines, and how are they worked? Coal mines also exist in several parts of China; at Ningpo, coal was sold in small quantities, and at Nankin immense supplies of excellent coal were found laid up for the coming winter, and our steamers 汽船 found it answer very well. The mineral 矿物 productions of China, of which there are probably many, are almost entirely unknown 未知 to us.

The taste for European manufactures had reached Ningpo long before we got possession of it. There were one or two shops for the sale of what were called Canton wares 器具, that is, English goods brought up from Canton, and, of course, sold enormously 巨大 dear. In one of them was a quantity of English glass of various kinds. English gilt 镀金 buttons 按钮 were found, and were in demand for the dresses of the higher classes, particularly of the women, who seemed to prefer those which had the East India Company's crest 波峰, the lion 狮子, upon them. A large quantity of cloth was also found imported 进口 from Russia, and called Russian cloth; but, in reality 现实, there is little doubt that the cloth was manufactured in England, for Russian merchants, expressly for their over‧land 之上‧陆地;着陆 trade with China. It is a known fact, that orders of this description, for cloth made expressly of a particular kind, have long been executed 执行 in England. This, then, ought now to become a direct trade in our own hands.

The Chinese appear to excel 高强 in the art of wood-carving 雕刻, some very fine specimens 标本 of which were found in their houses. One house in particular at Ningpo was distinguished by the tasteful carving 雕刻 of its furniture, particularly of that which belonged to the bed-rooms. Some of their wardrobes 衣柜 and bedsteads were elegantly 优雅 ornamented with carved 雕刻 work, inlaid with various kinds of wood, and representing landscapes 景观, figures, & 功放;c. Some of their specimens 标本 of fret‧work 烦恼‧工作, with silk at the back, and of embroidered silk furniture, were extremely elegant 优雅. Above all things, they excel 高强 in the art of varnishing plain or carved 雕刻 wood, and they have also some method 方法 of giving a fine gloss 掩饰 to painted work, which very much increases its durability, although it is different from varnish.

One of their greatest deficiencies 不足 appears to be in the mode of lighting their houses. Glass is so little used, and the manufacture of it so imperfectly 不完善 known among them, that almost the only mode which they adopt of letting in the light, and of excluding 阻止…进入;把…排斥在外 the air at the same time, is by lattice 格子-work windows, sometimes neatly carved 雕刻, and lined inside with very thin trans‧parent 透明 paper. Occasionally, however, a single pane 窗格 of glass is found in the centre of the window, while in other instances the whole of it is covered with the thin trans‧parent 透明 lining of oyster 牡蛎-shells, which admit a very imperfect 不完善 light. The artificial 人造的 lighting of the best houses is often very well effected by coloured lamps, several of which are suspended 暂停 from the ceiling 天花板, and painted with various designs, landscapes 景观, & 功放;c. But the painting is on, not in the glass; the latter art appears to be quite unknown 未知 to the Chinese.

Generally speaking, it was not safe to wander 漫步 far from the gates of the town, except when a large party went together upon a shooting excursion 短途旅行. Pheasants, and a sort of pigeon 鸽子, with woodcocks and teal, were generally found without difficulty; but the Chinese seemed mightily 威武 astonished that any one should take the trouble to walk over the country, mile after mile, merely for the trouble of shooting birds. It is curious that, expert 专家 and indefatigable as they are in catching fish, they should be so indifferent 冷漠 to the art of catching or killing birds, which are to be found in almost every part of the country in great abundance 丰富; but they seem to be deterred 阻止 by the trouble of seeking 寻求 for them, and have very little knowledge of the relative value of the different species 种类 as articles of diet 饮食. The lower class of people will gladly devour 吞食 any kind of bird you shoot for them. I have seen them glad to get birds of prey 猎物 even, and yet they take no pains to secure 安全 the thou‧sand of wild-fowl which are to be found upon the banks of the same rivers in which they catch their fish.

That it was not safe to go out alone, even well armed, soon became evident 明显, for they made more than one attempt to carry off a sentry on duty, and would have succeeded in their object, had not the guard instantly come up on the alarm being given. On these occasions, as may be supposed, a Chinaman or two stood a chance of being shot. But the boldest of them all were the professed 宣称 thieves, who continued to commit 承诺 depredations upon their countrymen in the most barefaced manner, in spite of the severe examples which were sometimes made.

On one occasion, when a small foraging 饲料 party was out looking for poultry 家禽 and bullocks, some Chinamen pointed out a spot where they said a quantity of Sycee silver had been concealed 隐藏. This was too great a temptation 诱惑 for the soldiers to resist; but the moment they had loaded themselves with the silver the Chinese surrounded them, and they were obliged 责成 to let fall the Sycee in order to defend themselves, and then beat a retreat 撤退. A quarrel 争吵 then arose of course among the Chinese about the division of the spoil 损坏;变质, of which they had not robbed 抢劫 their countrymen, but had only captured 捕获 it from the barbarians.

So many attempts were made to entrap our soldiers and sailors, and to carry them off, both at Ningpo and Chinhae, that great caution 3 was necessary, and, in spite of the many warnings, some of their attempts were successful 成功. They had less inclination 倾角 to molest the officers; not that they loved them better, or desired them less as prisoners, but that they had greater respect for the double-barrelled pistols 手枪 which many of the officers carried in their pockets, and which all were supposed to be provided with.

An attempt was made more than once by the Chinese to rob 抢劫 our commissariat stores, but it was frustrated 阻挠 by our vigilance. But the Chinese are uncommonly 罕见 expert 专家 house-breakers 断路器, as many people in Hong-Kong can testify 作证, where houses and stores of the most substantial 大量的 kind were broken into in a very ingenious 巧妙 manner, generally by removing 去掉 some of the stones or bricks near the foundation 基础.

The attempt to establish 建立 a Chinese police at Ningpo, and also at Chusan, was tolerably successful 成功; at least it was not difficult to find men who were willing enough to receive the pay, and wear the badge 徽章 of a police‧man 警察; but it is not quite so certain that they were equally ready to detect 发现,察觉,看出 thieves, or to protect the property of individuals. Sometimes, by way of appearing to do something, they gave false 3 information, which served to create a stir 搅动 for the moment. Upon the whole, they were certainly of some use; but the want of knowledge of the language, and the small number of interpreters 翻译员, since Mr. Gutzlaff had almost the sole 唯一 management 管理 of them, rendered 给予 their services less available than could have been wished. They were occasionally useful 有用 as spies 间谍, and obtained 获得 information of reports among their countrymen, concerning the plans and intentions of the mandarins.

But, besides these, we had also regular spies 间谍 in our pay, one of whom, a Chinese who spoke English, and came to be known by the name of Blundell, was sent up to Hang-chow-foo, but was afraid to deliver the paper which was entrusted 委托 to him, and returned without having accomplished his object. He was supposed to be employed as a spy 间谍 by both parties, the Chinese as well as ourselves 我们自己. Generally, pretty correct information was obtained 获得 of the proposed movements 运动 of the Chinese, the assembling 集合 of their troops 部队, and the orders of the imperial 帝国 cabinet 内阁.

At Ningpo, and in its neighbourhood, there were no indications 迹象 of hostile 敌对 preparations 制备 for some time after the place was in our possession. It was not until quite the end of November that reports, upon which reliance 依赖 could be placed, reached the general, that troops 部队 were collecting in some of the neighbouring towns, particularly at Yuyow, the town which had already been visited, and rumours were afloat of some projected 项目 attack, on the part of the Chinese, upon Ningpo itself 本身. Plans now began to be laid for dispersing 分散 these different bodies of troops 部队, and for the purpose of instilling 灌输 a whole‧some 全部的‧一些 terror 恐怖 into the minds of the people; but active measures did not take place until two or three weeks after‧ward 之后.

In the meantime, the Nemesis was sent over to Chusan, stopping a day or two at Chinhae on the way, to pro‧cure 促成 fuel 汽油, and to over‧haul 翻修 a number of large junks 破烂 which were at anchor a few miles from the mouth of the river. They were found to be laden 载货 principally 原则上 with peas 豌豆, rice, oil, walnuts 核桃, liquor‧ice 酒‧冰-root, & 功放;c.; and had they been met with a few months later, they would all have been detained 扣留, as were hundreds of a similar 类似 kind at Woosung; but at this time they were not molested. Opium was found in them all, in small quantities only, for the use of the people on board, but apparently not for sale.

The weather was now clear and bracing 支撑, and the sickness 疾病 which had partially 部分 attacked our troops 部队, on first taking possession of the town, had almost entirely disappeared.

On the occasion of a visit to the opposite side of the river, a singular 单数 circumstance 环境 occurred 发生. Two Chinamen were seen at some little distance, hastening along with a large round basket carried between them, carefully 小心 covered up, but which at first attracted little notice. Some of the party had the curiosity 好奇心 to raise up the covering a little, when, to their great surprise and amusement 娱乐, a very young and pretty-looking Chinese lady was found stowed in it, hoping, probably, by this device 设备 to escape detect‧ion 发现. The poor thing was almost frightened 使惊恐 to death; but she remained perfectly quiet until she was covered up again, when the men were allowed to trot 小跑 away with her as fast as they could.

Shortly after‧ward 之后, a gay 快乐的-looking sedan chair was seen passing near a village, probably belonging to some of the mandarins; but no sooner did the party run up to examine it, than its occupier 占用 jumped out and ran away for his life.

But the most singular 单数 thing of this kind was finding a Chinese lady stowed away in the locker of a boat, as if she were dead. Orders had been issued by the admiral to examine all junks 破烂 leaving the city, in order to prevent them from carrying away plunder 掠夺. One of these had just been examined, without finding anything of value on board, when it occurred 发生 that something might still be concealed 隐藏 in the after-locker, a sort of cup‧board 橱柜 of moderate size. On opening this sanctum, it appeared to contain what looked like the dead body of a female, recently put into it, well dressed, and, judging from her hand‧some 英俊 shoes and small feet, a person of some importance. This looked a very strange affair; but as no one could speak a word of the language, it was impossible to inquire 打听 into it. However, as it appeared to be a capital opportunity to examine the nature of a Chinese lady's foot, the men were ordered by Capt. Hall to lift the body out; and this appeared likely to be no easy matter, so closely did it seem to be jammed 果酱 in. But the moment the Jacks laid hold of the shoulders, a tremendous 巨大 scream 叫喊 issued forth, as if a ghost had suddenly been endowed 赋予 with some unearthly 挖掘 voice. The poor thing had only shammed being dead, in order, as she thought, to escape detect‧ion 发现. She was now very gently lifted out, and not without some difficulty, being literally 按照字面 half dead with the fright 恐怖 and confinement 坐月子. In the bottom of the locker beneath 之下 her was found a bag of money, with which she had evidently 明显地 attempted to escape. She was, of course, allowed to go away without further mole‧station 痣‧站, boat and all.

The question of infanticide has been already alluded 暗示 to in a previous 以前 chapter 章节. According to Barrow, it was considered part of the duty of the police at Pekin to collect every morning, in a cart 运货马车 sent round for the purpose, the dead bodies of infants which were thrown into the streets during the night. Sometimes they were found still alive, and these were commonly rescued by the Roman-catholic missionaries 传教士, who attended for the purpose, and subsequently brought them up in the Roman-catholic faith. Mr. Gutzlaff also alludes 暗示 to this horrible 可怕 practice, as being far from uncommon 罕见, and as being perpetrated without any feelings of remorse 悔恨, but almost exclusively upon females. Among the immense population which live in boats, and upon the rivers of China, it is impossible to calculate 计算 how many are disposed 部署 of by being drowned. But, in Pekin, Barrow gives the average number destroyed, at twenty 二十-four every day. Some allowance must, however, be made for those which die of disease during the earliest period of life in a country where medical science is at so low an ebb 落潮.

With the exception of some of the Tartar towns, such as Chapoo and Chin-keang-foo, where whole‧sale 批发 murder was committed 承诺 by the men upon their wives and children immediately the places were captured 捕获, little evidence 证据 was obtained 获得 of the existence of the revolting 反叛 practice of infanticide. We have seen that at Amoy the bodies of several infants were found sewed 缝:sew up in sacks 解雇; and it was also said that a cave 洞穴 was found at Chinhae, in which were a number of bodies of female infants, also tied up in bags. But it was an extremely rare thing to find an infant 婴儿 abandoned 放弃 in the streets alive or dead. An instance, however, occurred 发生 at Ningpo one evening, when Captain Hall and a party from the Nemesis were returning towards their boats. They were just passing a joss-house, or temple, when something attracted attention lying upon the steps leading to the entrance. On examination 检查, it proved to be a female infant (always females) recently abandoned 放弃, and though extremely cold, still living. The little thing was carried down to the boat by a marine 海洋, who was the orderly. Every attempt was made as soon as it was brought on board to revive 复活 it, but without success.

Infanticide undoubtedly 无疑 does exist in China, but it may be suspected that the statements 声明 of its prevalence 流行 have been exaggerated 夸大, and certainly it is con‧fine 局限 to the lower classes, among whom the means of subsistence 生活 press very heavily 很大,沉重地. The Chinese are generally remarkably fond 喜欢的 of their children. A Chinaman's three great wishes and most cherished 珍视 hopes are—length of days, plenty of male off‧spring 子孙, and literary honours. To be the patriarch of a long line of descendants 后代 is generally the aim of his proudest ambition 抱负.

After a delay of two or three days at Chinhae, the Nemesis was sent over to Chusan at the end of November, whither the admiral, and Sir Henry Pottinger, had already preceded 优于 her. Great changes and improvements 起色 were found to have taken place, even in this short space of time. The shops were now all open, and the streets filled with people, who were pursuing 追求 their ordinary avocations without any appearance of alarm or fear of interruption 中断. In fact, they were settling down very quietly under our rule, much more so than on the former occasion when the town was in our occupation 占用.